10/7/2019 - Seminar
CHHE and Biological Sciences Co-sponsored
Isaac K. Sundar, University of Rochester, "
Circadian Clock Disruption in the Lung by Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Allergen: Implications for Chronic Airway Disease”
1:30 pm Toxicology Auditorium
10/21/2019 Seminar
CHHE and Biological Sciences Co-sponsored
Jessica H. Hartman, Duke University:
“Toward Precision Toxicology: Mechanisms Underlying Metabolic Effects on Chemical Toxicity”
1:30 pm Toxicology Auditorium
Visiting Pulmonary Scholar Seminar
Dr. Stephanie Shore,
Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health: “Obesity, Asthma, and the Gut Microbiome”. Dr. Shore’s talk will be followed by our featured local speaker,
Dr. Collette Miller,
US Environmental Protection Agency: “Acute Exposures, Lifelong Consequences: Metabolic Effects of Early-Life Ozone Exposure”.
4:30 pm in the William & Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education, Redbud AB Conference Room.
The Environmental Epigenetics and Genetics Research Interest Group will host
Dr. Terry Magnuson,
UNC Chapel Hill, pioneer in the field of epigenetics and germ cell reprogramming. Dr. Magnuson will meet with faculty and present a seminar.
3:30 pm Toxicology Auditorium
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Hunt Library Auditorium
10/28/2019 Seminar
CHHE and Biological Sciences Co-sponsored
Shobhan Gaddameedhi, Washington State University:
“Circadian Clock Integrates with Genomic Stability and Environmental Health: From Molecular Mechanisms to Translational Efforts”
1:30 pm Toxicology Auditorium
Bethany Cutts
, Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, NC State, Full membership
Jody Gookin
, Dept. of Clinical Sciences, NC State, Full membership
Sophia Kathariou
, Dept. of Food Science & Microbiology, NC State, Associate membership
Shuang Fang Lim,
Dept. of Physics, NC State, Full membership
Beth Lucas,
Dept. of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, NC State, Full membership
Robert Wardle,
Dept. of Physiology, ECU,
Associate membership
Yi-Hui Zhou,
Dept. of Biological Sciences, NC State, Full membership
The Fourth Annual CHHE
Symposium "Interactions Between
the Brian and the Environment"
February 20, 2020
9:00 - 6:00
Talley Student Union
NC State University
Raleigh, NC
Update Your Information
We are updating the CHHE website! We want to be sure that we have the current information about you up there. Please go the
website and check your information. Send any updates (including photos) to
Jackie Broughton. Also check to make sure you are in the Research Interest Group that you want to be in (you can be in more than one). We reorganized the RIGs when we submitted the renewal grant.
NC TraCS. Did you know that NC State faculty can utilize the resources of
NC TraCS at UNC? They offer small grants for clinical research, access to training about data collection and clinical research, resources such as RedCap for data management, and career development training.
They are hosting a training program for NIH R grants on
Oct 21 and 28. More information
here. You can also sign up for the
NC TraCS newsletter to learn about new opportunities.
Congratulations to Zach DeVries for being one of 13 award winners to receive the extremely competitive and prestigious NIH DP5 award! This is a first for NC State! 9/16/2019 to 8/31/2024
$1,871,000 total cost
Congratulations to
Cathrine Hoyo, David Skaar and
Randy Jirtle for their NIH NGA R01 award entitled "
Characterizing the Human Imprint Regulatory Regions Associated with Childhood Obesity" 9/6/2019 to 6/30/2024
$3,043,000 total cost.
Rob Smart
participated as a member of the site visit review team to review the Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics at the NCI. Thanks Rob!
Thanks to
Chris Frey
for keeping the EPA Clean Air Standard panel going!
More here...
Zachary C. DeVries, Ph.D.
Interest Groups News
Environmental Epigenetics Interest Group
The Environmental Epigenetics & Genetics RIG will host Dr. Terry Magnuson on October 25. Dr. Magnuson is the Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Genetics, and the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. He is an expert in a wide range of topics in epigenetics, including germ cell development, chromatin remodeling, and X inactivation. Dr. Magnuson's seminar will be held in the Toxicology Auditorium at
on Friday, October 25
Behavior and Neuroscience Interest Group
This group will be doing a
poster and talk practice for all trainees and faculty on
October 16th
for the upcoming Society for Neuroscience meeting.
10:00 am in the Toxicology Building Atrium.
Pulmonary Interest Group
The Pulmonary Interest Group will work to establish collaborations between basic and translational scientists and clinicians that are interested in understanding mechanisms behind environmental exposures and lung diseases. This group will hold meetings at both NCSU and ECU to facilitate exchange of ideas and expertise that will result in interdisciplinary groups that can apply for external funding opportunities.
Emerging Contaminants Interest Group
Are you studying PFAS, BMAA, green space, nanoparticles, other emerging topics of interest? If so, think about joining the Emerging Contaminants Research Interest Group.
Jane Hoppin
sent out a survey to help identify how we want to organize this group. If you didn't get the invite, or lost the link, here it is again:
. We will find a time to meet in early Nov. to get ourselves organized.
We held another successful Beer Reviewed Science on September 24. Ilona Jaspers from UNC and Zack Moore, the state epidemiologist, spoke about vaping. We had about 25 people attend.
All investigators but particularly Early Stage Investigators are encouraged to work with the
Career Development Core
in development of their grants. Talk to
Nanette Nascone-Yoder
to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.
Remember to cite our
CHHE grant
in publications if CHHE has provided you services, facility core use, seed/pilot project funds etc. NIH tracks this as an important CHHE metric.
CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants
is available on the CHHE
Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS.
to check them out!