Volume V10 | October 2019
Including Annual Meeting updates
Laboratory Diagnosticians' News Matters
Special Preconvention Issue
AAVLD President’s Message
 Vince Lombardi is credited with saying that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Since the inception of the NAHLN in 2002, strengthening the network has been a priority initiative for the AAVLD. Although we have not reached our goal of ensuring mandatory funding for the NAHLN yet, we have been effective in communicating the value of the network to key stakeholders and garnering significant support for the NAHLN.
As I write this message, AAVLD is working closely with USDA leadership and laboratory directors to identify strategies that help ensure the enhancement of all NAHLN laboratories through funding available in the 2018 Farm Bill. On behalf of AAVLD, I want to express my gratitude to USDA leadership for being available and actively engaged in our discussions.
I also want to encourage all our members to help us promote the upcoming Annual Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. A special thanks to Dr. Tewari, who has worked closely with Dr. Zeman, Ms. Taylor and our USAHA partners to develop a program with widespread appeal. The strength of AAVLD lies in our membership, and the Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity for member networking.
I look forward to seeing everyone in Providence!
Annual Meeting Promises Excitement, Timely Information and Comradery
Dear AAVLD colleagues and friends:

It has been a privilege to chair the Program committee and plan for this year’s scientific and plenary sessions and the Keynote address for the Joint AAVLD and USAHA session. It is nice to see the culmination of hard work of so many people in seeing the Program book and the meeting schedule getting finalized this past week. All the sessions from Bacteriology, Pathology, Toxicology, Epidemiology, and Virology to Molecular diagnostics look very exciting. Seeing the content, I am confident, just like every year, that many of us will be running from one session to the other to catch important discoveries and observations being reported at this year’s meeting. Please join us at the plenary session, where you will hear from the experts about advances in diagnostics and how it’s impacting One Health. The session is going to be very exciting and I recommend you start your day early to not miss any of the speakers, who are very accomplished in areas of their expertise. On Sunday, the Keynote speaker this year will address the joint AAVLD and USAHA meeting on the African Swine Fever. This keynote will be a treat, hearing the FAO world veterinary expert talk about the current disease threat. This talk is bound to generate some great discussion while we prepare to respond to this disease. Our main strength in the organization lies in the volunteer work and the committees. Please sign up with your favorite committees and enjoy the comradery, be part of continuous improvement, discoveries and building lasting friendships while working. Many of our members are showing up early to attend the symposia and workshops and this has been an exciting trend resulting in sessions reaching capacity fast, showing us the need for more or bigger CE events. We are exploring how we can cover this need using other mechanisms. We will need your feedback particularly if you were not able to sign up for a symposium this year due to lack of available spots. Lastly, this meeting is also a celebration and recognition of hard work our members put in year round to improve animal health, so come join us at the receptions and be part of the celebration. It’s a great time to renew friendships; network and forge new work relationships. Hope to see you all in Providence RI. Please don’t forget to take a picture and load on the website. 
Safe travels!!!

Deepanker Tewari BVSc, PhD, DACVM
Program Chair and President Elect
Join us October 25, 2019 6:00 pm, Exhibit Hall
2019 AAVLD Plenary Speakers
2018 Awards acknowledgments & 2019 Trainee Travel Awards
The 2019 Annual Meeting App from USAHA and AAVLD is now available for registrants of the meeting. The 2019 version of the App is a great resource for information and is accessible from your smart phone, tablet or desktop. Once registered, you can find schedule information, other attendees, announcements and more through the app!
Meeting registration is required to access the app. Once registered, your access will be tied to your email address. Access may not be immediate – we appreciate your patience, and should be completed within a few days of your registration.
You can download the app using these links:
Or search AAVLD USAHA in your app store.
We look forward to seeing you in Providence! Don’t miss out, October 24-31. Register Today! Pre-registration has closed October 4, 2019 **Onsite registration available**
Providence, RI
Here we Come!
AAVLD Annual Meeting - Providence Rhode Island, October 24 – 30, 2019 Providence Rhode Island.

