Students Learn Research Methods & Skills for Political Jobs
This fall, Rutgers undergraduate students are learning about political science research methods under  the instruction of  Dr. Ashley Koning , who is both a public opinion scholar and survey researcher. Koning, who teaches Introduction to Political Science Methods, is an assistant research professor and director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling. The course, offered by the Department of Political Science, helps students develop fundamental quantitative reasoning and applied research skills.

"We use real world examples from the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll and from every election cycle to understand how quantitative data affects everyday life and the role that it plays not just in the theoretical world of political science but also in the practical world of politics," said Dr. Koning.

In addition to preparing students for real world jobs in politics, marketing, public relations, and business, the class gives students the skills and experience necessary to pursue research opportunities, succeed in graduate school, and be educated data consumers.

Learn more about courses that are offered by Eagleton faculty and how students can get involved with the Institute.
Protecting Vulnerable Communities
John J. Farmer, Jr. and Ava Majlesi with Paul Miller and his family
Thanks to the generous support of Rutgers alumnus Paul Miller,  the Miller Center for Community Protection & Resilience  (CPR) has opened a newly renovated work space. The new CPR space is equipped with video conferencing capabilities that will enable CPR staff to work with coalitions across the country and around the world to protect vulnerable communities. The Eagleton-affiliated center engages in education and public service focused on protecting vulnerable communities. CPR directly assists vulnerable communities through protection and leadership training, education, scholarship, and strategic partnerships. 
CPR developed and implemented training in Brussels, Belgium in the wake of the subway and airport attacks in that city, and also facilitated crisis management workshops in Whitefish, Montana in the wake of threats from neo-Nazi websites and spokespeople. Additionally, CPR worked with Swedish national police in Stockholm to address  crime in vulnerable communities . This past spring, CPR partnered with the International March of the Living to create a Dean's Program to educate deans of graduate and law schools on Holocaust and genocide prevention.
Learn more  about the Miller Center and its work.
Application Deadline This Friday, October 25th
The Eagleton Undergraduate Associates Program application deadline is this Friday, October 25th at 5 PM. Don't forget to submit your application by 4:59 PM Friday evening and to ask your professors and internship supervisors to email their letters of recommendation to:  [email protected].
Apply by October 25th at 5pm
Mark Your Calendars!
The Morning After Panelists Announced
Come to  Eagleton for a post-election panel analyzing the results of and implications of this year's New Jersey election.

Wednesday, November 6th
9:00 AM Coffee; 9:30 AM Panel

Panelists Include:
Bernard F. Kenny, Jr. - Former NJ State Senator (D-33)
Diane Allen - Former NJ State Senator (R-07)
Michael Hill - Correspondent,  NJTV
Colleen O'Dea - Reporter/Editor at Large,  NJ Spotlight

John Weingart - Associate Director, Eagleton Institute of Politics

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#BlackWomenLead Congress: The Difference They Make and the Road They Took to Get There
The Albert W. Lewitt Endowed Lecture
Kimberly Peeler-Allen has been working at the intersection of race, gender and politics for almost 20 years. A visiting practitioner at Eagleton's Center for American Women and Politics, Peeler-Allen is a co-founder of Higher Heights, a national organization dedicated to building the political power and leadership of Black women from the voting booth to elected office.

Peeler-Allen is now drawing on her life experience as an organizer and operative to write her first book,  Activist Momma , a celebration of this intersection and the gifts that mothers bring to movement work. It profiles the lives of a group of Black women who are leading some of the most impactful movements at the local and national level.

Thursday, November 7th at 7 PM

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Book Launch: A Mayor for All the People
Join editors Robert C. Holmes and Richard W. Roper for the launch of their book, A Mayor for All the People: Kenneth Gibson's Newark.

Gibson was elected as Newark, New Jersey's first African-American mayor, a position he held for an impressive sixteen years. This book, published by Rutgers University Press, offers a balanced assessment of Gibson's leadership and his legacy, from the perspectives of the people most deeply immersed in 1970s and 1980s Newark politics.

Thursday, November 14th at 5:45 PM

Book signing and reception to follow

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