Weekly Postings
October 25 - November 3, 2019
In This Issue

No Committee Meetings 
this week.

Stewardship 2020

We invite you to participate in ONE stewardship meeting. 

T his Sunday, 9:30 AM  in the chapel, 4:30  PM  in the Nave. 
Next Sunday, final meeting 9:30 in the chapel. 

We are having conversations about Saint Paul's in 2020. Who our church  will be and what we will do depends entirely upon what each one of us, we who value participating in the life of this church, is willing to commit now to give and share in the year to come.

At the meetings, we present a unique request and offer ample opportunity to address or respond to your insights, concerns, and questions.

Thank you.

Brad Sandbach and Fr. John Jenkins
Stewardship 2020
Vestry News

An open letter to the people of Saint Paul's,
[original message delivered Wednesday, Oct. 23]

At the vestry's retreat held September 21-22, we took stock of where the parish is today and dreamed about where it may go in the future, especially as the CSRA grows. We unanimously agreed that what is needed at this time is a process that renews our vision and guides our planning for the next five to ten years. We committed, therefore, to a process that begins with listening to the people of the parish.

Beginning next month, members of the vestry will host a series of small gatherings where we facilitate conversations and actively listen. These conversations will be guided by a set of open-ended questions that help all of us articulate the realities of the present and our hopes and desires for the future of this church community. We invite widespread participation and engagement in these conversations. We soon will share a schedule of meeting times and locations with sign-up instructions so you can reserve your place.

Most of all at this time we enthusiastically announce to the parish the vestry's commitment to an open process that leads the church forward in the creative and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. 

Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever.      - Ephesians 3:20, 21 BCP 102

With gratitude,
Saint Paul's Vestry, Officers, and Clergy
Our Schedule This Sunday
October 27
 8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Formation Classes for all ages.
See schedule below. 
The Nursery is available.

9:30 AM
Stewardship Gathering in the Chapel.

10:30 - 10:45 AM  
Coffee and Conversation in Tyler Hall 

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

4:30 PM
Stewardship Gathering in the Chapel.

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer 
and Communion  with Prayers for Healing 
Laura Tomlin is our guest musician. 

This Sunday
October 27
A Conversation on our Upcoming Election for the new Bishop
Sunday, 9:30 AM, Berlin Room

Join us this Sunday at 9:30 AM in the Berlin Room as we share thoughts and conversation on our upcoming election for the new Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. Our delegates and others who attended the "walkabout" will be there to answer questions, explain the process of election, and listen to your thoughts and hopes for the Diocese.

The Nominating Committee has done an outstanding job of bringing us 5 outstanding candidates.  For more information on the candidates, including their CV's, brief bios, video introductions and their answers to questions asked by the Search Committee, go to

We look forward to our conversation Sunday and to the election November 14-16.

YEA (Young Episcopal Adults)
Sunday, 7:00 PM

Calling all 20-30-somethings for a monthly gathering following Celtic Evening Prayer at the home of London Smith. (Celtic Service attendance is not a qualifier!). For more information, and address or directions email John Jenkins.

Coat Drive for Hornsby Elementary and Middle School

Coats for Kids at Hornsby Elementary and Middle School continues this Sunday. PLEASE help keep our young friends warm this winter! Many students at Hornsby will NEED coats and jackets when the weather cools off. We can use heavy coats, lightweight jackets, fleece jackets, and sweatshirt jackets, plus boys' and girls' gloves, mittens, and hats. All sizes are needed: children's sizes 6-16 and adult sizes S, M, L, & XL. New and gently used are accepted. Great places to pick up a coat or jacket are Target, Old Navy, Costco, and TJ MAXX. Monetary donations are happily accepted, too. Donation boxes will be located in the Narthex and in Tyler Hall. For questions, please contact Kathy Enicks.

Formation Classes this Sunday 
October 27, 9:30-10:30 AM

Leader:  Todd Shafer
Location: The Youth Room

Youth Formation returns with a look at the movies and a discussion of the Christian themes found in them.   BUT FIRST, a little breakfast to get things going! For more information, contact Todd Shafer.

CHILDREN AGES -- Ages 8-11 or Grades 3 - 5

Leader: Coleman Graham
Location: The First Classroom in CMC

Our bigger children will immerse themselves in an Episcopal formation experience rooted in the stories of our faith as presented in John's Gospel. In this second of a three-year cycle, our children focus on stories of individual encounters with Jesus, transformation in God's love, and the saints of the church. Our theme in this curriculum year is "Once we were no people, but now we are God's people." Every session incorporates theology and history from our Episcopal-Anglican perspective. Questions? Contact  Coleman Graham  or  Fr. Jenkins.

CHILDREN -- 4s to 8, Kindergarten thru 2nd grade

Leader:   Kim Butler and Ivey Coleman
Location: The Godly Play Room 

We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.

Questions? Contact  Kim ButlerIvey Coleman, or  Fr. Jenkins

Next Week
October 28 - November 3
All Saints' Prayer List

On All Saints' Sunday, November 3, we remember especially those in our parish family and in our families who have died in the past year. Please email the parish office or telephone at (706) 724-2485 by Wednesday, October 30, if you would like to place someone special on the list.

