Cryocooling In MX - Beamtime Available - Events
New Lab & Monthly Deals - Job Openings
" A pivotal step in the usual macromolecular crystallographic structure solution pipeline is the cryo-protection and cooling of crystals for data collection at temperatures of around 100 K."
This article in NCBI by Professor Elspeth F. Garman examines cryo-cooling in macromolecular crystallography including the steps and variables involved in the process.

Accompanying this examination is a summary of the 1-H Crystal Mounting Practical Session Workshop held earlier this year at the University of Cape Town.

During the workshop students practiced preparation for both RT and cryo-cooled experiments.
Users preparing samples to check diffraction at room temperture using the MiTeGen MicroRT Room Temperture Mounting System
Image Credit: Dr. Carmien Tolmie
Eliminate Ice from Your Crystal Diffraction
Do your beamtime reports indicate ice in the diffraction?
(Ice-free crystal mounted on a MiTeGen MicroMount for data collection)
Ice in your crystal diffraction can come from two places, outside or inside of the crystal.

We've developed the techniques and equipment to eliminate both and get your lab the best diffraction possible.
Want to try your crystals on NANUQ™?
Your lab can now see the impact the cryocooling has on your diffraction quality. Don't let your lab miss out on getting better diffraction.
Beamline Time
"The new and fully-upgraded macromolecular crystallography beamline at CHESS, FlexX, is now accepting Rapid Access proposals for the Fall 2019 run. Rapid Access ensures fast proposal review turnaround (two weeks or less) for access to slots still available for this run. Please include the words "RAPID ACCESS" in the proposal title when submitting for rapid turnaround."
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous educational events, conferences, and symposiums throughout the year. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you should try to attend!
The goal of this meeting is to foster a discussion of frontier problems in the fields of single particle cryo-EM and cryo electron tomography (cryoET). The organizers encourage talks and posters to focus on challenging cases and technical advances required to overcome them, including sample preparation, optimizing data collection, innovations in image processing, etc...

Hosted by Simons Electron Microscopy Center October 24th, 2019 in New York, NY

We are attending and sponsoring this event.
Features workshops, exhibitions and sessions on structure and biophysics based drug design stories, cryoEM in a pharmaceutical setting, popular biophysics techniques and popular drug discovery trends.

Hosted by PSDI November 3rd to 5th 2019 in Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK.

We are attending and exhibiting at the meeting. Stop by and see us at our MiTeGen table (table 4) Monday the 4th and Tuesday the 5th.
MiTeGen Special Programs and Offers
Are you or a colleague starting a new lab or expanding a current one? Then the MiTeGen New Lab Program can help you get the best equipment, for less.

Contact us to learn how your lab can take advantage of special bundles, pricing, and service to get your lab up and running as smoothly as possible.

Not starting a new lab? We still have special offers and deals for you.

This month's specials include:

Industry Job Openings
In 2020 ESRF-EBS is seeking to recruit approximately 60 scientists plus engineers and technicians for work at the worlds first high energy 4th generation synchrotron.
Job opening at Swiss Light Source for a beamline scientist position in the macromolecular crystallography group.
Crystallography Posters For Your Lab
If you are a crystallographer and/or you work with one, we offer 3 crystallography related posters for your lab.

These include:

  • Crystal Harvesting Tips
  • Crystallization Plate Tips
  • Cryoprotectant Tips

Simply request the posters and we will send them to you at no charge.
Have your lab be the first to know. Follow us on social media!