WORD for the Week for October 14, 2018
Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
Sabbath Beginnings - Sacred Journey - Traditional Worship
WORD for Sabbath Beginnings 8am
Scripture Text:   1 Peter 3:15 (NRSV)

Worship Leader:  Rev. Dwight Haberman

Holy Communion : Fruitful Living and Offering God’s Love

“The most mysterious element in the decline of mainline churches is our unwillingness to invite others in a gentle, authentic, and natural way. If following Christ involves inviting others to explore the inner life and to discover the riches of God’s grace, why do we feel so ambivalent about this?

Do you relate to any of the attitudes below?

We perceive matters of faith and spirit to be private and personal.

In a live and let live world, we feel uncomfortable with any notion that we may be imposing our value onto others.

We feel that if we pray, prepare and plan to share and invite another person into our faith community it is artificial and contrived.

Invitation reminds us of the negative stereotypes of “evangelical” evangelism.

We find it difficult to offer the invitation in a healthy manner that fits our beliefs and temperament because we don’t have many good examples to learn from.”

Robert Schnase  

WORD for Sacred Journey 8:30am

CORE for LYFE, Week 5 (Fruitful Living and Offering God’s Love)
Reflection: This week, Sacred Journey extends an extra hour (from 8:30-10:30), and invites all worshippers to a time of celebration, reflection, and imagination. Frenchye, Steve and Kent will lead an interactive, participatory Story as they share their learning as a new leadership team and the community shares hopes for the evolution of this important Hennepin worship experience. Everyone will have an opportunity to share hopes and joy at what God is doing in, among, and through the transition of the last several months.  Seeds of Celebration will not be held this week.
Questions for reflection:
What are three things that represent fruitful living to you personally? How do you practice or model them in your daily life as an invitation for others to see you as a spiritual person?

WORD for Traditional Worship 10am
Scripture Text: 1 Peter 3:15 (NRSV) The Message

Preaching:  Rev. Judy Zabel

United Methodist Women and Bible Sunday
Copper Street Brass!
CORE for LYFE: Fruitful Living, Sharing God's Love

Reflection: It is going to be a great Sunday! We celebrate fruitful living in all its forms. God continually creates new opportunities for seeds of faith to take root and send out branches that bear fruit in our lives and in the world.  

Here's a wonderful quote from John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist movement: "Never dream of forcing [other people] into the ways of God. Think yourself, and let think...Even those who are farthest out of the way never compel to come in by any other means than reason, truth, and love."  

When was a time you were aware of God moving toward you in some spiritual way? When was a time you felt God moving you toward another person?

Bring a friend or relative to worship with you.  

For the Children and the Adults in Their Lives: Sunday is Bible Sunday, a special time when our 3-year olds, 3rd Graders, and 8th Graders each receive their new Bible. Reading the Bible can be a wonderful thing. The stories can help us think about our own lives and how we want to show the love of Jesus to other people. If you are receiving a Bible on Sunday, congratulations! If you already have one, what is it like? To everyone, what's your favorite Bible story? Do you know any by memory? See if you can tell your family one by just remembering!


The Bible In Your Hands

You're invited to "dig deeper." Here are a handful of resources:

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church resources:
Worship Bulletins   | online archive of HAUMC worship bulletins
Sermon Recordings  | HAUMC Sacred Journey and Traditional Worship sermon recordings
Devotional Ministry  | HAUMC seasonal daily devotional ministry

Scripture exegesis and commentary resources:
Bible Gateway  | the Bible in hundreds of translations (NRSV, CEB, The Message, etc.)
BibleHub  | parse out the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT)
Enter the Bible  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Luther Seminary
Oxford Biblical Studies  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Oxford
Working Preacher  | read and listen to lectionary commentary from Luther Seminary faculty

Art and Music resources:
Art in the Christian Tradition  | The Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library at Vanderbilt
Hymnary  | a resource for both modern and traditional worship music and hymns
Sing for Joy  | a worship music and hymn resource from St. Olaf College
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis MN, 55403 | 612-871-5303
WORD for the Week offers people an opportunity to prepare their hearts and minds 
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WORD for the Week is a ministry of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.