First Presbyterian Church of Rome
September 2018
Wednesday Nights are a great way for our church family to connect mid-week. 
There are many offerings for all ages! 
Meal 5:30PM - 6:15PM
Classes & Groups 6:15PM - 7:15PM
* Bible Zone 2/3 Yr olds - Edu. Bldg.  Room 208
* Bible Zone 4/Kinders - Edu. Bldg. Room 206
* Communicants (6th grade) - Hardy Classroom 
* The Summit for children 1st - 5th grades -
       God's Garden
* Jr. High (6:00-7:15) - In the Crossing
* Sr. High (6:00-7:15) - In the Boy Scout Room
* The Compassion of the Lord (Rev. Bill Pardue)
Fellowship Hall
* Marriage Enrichment (Jonathan Schwartz,
         Taylor York,  Travis Hill) - CLC Room 204
* Why Her? (Joni Pittman) - CLC Room 203
Meal Costs: $7 per adult, $3 per child/student,
$20 Family (max)

Meal reservations can be made online at  or by contacting the church office.

Monday, September 10 at 6:00 PM in the King Hall

The evening will include prayer, worship, key note speaker and ministry updates.  Dr. Guy Richard, Executive Director and Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, will prompt us toward sacrificial service as he teaches on "How Jesus Trains Husbands". 
Dr. Guy Richard served as the Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, Mississippi (PCA) for almost 12 years, leading this congregation through the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which completely destroyed the church facility and the homes of approximately one-third of the congregation.
Be sure to join us for this kick-off event. Donations will be accepted for the meal.
Hosted by Covenant Keepers , the newly re-vitalized Men's Ministry at FPC. Their vision is to see men equipped and engaged as servant-leaders in the home, church, community, and world like Jesus and in Jesus. 

The family of Vance Luke invites you to a drop-in birthday celebration, in Fellowship Hall, Sunday September 23rd following worship service.

Our PIPS luncheon will be Thursday, September 27 at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be catered by Duffy's Deli for just $5.00 per person. Our guest speaker will be Vance Luke, answering questions about his amazing life! Everyone is welcomed to join us for good food, fun, and fellowship! Please call the church office to make your reservation. .

Family Friendly Work Day! 
Saturday, September 15th at 8 AM

We will meet at the church with breakfast before heading out to the  Ruth and Naomi Shelter. 

Contact the front office or email Amy Edwards - [email protected]
 if you plan to attend. 

Christmas is only a few months away so it is not too early to be thinking about Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Thank you for your donations this summer. THIS MONTH we will collect SMALL TOYS, such as balls, jump ropes, yoyos, cars, harmonicas, kazoos, etc. Please put your items in the OCC collection box in the atrium of the Christian Life Center. NO camouflage, guns, or war toys allowed. 
Living Stones (Fellowship Hall)
"The Gospel of John: Igniting Our Belief in Christ"
This gospel presents themes of stark contrast that bring to mind the polarization of our own society. Themes of "light and darkness", "love and hatred", "life and death" are all included in John's account, written for the express purpose of igniting our belief "that Jesus is the Christ, Son of God and that by believing we may find life in His name."
Sola Scriptura (CLC Room #203)
"The Sermon on the Mount:  A Study of Matthew 5-7"
Matthew's gospel contains the wonderous discourse that we call the Sermon on the Mount. In these three chapters, Jesus explains to us what it means to live as citizens of his kingdom. We will look at the teaching of the Sermon and their implications for us. This class will equip you with a fuller understanding of what Jesus expects of us as citizens of His kingdom and how we are to live out our faith in a world that is antagonistic to this kingdom. Understanding Jesus' teaching will enrich your faith and allow you to live out its truth in your daily life.
Reformations (CLC Roome # 204)
"Journey into Fearless Living:  A Study of Joshua"
More than anything else, fear keeps us from fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. We fear failure, being different, being labeled as religious fanatics, ect. One of our greatest "fearless living" stories in the Bible is the life of Joshua. While Moses was the great law-giver who led the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua was the military genius who fearlessly led them into battle. Yet in addition to his fearless faith, one of Joshua's most remarkable traits was his pure heart.

Gospel Life (Hardy Classroom #1)
"Galatians for You"
This gospel is not just a set of doctrines outlining the way in which one enters the kingdom of God. The gospel is also the way to live as part of the kingdom of God. Through the gospel, Christ transforms people, churches, and communities.
Bereans (CLC Room #201)
"Our Mighty and Majestic King:  Jesus in the Book of Acts"
The Bible is a Christ-centered book, containing a unified story of redemptive history of which Jesus is the hero. When we remember this, in Acts, we see Dr. Luke telling Gus about the continuing reign of Christ in the inaugurated kingdom of God! In this study, we will seek to fully expound the truth of Scripture as we trace the mission of the gospel in Acts, while never losing sight of the glory of the Savior that the gospel announces. We will seek to understand how Jesus worked through his people in the earliest days of our church and to apply what we learn in advancing the gospel in an age that looks more and more like the culture of the book of Acts.
twentySomethings (Ensemble Room)
"You Believe *What*?-Answers to Questions that Challenge Christianity"
As Christians, we know why we believe what we believe. However, in an often hostile culture, our beliefs are under assault from skeptics who ask pointed questions. We will examine 30 of the most pressing questions that Christians face in our culture, such as: Can Science Prove or Disprove God's Existence? Why Does God Seem So Harsh in Parts of the OT? What is the Difference Between God and a Flying Spaghetti Monster? The class will be geared around open discussion and how a believer can factually respond to such questions with gentleness and respect.

Missions Spotlight:  
Tijuana 2018
From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Ephesians 4:16 ESV
This verse characterized the trip to Tijuana this summer because the FPC body sent us with funds, fabric, books, and toiletry items, and the group who went was well equipped to serve together. The Tijuana mission trip is unique because the team was composed of team members from ages 6 to 67, singles, married, and families, and members from as far away as Colorado. Yet, joined and held together with a common purpose and a common Savior, the team was able to be the body of Christ and serve Centro Shalom.
The mission team spent three days holding a VBS for children in a location where Centro Shalom wished to do outreach, and the construction team worked on converting a nursery building to a 
sewing ministry building. There was an opportunity to paint a house for a woman living close to the VBS location, and the team enjoyed taking 35 children and teens on a fun outing for roller skating, trampoline jumping, and arcade games. Due to the generosity of FPC VBS, there were funds to purchase a new pair of shoes for each of these young people. In between service projects, the team bonded over tacos and a market visit.
We give thanks to the Lord for providing our resources and for uniting a group of believers who served well together. The team had been challenged through a pre-trip study of the book Radical to consider how each may be called to serve Christ in a more radical way, and we pray that others may consider this opportunity when the 2019 trip preparations begin.