holy Comforter
Church of the Holy Comforter | August 31 , 2018
Valerie Hayes
The Rev. Valerie Hayes
Dear Holy Comforter Family,

It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that Valerie Hayes, our Senior Associate Rector has recently accepted a new call to a congregation in our diocese as its rector. My emotions are mixed because I have really enjoyed working with Valerie as a trusted colleague these past several months and enjoyed the insight and many gifts she has shared with us here, as a pastor, teacher, preacher and "all-in" enthusiast for Christian faith and life. Her intellect, warmth, humor and enjoyment of the community will be missed.

I am delighted, however, for Valerie and for Jim as this new position will allow her to grow as a priest, serving as a rector, and gaining the skills of setting the tone for a whole community in new ways. Please pray for her and for Jim and their family as they enter into this time of transition.

We will celebrate her ministry with us on Sunday, September 30, as that will be her last day at Holy Comforter before taking a brief respite and starting in November.

I am seeking a person to serve as an Interim Associate Rector in the short-term which will lead to a small team of people to support a search for a new Sr. Associate Rector at Holy Comforter. I expect that we will continue to build upon the tradition of Holy Comforter to have outstanding associate clergy.

Please pray for our congregation during this time, for me and our leadership, as we seek additional clergy support for the deepening of our shared life in Christ. We have so much to look forward to together as a community and I have confidence in God's guidance and grace in our future together.

With gratitude for an outstanding pastor, teacher and friend, I give thanks for Valerie's ministry and continued growth as a priest.

In Christ



Church of the Holy Comforter | 543 Beulah Rd, NE | Vienna, VA 22180 | [email protected] | www.holycomforter.com