
Dan Freemyer, pastor of missional engagement at congregational partner Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, caught something during a recent trip to the Republic of Georgia. Learn more below in Around the Alliance.
Justice & Advocacy

Be strong advocates for voting rights

by Carol Blythe

Listen to William Barber II talk on voting rights at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church.
The Alliance of Baptists has adopted many  statements 
over the years that reflect its commitment to living out its  covenant and mission statement . In our statements we lift our voices to address important issues before our national community 
-- issues like gun violence, climate change, just and comprehensive immigration reform, mass incarceration, adequate funding for schools, access to health care, economic justice, a living wage and many more. 
But too often our political leadership has not responded to our calls for justice. Voting is one of the best ways to lift our voices and make our voices heard! If political leaders are not listening to our calls for justice, we can change our representatives by voting.  Keep reading...

Know your laws
With the rise of restrictive voting legislation, people may not vote because they aren't sure what identification they will need at the polls, or they feel it will be too much of a hassle. Learn the requirements in your state for registering, voting, early voting and more via the Election Protection website. 

Around the Alliance

God's Spirit of Reformation is infectious
by Dan Freemyer

I caught something during my recent trip overseas. My traveling companions and I were all exposed, and doctors are powerless against our infections. Since our return home, our families, friends and churches are also in danger. Our travel guides knew about the risks but failed to warn us. Now, because of their careless negligence, we are forever burdened with the consequences.
It seemed harmless at the start. Paula Clayton Dempsey sent an email to individuals and churches that she thought might be interested in visiting one of the Alliance of Baptists' mutual partners. A few of us responded, and some weeks later I was on a plane bound for Georgia--not the home of Coca-Cola and peaches, but rather the Georgia at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe in the former Soviet
Paula knew of our danger then but didn't say anything. My flight from Dallas-Fort Worth was delayed long enough that I missed my connecting flight and found myself with an unexpected day and night in Chicago. 


Light that helps illuminate the paths

by Paulo César Pereira 

Sisters and brothers of the Alliance of Baptists, we live in a time of injustice and great uncertainty here in Brazil. It is a difficult and complex time, and we can only discern the best paths to follow with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

The Brazilian church is  going through a period of great change. We perceive a numerical growth of neo-Pentecostal denominations that make use of the devices of the "Theology of Prosperity." There are pastors who are specialists in digital and television media, and thus reach a large number of people.
However, we also observe that even with the constant increase in the number of evangelicals, social injustices and poverty continue to grow every day on a bigger scale. There also are a growing number of fundamentalist Christians that only engage in debates on the issues they call moral and always take positions that do not consider the rights of minorities.  Keep reading...

JUSTSEX Conference

Bromleigh McCleneghan  will lead three Bible studies and preach for closing worship at the JUST SEX conference , Oct. 18-20 at t he  Scarritt Bennett Center  in Nashville, Tenn. You don't want to miss her and others  in this justice-focused event exploring ways to work together to bring sex to light.  Register now!


It's happening once again -- a retreat designed to attend to the rest and renewal of clergy. CAIRN Retreat 2019 is set for February 24-27 at the  Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond, Va. Mark your calendar and  stay tuned here for registration and other information.

Hunger News & Hope

View this new issue of  Hunger News & Hope from Alliance partner Seeds of Hope Publishers. This issue includes:

*The special report: "Water Issues at Home and Abroad"
* A first-person account of the ongoing Flint, Mich., water crisis
* Ten Things You Can Do to Conserve Water
* A report on the Nestlé Water controversy
* A story about a congregation that leaves jugs of water in the Arizona desert for migrants
Learn more here.

Calling All Sermons! 

The Alliance is now sharing submitted  sermons and other preaching/proclamation reflections . Simply email original materials to for posting on the Alliance website. Manuscripts and video links are accepted.


Aug. 26 - Jason Smith preaches at Church for the Highlands, Shreveport, La.

Sept. 2 - Paula Clayton Dempsey will preach at congregational partner  Providence Baptist Church, Hendersonville, N.C.

Sept. 23 - Paula Clayton Dempsey will preach at Lake Shore Avenue Baptist Church, Waco, Texas

Sept. 24-25 - Paula Clayton Dempsey will attend the "Nevertheless She Preached" conference, Waco, Texas

The Alliance of Baptists is a vibrant movement of people, faith communities and ministry partners who are deeply passionate about ecumenism, partnership in mission, relentless hospitality and social justice.

Leadership Team
Carole Collins, director of operations & finance
Paula Clayton Dempsey, director of partnership relations

Cathy McGaughey, operations specialist
Ken Meyers, faith formation specialist
Kristy Pullen, website specialist
Toya Richards, communications specialist
Jason Smith, congregational engagement specialist