Rockford Reformed Church Weekly News: Sept 29 - Oct 5, 2019
click on image to go to event's web post • changes/additions in red
Adult Sunday School: Digging Deeper
Sundays, 11:15-12:15, Fireside Room.
Our Digging Deeper Sunday School is a series of discussions based on each Sunday’s sermon. Each week’s leader will guide you in conversation that will let you learn from each other, discuss what you can learn from the sermon on a deeper level, and help you grow in your understanding in how to carry out God’s purpose for your lives.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Tuesdays, 7am, Fellowship Hall
Join us any time for fellowship, prayer, a devotional, coffee, and maybe donuts!
Women's Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:30-11am, Room 212.
Our current study is Nehemiah: The Courage to Face Opposition . Nehemiah was a leader who faced opposition and difficulty from every side – even from his own people. Yet he stood against the enemy and trusted God. Although we may never confront our enemies in war, we can learn from Nehemiah’s courage and faith as we struggle with the world and its values. Led by Marcia Coleman and Carol Knox.
Adult Fellowship
Wednesday, October 2.
Potluck at noon. Hope to see you there!
Family Dinner
Wednesdays, 6pm, gym beginning October 2.
Family Dinner is a great opportunity to come together not just as couples, individuals, or families, but as a larger church family. We will gather each week over a homemade meal to meet and connect with our greater church community. This meal is available for those who are attending Bible Studies, KidLife Club, Middle School Youth Group, and anyone else who would like to connect and grow in relationships at Rockford Reformed Church. We look forward to serving and seeing you Wednesday evenings at 6pm. Suggested donations: $2.50 adult / $2.00 child.
KidLife Club
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm beginning October 2.
Grades 1-5 start in the sanctuary, 3 years-K in Room 112.
KidLife Club meets Wednesday nights during the school year. Children work with leaders and others their own age as they learn about the Bible and participate in fun games and other activities. There are many special events throughout the year, culminating with the Derby Car Race – a favorite! Guests are welcome any time. Please note: Parents of children Kindergarten and under are required to stay in the building during club time. It’s the perfect chance to check out an Adult Bible Study or help with KidLife Club!
How People Change
Wednesdays, 6:45-8pm, Fireside Room beginning October 2.
Change doesn’t happen overnight for the Christian. Growth is a lifelong journey. In the How People Change DVD Seminar, Paul Tripp and Tim Lane masterfully guide participants toward biblical truths that lead to a life of repentance and faith by inviting them to consider their circumstances, as well as their responses to them, and examining their heart’s desire and turning toward Christ. Featuring twelve teaching sessions, this class guides people in understanding how Christ's life, death, and resurrection bring lasting change. Led by Pastor Tim. Please RSVP so we can order a book for you!
Women's Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesdays, 6:45-8pm, Room 250 beginning October 2.
Led by Polly Johnson. Throughout the fall session, we’ll work our way through three DVD series:
Enough: Laugh. Cry. Love - Chonda Pierce employs her quick wit and incomparable storytelling skills to help you reach out to others and connect with God in new ways.
Me & My Big Mouth - Open mouth. Insert foot. Ever said anything you wish you could take back? Andy Stanley shares the secret to keeping our mouths shut.
You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times - Max Lucado offers refreshing assurance for anyone facing trials.
Flu Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, October 9, 5-6:30pm, Room 141 (Music Room)
Offered by the Spectrum Health Continuing Care Visiting Nurse Association (VNA).
Friday, October 11, 7am, Arnie's Restaurant.
REAL Men is a group that believes God is actively working in our lives, and that we all have a story that He wants us to tell. It is not a Bible study or an accountability group, and it is not exclusive to RRC, so invite others! Each meeting will feature a speaker. Meet at Arnie's Restaurant, 34 S Squires St, downtown Rockford. The restaurant isn't open at that time, so we have the place to ourselves. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
Adult Sunday School: The History of Church Music in America from 1600 to the Present
Sundays, October 13, 20, & 27 , 11:15-12:15, Fireside Room .
Music is an integral part of our worship service, and has been for centuries. Within our lifetime we have witnessed many changes in the style and character of worship music. This is not a new phenomenon. To put these changes in perspective, it is both necessary and fascinating to look at the history of church worship music. My three talks will examine this history within the United States from 1600 to the present. I will examine the evolution of music, with recorded examples of each style, as well as looking at the factors that influenced the music of the time. I will also talk about the history of worship music within the Reformed Church specifically. This history shows us what a rich heritage we have in our music and looking at it makes us realize that the controversies within our Christian churches regarding music are nothing new, but have been ongoing since the 1600s. I welcome everyone to come and experience this exciting history. Led by Al Valk.
Harvest Hoedown
Saturday, October 19, 4-8pm, gym.
You are invited to join us for a fun, free event in the RRC gym! We are having a Harvest Hoedown, complete with food, games, music, and dancing! Square / line dancing DJ is coming in from 5-7pm. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to dance – the DJ will be teaching everyone the moves. For those who come in western gear, we will be awarding trophies for best dressed – one adult and one child. There will be lots of food – hot dogs, chips, salad, cupcakes, apple cider, and more. Bring your friends and neighbors! We hope to see you there!
Ladies' Book Club
Thursday, October 24, 7-8:30pm, Fireside Room.
The Ladies Book Club is always open to new faces! We meet the last Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Fireside Room (this month we'll be in Pastor Tim's office). This is not a Bible study or religious book study – books from a wide variety of genres are picked. September's book is Code Name: Lise by Larry Loftis.
Life Groups
A Life Group is a small group of 8-12 people that focuses on three priorities – sharing, study, and support. Life Group members will commit to meet together at least every other week through the school season—and even better, through the summer. We call these “Life Groups” because they are focused on (1) helping us grow in our life in Christ and (2) sharing life together. If you are interested in joining a life group or starting one up, please contact our Life Group Coordinator, Pam Jacobs .