Great Food

Need a night out on the town?
Thank You to our Exhibitors and Sponsors of the 62 nd Annual Meeting! 
The generous contributions and participation by our Exhibitors and Sponsors is a huge part of our conference success year after year. On behalf of the AAVLD, we would like to thank these companies for their commitment to our organization and helping us to achieve our mission. Be sure to stop by our Tabling Session on Friday October 25 th in the Rotunda Foyer and our Exhibit Hall in Ballroom A on October 26 th -27 th at the Rhode Island Convention Center. You will get the opportunity to visit with over 35 different companies and see the latest and greatest in products and services as they pertain to our industry. Tasty refreshments can also be found in the Exhibit Hall so be sure to grab a cup of coffee and thank these companies for their continued support as we could not produce this meeting without them! 
American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

© 2015, American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians

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Pathogens, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.

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Enhancing the health and well-being of pets, people, and livestock.

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Construction Company in Kansas City | McCownGordon...

McCownGordon is a Construction Company in Kansas City, we aim to be thought leaders in our industry providing innovative ideas & solutions for our customers

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Veterinary Medical Research - Animal Testing - VMRD

VMRD is the premier veterinary medical research center and service. We offer state of the art testing products products for various animal and livestock. Learn More!

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The Clark Enersen Partners SCIENCE

Yesterday The Clark Enersen Partners broke ground with our Colorado State University partners for the Johnson Family Equine Hospital. This 85,000 SF complex will open in 2021 as one of the top equine-focused facilities in the nation. The buildin...

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INDICAL is a leader in molecular diagnostics for vet-specific applications. We provide solutions for diagnostic workflows, the protocols for their use, and the support that empowers our customers every day.

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Thermo Fisher Scientific - US

Thermo Fisher Scientific is dedicated to improving the human condition through systems, consumables, and services for researchers.

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Tetracore: Providing advanced solutions for your...

Tetracore is a biotechnology R&D and product company whose mission is to create and develop highly innovative diagnostic reagents and assays for infectious diseases and bio-terrorism threat agents such as anthrax (b. anthracis), ricin, SEB. We...

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Important Agenda Items for AAVLD
AAVLD and USAHA appoint Joint Task Force to Evaluate the
Annual Meeting Format
President Bailey (AAVLD) and President Haase (USAHA) have appointed a joint organizational task force to evaluate the structure and format of the annual meeting. Representing the AAVLD are Amy Swinford, Robert Gibson, Jamie Henningson and David Zeman; representing USAHA are Barbara Determan, Jan Hennebelle, Stephen Crawford and Ben Richey. The current format has been in use for approximately the past 20 years. The charge of the task force is to assess the current format for effectiveness and efficiency and make recommendations for the future. Determan and Zeman are cochairs of the taskforce. A report to both executive boards are due by February 2020.

AAVLD and ACVP Exploring Joint Meeting for 2023

The AAVLD Executive Board has authorized discussions with the ACVP for a possible one-time joint meeting with the ACVP for 2023. The ACVP approached AAVLD leaders with the idea. Talks are in the preliminary stages only. The collaboration could produce some unique excitement that year. There are no plans to interfere with the long and ongoing partnership with USAHA. Once preliminary ideas are firmed up, USAHA and our meeting planner will be providing counsel. If any AAVLD members have input, they may contact Dr. Zeman at .

Worth Quoting
Meetings should be great - they're opportunities for a group of people sitting together around a table to directly communicate. That should be a good thing. And it is, but only if treated as a rare delicacy.
Jason Fried
Source: BrainyQuote
AAVLD Job Board
AAVLD offers its members a low cost web-based career center that connects job seekers with prospective employers in the veterinary diagnostic laboratory industry. The job board, powered by career services leader JobTarget, provides access to AAVLD members and non-members alike. The cost is $75 for a 90-day posting.
Take advantage of the terrific AAVLD resources offered to our members.
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...

The American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians offers the top jobs available in Veterinary diagnostic labs. Search and apply to open positions or post jobs on the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians now.

