No, this isn't a trick question. I would hope that all of you have a number in mind. After all, goals must be specific and quantifiable and have a time frame to be a goal and not a "wish".
I'm sure you are either in the midst of setting budgets for 2019 or will be shortly. As your manager approaches you with monthly numbers, high or low, you need to calculate what that will mean to your earnings. It helps to start with your monetary goal. Here's the formula:
Amount I want to earn divided by my commission rate equals how much I must bill.
Next divide that yearly amount among the 12 months, taking into account the seasonality of your list. I also find it helpful to look account by account, month by month, to determine where my total monthly number will come from. How much billing can I account for and how much NEW business must I find? Which accounts will spend more? Which accounts will spend less? Which accounts might go away?
I now have a road map to earning what I want to make. The great thing about commission sales is that we can vote our own pay raises. But, we can also vote our own decreases. Proper planning will make sure you fuel your increases.
Happy and prosperous selling in 2019!