Hospitality Team for Evensong
Sign up Now for Sunday, November 3, 6:30  PM 

  Click here to sign up for Fall Evensong Hospitality Team. You may drop off your food items in the Tyler Hall kitchen before or after the 11 AM service OR  3-5 PM on Sunday, November 3. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to Saint Paul's Church and annotate it for the "Evensong Reception."  Questions,  contact Bill Ford

Quiet Morning:
In the Beginning: Be Still and Know That I Am God Before You."
Saturday, November 2, 9 AM  - 1 PM , Chapel  

The Daughters of the King invite you to a spiritual morning of quiet solitude Saturday, August 3, 9 AM - 1 PM. Bring "prayer tools" such as your bible, journal, or anything used for meditation. The Rev. Erwin Veale will lead us on a spiritual morning of quiet solitude with additional suggestions for meditative prayer.

All are welcome. For questions, contact Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau  or by telephone at 706-359-4480. In order to sustain the silence and solitude during this time - water will be provided in Tyler Hall. Please bring a snack if you think you will need it over the 4 hour period.

God's Stories -A Unique Adult Formation Offering
Monday, October 28, 6:30-8  PM (Please note the change of date)

How often at Sunday worship do you deeply connect with God's story told in the Scriptures? You are invited to a special formation offering where you have an opportunity to encounter God's life in a new way by entering one of God's stories in a new way. The community gathers, listens, wonders, and responds through creative work in a still and quiet setting. This one time gathering, meets in the Godly Play Room, adjacent to the Conference Room, in the CMC Building. If you are curious and would like to know more, please contact Fr. Jenkins or Kim Butler.

Looking Ahead

Evensong & Reception following in the River Room
Sunday, November 3, 5:30 PM 

The service will include music by Joanna Forbes L'Estrange, Jeremy Dibble, and Malcolm Archer. Melissa Schultz will be the guest soloist and Mark Dickens the organist. A reception in the River Room follows the service and child care will be available beginning at 5 PM.  This is a wonderful opportunity to invite family and friends.

Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, November 5, 12 noon, Nave and River Room

Tuesday's Music Live, America's largest luncheon concert series, opens its 32nd season with a free concert by the Mike Casey Jazz Trio, on Tuesday, November 5, 12 noon. Lunch following the concert is catered by Cordially Invited LLC and is $12 per person. Advance reservations required and may be placed online at or by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463. Series brochures with all 12 concerts and lunch menus are available in the narthex.

Bonfire at the Chandler Family Pond
Saturday, November 9, 4 PM 

Calling all YEA and Children, Youth, and Families to a bonfire gathering at the Chandler Family Pond! Please join us Saturday, November 9, beginning at 4 PM for an evening of fun, food, and friends. Please bring a favorite dish to share, your drink of choice, a chair to sit by the fire, and a lawn game if you'd like! Friends always welcome. For information or directions, please call Kathleen at 803-270-9852 or email Lindsey Vanhook.

Welcome to Saint Paul's for Newcomers and Visitors
Sunday, November 10, 10 AM,  Chapel 

New to the Saint Paul's community? Wondering what your next steps might be? Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal gathering in the Chapel 10 AM, Sunday, November 10.   RSVP to Elisabeth in the Parish Office .  

Sunday, November 10, 11 AM Service

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, November 10, 2019. All who wish to be baptized are invited to  contact the clergy .

Fall Primetime Party
Sunday, November 17, 6:30-8:30 PM 

Friendships are one of the few things that improve with age. Join your Saint Paul's friends at the Spring Primetime Party for adults 50+ at the home of Susan and George Muir. $5 per person at the door. Bring an appetizer to share.  For information or directions, contact the Parish Office.

Open Sunday for Altar Flowers 
November 24 and December 29 

November 24 and December 29 are an open Sundays for altar arrangements. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please  contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100.  What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time. 

November Dates for your Calendar

Daylight Saving Time Ends
Sunday, November 3

Manna Pantry
Saturday, November 16, 8  AM 12  noon

YEA (Young Episcopal Adults)
Sunday, November 24, 7- 8:30 PM

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, November 27 6 PM  
(Please note the change of date)

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 17, 7 PM

News from the Diocese

If you haven't done so already, find out about the five candidates nominated by the Search Committee.
More information is available on the search website.  

News from our Neighboring Churches

St. John Methodist Church Concert in Support of DCCM
Sunday, November 3, 3 PM

The St John Methodist Church located at 736 Greene Street, will sponsor a concert performed by the ViMaDeAn Duo on November 3, 3 PM. The duo consist of the ASO concertmaster , violinist Anastasia Petrunina and her husband Denis Petrunin, percussionist. 

The concert is free and open to the public. A love offering will be taken and given to the Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries (DCCM). Saint Paul's Church is a member of DCCM which is the largest food pantry in Richmond County.

October Birthdays

Are we missing your birthday?
Please  contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration for October  will be October13.