A letter to ECCT from Bishop Laura J. Ahrens on the announcement she is a candidate for election as  11th Bishop  of  the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware

May 6, 2016

Dear Companions in Christ in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut:

Today the Diocese of Delaware announced their slate of candidates for their 11th Diocesan Bishop. I am humbled and honored that my name appears on that list. The election will be July 15, 2017. (Link to announcement here.)

When the Diocese of Delaware announced that they were searching for a new Bishop Diocesan, I could hear God inviting me to try on this calling. I was born in Wilmington, Delaware and wondered whether God might be calling me to return to the state of my birth as a leader with them in the Jesus Movement.

As I read the profile for the Diocese, I learned that the people in Delaware are passionate about many of the ministries that make my heart sing in Connecticut! Delaware has 34 parishes, all committed to creative, innovative, and life-giving ways of participating in God's mission. Camp Arrowhead, the Diocesan Camp, is a wonderful resource for nurturing young leaders and building communities of support and encouragement. Four episcopal schools, a retreat house, and a strong diaconate are ministries that I love and see as great resources for discipleship and for apostleship in sharing God's reconciling love.

I love serving as the Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. I have been blessed to serve with two outstanding Bishop Diocesans, Drew Smith and Ian Douglas. As I encourage congregations to try on new ideas and listen to God's call to grow and embrace new life, I believe that God has now called me to enter into the discernment process for Delaware.

Perhaps God is calling me to use my gifts of leadership to serve as the next Bishop Diocesan in Delaware. I know that God is calling me to grow and learn new things and new ways of being a leader in God's mission. 

Whatever the outcome, the discernment process has been a spiritual one, and I thank God for the opportunity.  I would be honored if I am called to be the Bishop Diocesan and equally honored if I am called to continue to serve as your Bishop Suffragan. I am blessed to walk with all of you and I look forward to seeing what is next for all of us as we grow and try on new ways of being disciples and apostles in God's mission in the world.

I invite you to join me in praying for the Diocese of Delaware and all of the candidates who have offered themselves to this time of discernment including their families, congregations and dioceses. Your prayers are gift.


Bishop Suffragan


290 Pratt Street ı Box 52 ı Meriden, CT 06450 ı 203-639-3501