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Contact Reda ( )
Next Year's Membership renewals due by November 15!
AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in the disciplines and activities of veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Membership terms are by calendar year (January-December) and membership dues are payable by November 15th of the preceding year (to ensure inclusion in the annual membership directory, eligibility for committee involvement, and receipt of all six issues of the JVDI). Note: In order to receive a discounted rate for the Annual Meeting registration, you are required to be a current AAVLD Member. Renew your membership today!
Make a difference
Committee work is the foundation of AAVLD's ability to fulfill its mission. If you are interested in joining a committee and contributing to its efforts, please email the appropriate committee chair.
JVDI In Focus
The goal of JVDI in Focus is to bring attention to an interesting article appearing in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation . This month’s focus is on an article in the upcoming November issue: “Feline progressive histiocytosis: a retrospective investigation of 26 cases and preliminary study of Ki67 as a prognostic marker” by Margaux Coste, Daniela Prata, Vittoria Castiglioni, Lucia Minoli, Claire-Lise Etienne-Raffestin, Lilia Boulouha, Stéphanie Moreau, and Marie Lagadic.
J Vet Diagn Invest 2019;31(6)

Abstract. Feline progressive histiocytosis (FPH) is an uncommon and infrequently reported cutaneous histiocytic proliferative disorder, whose clinical presentation is solitary or multiple cutaneous nodules and papules, with late-course internal metastasis. We describe herein the clinical, epidemiologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical features of this entity, and document the outcome of FPH based on a retrospective study of 26 cases. Female and male cats were affected equally. Lesions were evident either as solitary (16 of 26 cases) or multiple (10 of 26 cases) nonpruritic and alopecic nodules or plaques, preferentially located on the legs and extremities (73%). Follow-up was complete for 19 cats, and ranged from 41 to 1,449 d. Nine died of FPH with a median overall survival of 96 d (range: 41–238 d). Fourteen cats had a recurrence of the disease after surgical excision of the nodules, and the median disease-free survival was 175 d (range: 21–1,449 d). Five of the 26 cats were alive at the end of the study, and 4 had no progression of the disease. Histologically, lesions were characterized by poorly circumscribed, unencapsulated histiocytic infiltration of dermis and subcutis. Epitheliotropism was observed in 11 (42%) cats. Atypical histiocytes diffusely and consistently expressed MHC II, CD18, and Iba1. Statistically significant higher E-cadherin expression was observed in epitheliotropic cases compared to non-epitheliotropic cases. A negative correlation between overall survival and proliferation index was evident, thus suggesting Ki67 as a promising prognostic marker.
Corresponding author: Margaux Coste, Département d’Embryologie et d’Histopathologie, Université Paris-Est, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, 7 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94700 Maisons-Alfort, France.
AAVLD Members in the News
Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Names Assistant Director
Saint Paul, MN (August 1, 2019) – The University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
(MVDL) has named one of its diagnosticians assistant director. Albert Rovira, DVM, MS, PhD ,
assumed the post in July. He has been a large animal diagnostician with the MVDL since 2008.
In his new role, Rovira will lead efforts to build stakeholder relationships and improve internal
“Dr. Rovira has demonstrated strong leadership in developing and nurturing key relationships
between the MVDL and other public and private organizations,” says Jerry Torrison, DVM, PhD,
DACVPM , director of the MVDL. “He also has played a central role in our continuous efforts to
improve the efficiency and quality of our operations.”
Rovira has a proven track record in building successful collaborations between the MVDL and
multiple partners, including research teams at the University’s College of Veterinary Medicine,
to public organizations such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Minnesota Board of
Animal Health, and pharmaceutical companies. He has also been a leader in evaluating and
advising clients on new diagnostic sampling techniques.
“The field of veterinary diagnostics is dynamic,” Rovira says, “and this ongoing change makes it
fun to come to work each day to safeguard animal health from the constant threat of infectious
A native of Barcelona, Spain, Rovira earned his DVM and master’s from the Universitat
Autonoma de Barcelona, and his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2007. Since 2000, he
has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles and served as the lead- or co-investigator on
more than 35 research projects. As a large animal diagnostician, Rovira consults with clients on
a daily basis to equip them with the best diagnostic tools available, elucidate test results, and
implement effective disease-fighting strategies.
The MVDL is the official laboratory of the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, is the only
accredited laboratory in Minnesota, and is a Level I member of the United States Department of
Agriculture National Animal Health Laboratory Network. It is a recognized national leader in
providing rapid diagnosis of animal diseases, identifying emerging diseases, developing new
diagnostic methods, and training diagnosticians and veterinarians.
With laboratories in St. Paul and Willmar, the MVDL performs more than 1 million procedures
each year. The MVDL is poised to roll out new virus detection capabilities, and assist in
developing new field-based diagnostic tests for Chronic Wasting Disease, the prion-based
infectious disease emerging within Minnesota’s wild deer population.
For more about the MVDL, visit the organization’s website or call 612-625-8787.


