The one symbol most often identified with Jesus and his Church is the cross.
This Friday the Church celebrates the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This feast traces its beginning to Jerusalem and the dedication of the church built on the site of Mount Calvary in 335. But the meaning of the cross is deeper than any city, any celebration, any building. The cross is a sign of suffering, a sign of human cruelty at its worst. But by Christ’s love shown in the Paschal Mystery, it has become the sign of triumph and victory, the sign of God, who is love itself. (Loyola Press)

"We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world."

May our Christ our Savior, crucified on the Cross and risen from the dead, bless you and keep you always.
~Ileana Wade

All family and friends are invited to join us each Wednesday for Mass at 8:15. What a beautiful way to start the day-together in prayer!