Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
December / 2019
As the holiday season approaches, people are starting to draft their budget plans for the upcoming festivities. If your goal is to have fun but also save some money in the process, there are several ways to remain frugal in times when societal pressures and family traditions force you to spend, spend and spend more.

Click below for more information:
In This Issue:

Frugal During The Holidays
Teach Kids About Money
Track Your Monthly Expenses
Tips For Holiday Travel
Clients Speak Out
Company News & Events
The Advantage Challenge
The following tips are fun and exciting ways parents can get their kids in the right mindset when it comes to money management. Just remember that the more fun you make it for kids to learn, the more eager they will.... Read more!
Tracking your expenses daily can really help you save a lot of money. One of the most important things you can do when trying to get your personal finances under control is to figure out WHERE all of your money is going each month. If you start off by tracking your expenses each day, you’ll be able to....  Read more!
Holiday travel doesn’t need to be an expensive nightmare. Early planning is the key, and a good first step is registering for email alerts from airlines and discount travel sites. Other ways to make the most of time and money include, but are not limited....  Read more!
" I was so upset and worried before I called Advantage Credit Counseling. The person I spoke with was very understanding and helpful. I always felt that they were working to give me piece of mind. They were always there to answer any questions or work out any problems. Thank you for everything! Teresa K .
" Easy to work with, and they do as they promise. Hopefully we will not need to use them again, but would be very willing to recommend to others. "  ~ Barbara K .
" I was embarrassed by the bad financial decisions I made. I was always treated with respect and kindness by everyone I encountered at Advantage CCS. "  ~ Catherine W .
Manage your holiday budget
and your debt management program!

  • Make a list and check it twice – Only buy gifts for close family members and limit what you spend.
  • Set a budget and stick to it – Use cash for purchases to make sure you’re staying on track.
  • Take advantage of sales – Comparison shop prices both in the store and online.

MOST IMPORTANT: Don’t skip your DMP payment during the holiday season!
If you need help call us at 1-866-699-2227
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

Advantage CCS challenges YOU to...make a financial resolution for the New Year !

Focus on one good financial habit you would like to put into practice in 2020. It could be following a monthly budget, routinely saving for emergencies, paying down debt, or tracking your expenses. Determine what it is you want to focus on and set a goal to accomplish it.

Let us know what your financial resolution is! Email and tell us all about it! We'd love to hear from you!