A Prayer for Santa Clarita 
We sorrow for the loss of life, the suffering of friends and family, and the pain of the community in the wake of the shooting at  Saugus High School this morning in Santa Clarita. 

Bishop R. Guy Erwin, currently abroad, stated: "I deplore the senseless violence of such acts, which open old fears about our safety. Surely, as a state and nation, we can do better in making it more difficult to obtain the weapons used for such assaults. May God be with the victims and their families."

Pastor Ryan Chaddick (American, Burbank), who is assisting at the planning of  a 7:00 p.m. prayer service tonight at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church at 24901 Orchard Village Road, Santa Clarita, offered the following prayer, edited from ELW Additional Prayers:

Holy One, you do not distance yourself from the pain of your people, but in Jesus you bear that pain with all who suffer at others' hands. With your love bring healing and strength to Saugus High School, parents, students, educators, and our community. Your love never fails - even though in these moments we do doubt - and only you can turn the shadow of trauma into daybreak. Help us to receive your Spirit so that we may defiantly, courageously, and audaciously   stand vigil against violence and hate. May we turn our trust in weapons into faith in Love and You alone. 

 (818) 507-9591 | n[email protected] | Synod Website

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