September 12, 2018
Guest Preacher, Grady Moseley
This Sunday, September 16th, we welcome Rev. Grady Moseley to the pulpit. Grady has served churches in North Carolina and West Virginia and has most recently served as Interim Pastor for Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church.  
Calling all Shepherds!
Are you looking for a way to help support the wonderful programs for our children and youth here at FPC? Help us as we learn! Sign up  here  to help support the great work of our Sunday School teachers and be a shepherd in our Elementary and Middle School Sunday School classrooms. By serving as a Shepherd, you are helping our teachers by being another adult in the room, to make sure that we have a safe classroom, and to fulfill the requirements of our Child and Youth Protection Policy. If you have questions about what it means to be a Shepherd, please reach out to one of the members of the Christian Education Committee or Rachel Vogado.
First Communion "Lunch and Learn"
When should my child participate in communion? How do I talk to my child about the Lord's Supper? If you have been asking these questions, you are invited join us for a First Communion "Lunch and Learn." Elementary aged students and their parents are invited to participate in an afternoon of learning about communion on Sunday, September 23rd, from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Please RSVP by September 20th. Lunch will be provided! If your child is older and has not had the opportunity to take this class, please contact Rachel if you are interested in the class.
Tuesday Lunch Bunch
Come have lunch on September 18th and hear about Linda Barnett's passion for terrariums. We will also be building our own terrariums! Remember to make your lunch reservations by noon Monday, September 17th.
Wednesday Night Fellowship
On Wednesday, September 19th, please join us for a delicious meal and our intergenerational series on Faith Practices. This week, we will hear from Brian McLaren about Prayer and engage prayer in new ways that are meaningful and life giving. Please sign up online or in the church office by noon Monday, September 17th. Menu: chicken pot pie, orzo, vegetable, fruit, salad, dessert.
Prayer Room Update
Our new Prayer Room is coming along nicely. We hope it will be completed by the end of September or early October. We ask that everyone continue to respect our request to stay out of the room until it is completed, but we are grateful for your interest and enthusiasm!!! 
Dedication Sunday, October 21st
Save the date for a Sunday morning celebration to rededicate our sanctuary as well as celebrate all of the new things God is doing in our midst! In addition to special music and elements of worship, we will have a church picnic on the grounds immediately following worship. Look for more details coming soon!
Sign-up Links
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.

Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowers,  please click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
Wednesday Night Fellowship
September 12th
6:00 p.m., Davis Hall
Youth Newsletter
Sign up here to receive the Youth Newsletter to receive detailed information
about all events related to youth who are in 6th-12 grade.
Sunday, September 16th
Mark 4:35-41
"Peace...and there was calm"
Rev. Grady Mosley, preaching
Red Cross Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive
Monday, September 17th in Davis Hall from 2:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
To schedule an appointment, visit and enter: Cabarrus VIP
S unday, September 16
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship (Baptism)
3:00 p.m. Children's Choir (K-5th grade)
4:00 p.m. Youth Choir
5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth Fellowship
6:00 p.m. All Youth Supper
6:30 p.m. High School Youth Fellowship
Monday, September 17
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
11:30 a.m. AA
2:30 p.m. Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, September 18
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
11:45 a.m. Lunch Bunch
7:00 p.m. PW CT Meeting
Wednesday, September 19
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
6:00 p.m. Fellowship Dinner
6:30 p.m. Program
7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Thursday, September 20
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
5:00 p.m. Girl Scouts 334 - Cadette, Senior, Ambassador
5:00 p.m. Girl Scouts - Daisy 3631, Brownie 323, Junior 3142
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 3
Friday, September 21
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
Sunday, September 23
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship
12:30 p.m. First Communion Lunch and Learn
3:00 p.m. Children' Choir (K-5th grade)
4:00 p.m. Youth Choir
5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth Fellowship
6:00 p.m. All Youth Supper
6:30 p.m. High School Youth Fellowship
Church Report
Sep 12 - Steve Bradley, Cate Davis, Harmon Gibson, Pat Hoover, Cannon Leatherman, Marc Niblock, Carolyn Ruth
Sep 13 - Brian Bixler, David Bryant, Meredith Hoover, Mark Reiff
Sep 14 - Dale Carpenter, Elissa Farmer, Gay Holding, Laura Martin
Sep 15 - Colson Bishop, Anita Brown, Hampton Dickens
Sep 16 - Fred Brooks, Paul Campbell, Jessica Haynes, Willis Nesbit
Sep 18 - Thomas Rauso
Associate Pastor 
for Care and Mission

Associate Pastor
for Christian Formation

Director of Music and Organist
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Church Hostess

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Friday
Memorial Garden:
(704) 786-8009
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours: 
Tuesday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Closed Monday