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Tonight I've been asked to speak at a donor's dinner in Columbia, SC.  Apparently one of my very own Hot Finds readers put my name in the hat for this opportunity.  I was happy to accept the offer because I was asked to talk about my unique niche as a Scouting memorabilia guy and my passion for summer camp.  I think I can cover those in 15-20 minutes no problem!
Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay
At last night's den meeting we had a CMP Sergeant come talk with the Webelos about the role of first responders and how the 911 system works.  Have you ever seen the questions a bunch of 10 year old boys can ask a police officer?  Luckily none of them asked to see his taser or service firearm.  Mine is the one wearing the blue Crocs -  his signature style at the moment.  

Order of the Arrow Top Selling Auctions
I have a perfectly good reason for missing the Sunday issue of the Hot Finds.  My daughter's troop was backpacking along the Foothills Trail across the mountains that border NC/SC.  This picture is taken at the highest spot in SC with the Tarheel state in the background.  From Sassafras Mtn. we hiked about 10 miles to Table Rock over two days.  This was their first true backpacking trip and everyone made it home albeit much later than any of us anticipated.  
Camp Neckerchiefs Up For Auction Right Now

Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
I have a Scouting activity, dinner, or meeting every night this week until Friday.  That will make 8 days straight of some Scouting event on the calendar.  I think I need to make Friday night be a date night for my poor wife!
Patchblanket eBay Store Santeeswapper
Tonight I have over 100 OA flaps ending at auction. I also am selling off a bunch of camp neckerchiefs on my eBay account.  This week I've been trying to push some items straight into the store including putting over 800 OA flaps on my OApatch eBay store.

I am taking some Scouting memorabilia props to tonight's dinner.  What is the point of having all this cool old stuff if you never share and let others enjoy it!
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Jason Spangler
Hot Finds Newsletter

In Charlotte, North Carolina I have an antique mall booth that is filled with nothing but Scouting stuff.  I call this location my clearance center because I've marked down everything to move.  A lot of what you will find there are items that are too bulky to easily ship from an Internet store.  The booth is located in The Sleepy Poet which is a well established antique mall on South Blvd in Charlotte.  The mall is open 7-days/week year round.  So the next time you are in the area come check it out.