Of Mild Mornings, Vivid Leaves... and Hockey
"O hushed October morning mild/Thy leaves have ripened to the fall," Robert Frost's "October" begins. And mild it has been here in northern Virginia; it's 82 degrees as I write this. Still, I know it won't be long until I begin indulging in one of my guilty pleasures--checking the Ironwood, Mich., Daily Globe to see how much snow my grandmother's hometown has received. Friends in Montana already have a foot of snow on the ground!

Whether your October morning is mild or carries a hint of frost (wow, I just made an unintentional pun there), my prayer is that you find joy in the crunch of dry leaves under foot, the smell of burning jack o'lanterns, and the return of National Hockey League play. (Go Caps!)
Friends in Faith: Megan Hamberger
"They have no wine," Mary told Jesus at the wedding at Cana, and we all know what happened after that. Mary and Jesus are models for us of so many things, but right now, I'm contemplating on their hospitality... and calm. My friend Megan Hamberger and I recently were at the same table for a dinner... and there was no wine. While I sat there just saying over and over again, "No wine? No wine?" Megan without fanfare or fuss went out to common area and bought two bottles for the table. That's the way Megan rolls... she excels at making people feel comfortable and valued. Megan shows me that a little well-placed, unobtrusive action goes a long, long way.
On the Nightstand: Becoming Women of the Word
As you probably know, I love sharing the stories of women saints (more on that in a minute). While I have more than a passing acquaintance with Rahab, Leah, Rachel,and Judith, there are a number of Old Testament women about whom I know only the bare essentials. I think Sarah Christmyer's new Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy is just what I need! I'm especially looking forward to delving into Deborah and Esther. Sarah's credentials are solid--she was the co-developer of the Great Adventure Bible study program--and is an adjunct faculty member at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia.

I'm often asked for spiritual book recommendations, so my website now has a section of titles that resonate with me. See what you think in the Shop section.
" What can we do to love God more? " - -Marguerite Bays
On the surface, Marguerite Bays seemed pretty ordinary. This Swiss seamstress died in 1879 at the age of 63. But Marguerite's servant heart was far from ordinary. Her outreach to the poor began as a teenager, and grew to include helping the sick and teaching catechism. But her most notable work was done right at home. Rather than become a woman religious, Marguerite said she was called to remain single to do her service..

Marguerite is one of five people slated for canonization by the Catholic Church on October 13. I'll be writing a bit more about Marguerite on my blog later this month. I've also been researching and writing about the other four: John Henry Newman, who will be among the men featured in Brotherhood of Saints, due out in October 2020, and Mariam Thresia, Giuseppina Vannini, and Dulce Lopes Pontes, who will be featured in Twenty-one Women Saints for the 21st Century, due out next spring.
Out and About
It's another WHOOSH month for me. Besides the Day Job and working on two book manuscripts, I'll be joining my pal Kathy in facilitating a 22-week Walking with Purpose Bible study session at our parish.

And speaking of my parish, St. Agnes in Arlington, VA, it will be the site for the fourth annual Future with Hope Women conference for Catholic woman 40+ October 18-19. Please consider joining us! If you can't, like our Facebook page so you can join us virtually as we'll be livestreaming the conference speakers.

You can also find me speaking at these fine events:

Stay happy and close to the Lord.

In Christ, Melanie