TAP Ministries, Inc
September 2019
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily , whether those things were so.

Our goal at TAP is to ship the resources necessary to help churches reach people with the Gospel and to allow followers of Jesus Christ to search and study the Scriptures just as the church in Berea. Thank you for being a part of our mission!
'Thanks' from the field
We have received quite a few thank-you's from the field over the last couple of months. We'll share a couple photos with you here. On some of these we have shielded their identity because they are in closed door countries.
The Philippines
Prayer Requests
For more supporters. We need more churches and individuals to partner with us in financial support in order to ship the material. In short - we have many requesting material, we have the material at our facility, we just need the finances to send it.
Sunday School Material
When TAP originated in the mid 1980's, the Turner's began by collecting and shipping outdated Sunday school material and CEF material for teaching children on the mission field. Over the years the focus has shifted to more and more Bible study books. Within the past 12 months TAP has made contact with a number of missionaries and national pastors who are desperate for Sunday school material once again. We are excited about this opportunity. We have recently partnered with Bible Visuals out of Akron, PA to ship some of their outdated materials to those who are in need.
Online Donations
We have set up online donations. This is available through the online version of this Newsletter and through our website. We are using PayPal to process all donations. Thank you to those of you that have begun to use this avenue of donations.
Monthly Statistics

During the month of September we were able to ship out over 60 pounds (2 cartons) to the Prison Library ministry of CLI. We sent out 30 pound cartons to Trinidad, the Philippines and to the South India Baptist Bible College and Seminary. We were also able to ship out 2 USPS Priority Mail 20 pound boxes to students of the Nabunturan Bible College in the Philippines. That's a total of 210 pounds of materials shipped this month. Tom and Patty Whaley were able to purchase a number of great books at another book sale.
TAP Ministries Inc