6 EAP Benefits Your Spouse, Children, and Dog Should Know About
Do you know about Employee Assistance Program benefits offered to you by your employer? If so, then you already know that these services, such as access to professional financial advice and confidential short-term counseling, are offered to employees at no cost.

But did you know that your family members can also take advantage of EAP benefits? Learn how to bring the benefits of an EAP home for everyone in your family to enjoy.
Fall Mental Health Campaign: What Does Your Mental Health Look Like?
Beginning October 7th, Workplace Solutions and LifeSpeak bring you a mental health campaign titled "What Does Your Mental Health Look Like?"

Each Monday, you will receive an email message with links to the latest information, tips, and approaches to explore how each individual copes with and manages their own mental health. 

LifeSpeak On Demand:
The Science of Well-Being and Happiness
The major tenets of well-being and how each of us can find happiness and well being from within by using simple daily strategies.

LifeSpeak Ask The Expert:
Managing difficult emotions with self-compassion

Dr. Susan Orsillo
Psychologist and Professor

October 8th at 11:00 AM CST

I Need a Time Out: Resiliency for Working Parents

Today’s working parent needs to build resiliency in order to prevent burnout. This class will give you the tools to manage stress while maintaining a sense of work and family life balance.

Featured App: Any.do
Your busy life deserves this.

Any.do is an award-winning app used by millions of people to stay organized and get more done.

It's never been easier to organize your life. Organize your tasks, lists, and reminders in one easy to-do app. Any.do syncs seamlessly across all of your devices, making your to-do list accessible everywhere.

Print and post monthly thematic posters to showcase all of the valuable services available to your employees through your Employee Assistance Program.

To access posters:
  1. Log in to the HR Professionals portal at www.wseap.com with your organization's access code.
  2. Click the "+" to expand the Program Promotion section for a full list of posters.
Contact us today!
Confidential support, guidance and resources for you and your family are available 24/7.
Workplace Solutions    877-215-6614   www.wseap.com