We hope you will enjoy this issue of our weekly e-newsletter. Each week we'll keep you informed on what's happening here at St. Matthew's Cathedral - news from the week, what's coming up, and how  you  can be a part of it. This should reach your inbox by Friday giving you a heads up for the  upcoming  week. We hope this helps you plan your week, and maybe even provides a little inspiration to get you through it! Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook  to stay in the know between emails.

A Message from the Dean...
Known in the Breaking of the Bread
"Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been
made known to them in the breaking of the bread." -Luke 24:35
Sacramental Christians understand the power of this simple sentence: ". . . he had been known to them in the breaking of the bread." It's amazing how such a simple act as breaking bread can be elevated to a powerful symbol.
Many sacramental Christians say they "just don't feel right" if they don't receive Holy Communion on a Sunday. How does such a simple act so get into your soul that you don't feel complete without having participated in it? When I consider the communion elements-the wafers are neither flavorful nor aesthetically appealing (many people call them "fish food") and the wine is served in such small portions that, well, you get more in a wine sampling glass than on any given Sunday. And let's not even talk about the fact that so many of us drink from the same cup after each other-something we would never ever do in public!
Yet, the power of this act, the balm to our soul of receiving this bread which becomes more than bread, and this wine which becomes more than wine, so blesses us deep down inside that we come back week after week to be spiritually nourished.
It is powerful because we, through the sacred bread and sacred wine, encounter not a historical allusion or a memory of a significant moment; no, we encounter the "real thing:" we encounter the risen Christ. And Christians have been doing this simple act for nearly 2,000 years. It boggles the mind! And it nourishes the soul in a way that nothing else does.

Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays, 11am
April 26 - May 17
Father George Luck will lead a 
study of Philippians
11:00am, Library

Adult Christian Formation
Mere Christianity discussions led by 
Dr. Jennifer Boulanger beginning
Sunday Mornings 9:35-10:15am
This 6 week discussion series will cover the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. One of the 20th century's most influential Christian writers, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that virtually all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound classic, originally delivered as a series of radio broadcasts, is a book to be thoroughly digested by believers.

Adult Bible Study 
Sundays, 9:35 am 
May 14th - June 25th

Varita Michell will be leading this bible study on the Book of James. The Lodge is located through the black iron gate next to Garrett Hall.

First Step Class

Want to know more about the ministries at
The Cathedral and how you can fit in?  Come to the First Steps Class, Sundays, May 21, 27, and June 4th, 9:35am in Garrett Parlor. The Dean will conduct this class for people who are interested in learning more about the Cathedral. For more information contact the Dean at

Newcomers Gathering, Friday, May19th. 

Mark your calendars for the next Newcomers Gathering on Friday, May 19th, 6:30pm at the Dean's House, 6200 Bryan Parkway Dallas 75214. If you are new to the Cathedral or FEEL new please come! RSVP at [email protected].

Coffee Hour after 10:30
Service is back!

Please join us each week as food, drink and fellowship will be offered in the Gallery section of the Great Hall after the 10:30 service.

Honoring Graduates
Sunday, May 21st

St. Matthew's Cathedral will be honoring all of our 2017 High School and College graduates at the 10:30 service., followed by a reception in the Great Hall. Please contact Eileen Smith  to let her know you have a graduate. This includes those who graduated in December 2016.

Cathedral Pride Spring Spruce Up
Saturday,  April 29th, 8:00am-Noon
Save the Date for our Cathedral Spruce up day. If you would like to be a team leader for this event, please contact Jerry Tuhy at [email protected].
SAVE THE DATE! Cursillo Weekend
Thursday, June 8th (7:00pm) thru
Sunday, June 11th (4:00pm) held at Camp All Saints at Lake Texoma

Cursillo weekend is a time for refreshment,  personal renewal, and recommitment to be  followers of Jesus. Questions? See Dean Michell or Angie Hodges or go to Applications are available at the Welcome  Center.
St. Matthew's Crosses Available

These sterling silver crosses are meaningful and beautiful gifts for Easter or any occasion. They were designed from a sketch by a St. Teresa's Guild member and executed by James Avery. All proceeds on the sale of these crosses go the Guild's restoration projects for our wonderful old Cathedral. So, when you purchase a cross you are giving to St. Matthew and we thank you!

Ann Sullivan - 214-533-9915 
Joyce Graf - 214-533-0305 
Jayne Brown - 972-771-4524 
or any other Guild member 
Pledging Made Easy
If you would like to submit your pledge card electronically please click here. The form provided is on secure site and all information is sent directly to the church office. For any questions please call us at 214.823.8134. If you are more comfortable with a traditional pledge card, they will be mailed out to you in the next week. Thank you for your continued support of God's work here at St. Matthew's Cathedral!

Breakfast Casseroles needed for Food Pantry Outreach
Many thanks to those who faithfully make breakfast casseroles for our food pantry neighbors. This is an ongoing ministry! Please, click here, to go to signup genius to sign up to bring casseroles. Pans and recipe are in the foyer. For more information contact [email protected] .

Project Hope:
Artist Reception
Thursday, April 27th,
Sundermann Gallery, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Join us for the second Artist Reception of "Project Hope". This spring St. Matthew's Cathedral Arts launched a new initiative in collaboration with two Dallas area visual media artists, to provide a safe and encouraging creative space for those who most need hope and inspiration in their lives. Recently awarded a Special Support Grant from the City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, this pilot project offers a free open art studio to uniquely serve the  homeless community.
Local visual artists Cristina Estrella Riggs and Jessica L. Bell utilized dedicated space and the Sundermann Gallery to create, exhibit and sell original artwork by homeless Dallas citizens as a means to improve connections with their       community and possibly generate income, at no cost to the participants. This project culminates with an exhibition of the student's artwork on display through 
May 19.

Mother's Day Brunch,
Sunday, May 14th,
after the 10:30 service
Sponsored by the Choir of St. Matthew's
$20 per person/$35 per couple/$40 per family  Tickets on sale Sunday April 23rd during the Coffee Hour.
Please join us for a special Mother's Day Brunch sponsored by the Choir of St. Matthew's to  celebrate mothers and all the significant women who have helped nurture us through our lives. This fundraiser will go to help provide Singers for the summer months and features:
  •  A delicious lunch prepared by Lucy Creech
  •  Mother's Day refreshments
  •  Serenading by members of the Cathedral Choir.

Weekly Services

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - Breakfast in Great Hall
9:35 am - Sunday School
      10:30 am - Holy Eucharist

Morning Prayer  
M-F  8:45am, Oratory

Evening Prayer 
T-Th  6:00 pm, Oratory
          (Excluding Feast Days)

Wednesday :
      10:00 am - Eucharist, Oratory
St. Matthew's Cathedral Staff

The Very Rev'd Dr. Neal Michell
The Rev'd David Miller
Assisting Priest
The Rev'd Canon George Luck
Assisting Priest
The Rev'd Canon Diana Luck ,
Assisting Pastor for Outreach
The Rev'd Mark Hall ,
Deacon for Pastoral Care
The Rev'd Pam Dunbar
Assisting Deacon
Mr. Logan Hurst
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Mr. Keith Franks
Director of Music and Organist
Mr. James Pena

Stay Connected
5100 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206 - 214.823.8134