Ski Challenge News
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                                                      September 4, 2018
Upcoming Sales and Swaps

Hoigaard's Tent Sale September 14-16
Joe's Preseason Sale September 20-23
Buck Hill Tent Sale September 28-30
Wild Mountain Open House/Swap October 6-7
Pierce Oktoberfest October 12-14
Joe's MEA Sale October 18-21
Joe's Ladies Day October 23
Hyland (Gilboa) Swap October 26-28

Northstar Performance Pre-season training starts today!


Register by October 31 before the rates go up!
Registration is open for Preseason and Regular Season.  Rates
 for regular season go up after October 31.  FEE SCHEDULE

New this year
- Pre-season Wednesday DAY and Regular Season Friday DAY leagues at Buck Hill!

Click here to see CURRENT ROSTERS

NEW for this season, you can register for multiple teams and events, fill out your liability waiver, and pay all on ONE form! 

Help Wanted at Joe's Ski Shop

Share your passion for the outdoors while generating sales, providing great customer service and building a loyal customer base.  Experience as a skier or snowboarder is preferred as you are expected to assist customers by providing technical details and offer suggestions on new products.  A good work ethic, confidence, self motivation and a service-oriented attitude are some of the requirements to be a sales associate at Joe's!

Jackson Hole Race Camp - This December!
Wednesday, December 5 - Friday, December 7, 2018

Get your ski legs on!  The Jackson Hole Race camp is a great way to kick of your season.  It includes three days of instruction and race training.  Participants are broken down into groups of around five people per coach.  The camp includes video analysis, gate training, drills, and a race on the last day.

Stay an extra day on the front end or back end of the camp and get a great deal on lift tickets with the Ski Challenge discount!

The Alpenhof is once again offering great deals on lodging for that week.

Kids welcome in all Leagues.

NEW for this year.  All of the Ski Challenge Leagues will allow kids to participate.  Buck Hill Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday leagues kids must be 13 or older to participate.  The rest of the leagues will allow all ages.  

Kids and Adults will be ranked together for individual weekly awards and weekly team awards.  End of the season individual awards (Fastest and Most Improved of the league) will be separated out for kids and adults.

If a league ends up having at least 10 boys and 10 girls under 18, the league will also divide out weekly individual awards.

Bonus Leagues are Back
We will once again offer bonus leagues for the 2018-19 season.   Each participant gets to take FOUR total runs in the race.  Only the best time in each run will be used to determine handicaps.
The following are considered bonus leagues for the 2018-19 season*:
  • BHPRET (3 runs total)
* May Change back to a "normal" league if league gets too big

Calendar of Events
The Calendar of events is now available on our Website.We have added a NEW Friday afternoon league for the regular season and a NEW Wednesday afternoon league for Pre-Season at Buck Hill. We will be skipping Wild Mountain Sunday leagues on January 27 due to a D-team race and will hold week 7 on February 25.

We've added a few upcoming Sponsor Events.   Keep checking back to our calendar for updates on Fall sales, swaps and events.

Lost and Found

We have accumulated a LOT of lost and found items throughout the season.  To see a list follow the link below.  Contact the Ski Challenge if you think something on the list belongs to you!

Thanks for your interest in the Ski Challenge.  



Barb and Dave Everson
The Ski Challenge
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