October 2018

A Safe Place to Be Heard                 
It has been challenging for many people the past few weeks. We experienced continuous coverage of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, and our community has experienced five completed murder/suicides.   This news can be triggering for many people who have experienced violence in their lives. Most people have a reaction to the news and information they see on social media.  As we all know, information is no longer limited to the daily paper and the 6pm news.  We are inundated by a constant stream of headlines and opinions.  It's possible that your co-worker, friend, or family member has some sort of emotional trauma that is rooted in a sexual assault, domestic violence, or the suicide of a loved one.  That same triggering can happen to our staff as they come in contact with people in our community trying to cope with their crisis.   
Debra Harris, our awesome Senior Director of Gateway Services, sent an email out to our staff last week, and it was so powerful that I want to include excerpts of it in my letter to you this month: 
The news is filled to overflowing with stories of desperation, suffering, traumatic experiences and loss. It's enough to dishearten even the most seasoned among us. And, then my thoughts turn to the all the services and supports we provide - connections to HELP...instilling HOPE...starting the process of HEALING for hundreds and thousands of people in our community...I'M ENCOURAGED! 
Please, STAY CONNECTED to our FRONT LINE. CHECK-IN with them REGULARLY. Local events like these coupled with the impact from national news (Dr. Ford's impact and Cosby's imprisonment) are resulting in spikes in calls to national hotlines (Domestic Violence, RAINN & National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)...and, to us via those national lines and direct calls to 2-1-1. Increases in these types of calls often result in an increase in demand for our other essential services - care coordination, advocacy, forensic exams and trauma counseling. The demand for our services continues to increase. Let's be mindful and purposeful to take care of the whole team, so they are ready and able to take care of our callers, clients and the community at large. 
WE ARE the community's GATEWAY to services and support; and, we will be called upon regularly to provide information and expert opinions on these topics...STAY ALERT and READY TO RESPOND! 
Remember, CRISIS NEVER SLEEPS and NEITHER DO WE! 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...WE ARE HERE...answering the calls, responding to requests for services...ensuring NO ONE HAS TO FACE CRISIS ALONE - this is WHAT WE DO! #RockOn 
It's important to check in with your loved ones, have some genuine conversation, and help them connect to the help they need.  And it is important to take care of yourself too!!  Remember, we are here for you and your loved ones, any time, any day. Just call 2-1-1.