Albert Rovira, , assistant director of the MVDL, 612-625-7702
Martin Moen, , director of advancement, 612-624-2268

Northwest Region News Notes
1.        The Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is implementing a new LIMS system, Coreone by tracefirst.

2.        The Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory has a new Branch Chief for the WADDL- Avian Health and Food Safety Laboratory, Dr. Laura Chen who joined our faculty on September 1st. Below is a brief write up.
The Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (WADDL) is pleased to announce that Dr. Laura Chen has started as the new WADDL-Puyallup Branch Chief for the Avian Health Food Safety Laboratory (AHFSL) on September 1 st . Dr. Chen is board certified by the American College of Poultry Veterinarians and the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, and has a Masters of Science degree from North Carolina State University in Avian Medicine and Poultry Pathology. Dr. Chen received her Bachelors of Science degree in animal science from Rutgers University and a DVM degree from North Carolina State University.   
Dr. Chen brings the expertise to manage and provide the high quality, client focused service to the poultry industry, backyard flocks/ aviaries, food safety industry, as well as the ability to work effectively with regional state and federal poultry regulatory programs which is expected from WADDL-Puyallup AHFSL.  Her experience working as a Veterinary Medical Officer for USDA-APHIS highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) emergency response incident command system, as well as hands-on training in foreign animal diseases investigation serves our region well at the entry point of the Pacific flyway to the USA. 
In Remembrance
Dr. John Cole, Jr.
Hi Colleagues,
It is with sadness that I share with you the passing of Dr. John Cole, Jr. Dr. Cole was an honorary diplomate of ACVM (1999). He worked for many years at the UGA Tifton lab and would still visit the lab from time to time after his retirement. He sent me a handwritten note to welcome me when I joined the lab there in Tifton, and that was a very special thing to me. He was a true Southern gentleman.
Dr. Cole was born in Albany, Georgia in 1938. He attended the University of Georgia where he received his BS, MS, and PhD (Triple Dawg) degrees in Medical Microbiology in 1966. Upon graduation from UGA, he worked for 32 years as a veterinary microbiologist for the University of Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine retiring in 1998 as Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology. Dr. Cole was active in many medical and scientific organizations, publishing books and scientific journals. During his career he received numerous awards including the Walter Barnard Hill award for University Public Service, UGA, 1993. Dr. Cole was always active in the laboratory and enjoyed assisting veterinarians around the state in diagnosing and treating actively infectious diseases for livestock and other animals.
Becky Wilkes
AAVLD & News worthy Events
Upcoming Events

  • AAVLD Annual Meeting - Providence Rhode Island, October 24 – 28 2019 Providence Rhode Island.

  • CRWAD Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases Nov 2-5, 2019, Chicago, IL

Register Now for CRWAD 2019!

NEW! Click HERE to see the list of first submission abstracts.*Submission deadline for late-breaking oral abstracts: September 1, 2019. *Submission deadline for late-breaking poster abstracts: October 1, 2019.**Click HERE for more information...

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AAVLD Foundation Committee

John Adaska - Chair
Donal O'Toole
Tim Baszler
David Zeman
Christie Mayo
Kristy Pabilonia
Beate Crossley
François Elvinger
Pat Halbur
Brett Webb
Jamie Henningson
Kerry Sondgeroth
Foundation Donation
The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that raises funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory disciplines through scholarship programs, student travel support to our scientific meeting, guest lectures, seminars, professional awards and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible 501(c)(3), and can be paid when you renew your AAVLD membership. Thank you for remembering your AAVLD Foundation!

The Foundation Committee greatly looks forward to seeing ALL OF YOU at the AAVLD Foundation Auction Friday October 25th at 6 pm Exhibit Hall A!!