September 2018
Principal's Message
Hello Winnequah Families!
What an awesome start to the 2018-19 school year!  It was so wonderful to welcome back all of our returning students, and to say hello to our newest Winnequah Owls.  

We have been spending some time this first week learning the Winnequah Way: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be My Best!  We celebrated our first week together at the first Hootie Huddle of the year this morning and everyone got to see Hootie for the first time.

Mrs. Foster and I have been going around to classrooms and reading a story with students, refreshing memories with names and summer stories.  We have been working through our lunch and recess switch, getting new procedures ironed out for staff and students. We also had the opportunity to try out our indoor recess procedures this week!  We did so much learning together already!!

I hope that everyone is excited about this year.... I know that I am looking forward to an awesome year!  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

In Appreciation,
Angie Fassl

In This Issue
Winnequah Calendar

Don't forget to check the online Winnequah calendar to  keep up to date on all things happening at our school!

From the Office
Hello from Carrie and Tish! Here are a few reminders to start the year!

Drop Off:
There is no morning supervision until 7:20am. Please do not leave children unattended before then. Thank you!
Parking Lot:
Just a reminder to please drive slowly through the parking lot during pickup and drop off. Many children walk through the lot! Please watch and drive carefully.

Remember always to call in your child's attendance ( absences, tardies, appointments, etc ) and all transportation changes to 221-7677 or simply email [email protected]  and also copy your child's teacher.

If your child is late and takes hot lunch, they are automatically given Choice 1. If they'll want Choice 2 and will be late, please call the office or their teacher to let us know. Again, you can email [email protected] to let us know.

Background Checks:
If you plan to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips, please complete an online background check. English is here, and Spanish is here

Remember if you're visiting to bring your driver's licence or state issued ID and check in with the office for your visitor's badge. 

Contact us:
Main office phone: 608-221-7677
Carrie: 608-316-1940
Tish: 608-316-1959
Office email (to Carrie AND Tish): [email protected] 

New Recess/Lunch Schedule
Did you notice??
There has been a schedule change in our day at Winnequah!  Recess is now BEFORE lunch! Why? 

  • Last year, we asked children to write about how to make our lunchroom a more peaceful place.  Two of our students, Mara and Clementine, came up with this great idea! 
  • This is also supported by research!  
"Schools that schedule recess before lunch report that students eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more milk, waste less food, and are better behaved on the playground, in the lunchroom, and in the classroom," according to an article in the Journal of Child Nutrition and Management.  
We appreciate your patience as staff work hard to make this transition as smooth as possible.  We hope your children see the benefits to having recess before lunch!

From the School Nurse
Hello from Nurse Kate and Ms. Donna!

We hope everyone has a very healthy 2018-2019 year!

We are busy collecting medications for children. Please remember to fill out the appropriate forms to bring in with the medications.  We have extra copies in the office if you need one.  Here is the link to all medication forms.

We want to remind everyone of our school policy for keeping children home sick. It is not always easy to decide whether or not to send your child to school if they have symptoms of illness. Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in school activities including physical education and recess (unless a physician's written excuse is provided).

Here are some guidelines to help with decision-making:
1. FEVER: If your child has a fever of 100 degrees F (37.7 degrees C) or more keep your child home until 24 hours after the fever has resolved without giving fever-reducing medication. If your child develops a fever while at school, a parent or guardian will be contacted to make arrangements for the child to be picked up from school. Emergency contacts are called if a parent or guardian cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time.

2. VOMITING, DIARRHEA OR SEVERE NAUSEA: These are symptoms to keep your child home until he/she is able to tolerate a normal diet for 24 hours after symptoms have resolved.

3. INFECTIOUS DISEASE: State law requires that in order to minimize or help prevent the spread of communicable disease, children should be kept home from school if they have a communicable disease such as strep throat, impetigo, pink eye, ringworm, lice, scabies. Children may return to school when they have received adequate treatment or are free of symptoms. A doctor's note may be required.

4. RASHES: Rashes or patches of broken, itchy skin need to be examined by a physician if they appear to be spreading or not improving. Some rashes may need to be covered while your child is at school.

5. INJURIES: If a student has an injury that causes continuous discomfort, the student should not attend school until a doctor examines in or it improves. Injuries that interfere with class participation need medical evaluation. If participation in PE class is not recommended or other physical restriction is advised, a physician's written excuse is required. Any pain medication that is required MUST be brought in by the parent/guardian and the appropriate medication form must be completed. (If medication is prescription, the treating physician must also complete and sign the form).

PTO Events and News

The deadline to participate in the Monona PTO Directory is fast approaching.
The directory is a "phone book" of participating families.  

You will also be signed up for any PTO emails with this form (optional and 
there is no deadline for the volunteer and PTO emails).  The cost is $1 per 
directory.  Please return completed forms to your child's teacher.

The Hoot Hoot Hustle 1mile walk/5K RUN is Saturday, September 29th at 
10 am at the Monona Community Center.  The deadline to be guaranteed 
a shirt is September 14 but registration will be taken until the day of the 
race.  The cost is $15 per person by September 14 and $20 afterwards.  
This is a wonderful fall tradition that your whole family can participate.  
Please sign up at the Monona Parks and Recreation Department  at   or call 221-4167.
We are in need of helpers and sponsors.  If you would like to sponsor the race, the form is attached.  Any donation of $25 and above garners your name or your business name or logo on the shirt.  We are also in need of helpers!!  Please sign up at 

If you would like to help by donating food, please go here:

Due September 21st
Don't forget to send in your form for Owl Spirt Wear by SEPTEMBER 21. Return your form to School.  The shirts will be delivered mid-October.  (note:  The colors depicted on the actual form are not necessarily the color of the shirts but merely shown for styling)

Walk/Bike to School Day - October 10, 2018
Please join us for International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 10, 2018. 

Enjoy a fresh fall morning of walking or biking to school followed by a light breakfast snack & juice served at the school sponsored by the Monona PTO. Information about the event will come home in folders as well as through Infinite Campus.
If you would like to volunteer to help at the event or have questions, please contact PTO Walk to School Coordinators Angela White at  [email protected] OR Jennifer Stofflet at  [email protected]
We need volunteers! If you would like to volunteer at the event, please sign up through the   SignUp Genius link

Girls Basketball at YMCA East!
Futura Spanish