Connections Newsletter
All the news you need to know to connect, grow, and serve.
Love Lifts Us sermon by Rev. Rebekah
Sunday Worship - August 26, 10:15 a.m.-
"Love Lifts Us"
Sermon by Rev. Rebekah Ann Savage, Guest Minister
Rev. Rebekah Savage
The Sufi mystic Hafiz wrote, “I once asked a bird, how is it that you fly in this gravity of darkness? She responded, ‘love lifts me’.” When our strength fails us, where do we turn? How do we nourish ourselves and others to move towards spiritual centering?

Rev. Rebekah Ann Savage is the Associate Minister at the UU Congregation of Rockville, where she has served for three years. Prior to parish ministry, Rev. Rebekah served mostly as an active duty military chaplain which began in 2003, with one combat tour to Afghanistan. Rev. Rebekah is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a doctoral student in the DMIN program at Wesley Seminary and the parent of two awesome kiddos. They live in Bethesda, Md. 
Upcoming Services

Sunday, September 2, 10:15 a.m. "What I Forgot to Say" - Sermon by Rev. Michael McGee, Minister Emeritus. Rev. Michael returns to our pulpit after his retirement in 2012 and brings back his Labor Day tradition--T-Shirt Sunday! You're invited to wear a t-shirt with a message that speaks a belief or statement you want to share. Rev. Michael McGee served UUCA from 1999 to 2012, retiring in 2012 as our minister emeritus, after forty years of ministry. He is married to Terry McGee and have four grown children and four grandchildren together. Terry, aka Emilie Richards, is the author of more than 75 novels. They live in Sarasota, Florida and Chautauqua, New York. Rev. Michael is the author of the ebook Why? The Six Biggest Questions. Frank Corsoro is worship associate.

Ingathering Sunday, September 9, 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. "The Art of Innocence" - Sermon by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley. At our traditional Ingathering Service we invite you to bring water from a place you may have visited this summer, even if it is only symbolic. We will blend our waters as a way of reuniting as a community. The sermon will use the example of Fred Rogers to talk about how we may approach one another and the larger world with an attitude of innocence and curiosity. This is a hard thing to ask of ourselves in the midst of polarization and discord. If we can build the spiritual fortitude to do so, we will find the best way to live out our mission to Connect. Kristin Keller will serve as worship associate.

Parent note: This is an all-church service. There will be no Religious Education classes. Children will stay with parents during the service. Nursery care for two-years and younger will be available.

Parking note: We return to our two services on September 9 (9:15 and 11:15 a.m.). We strive to be welcoming to our first-time visitors even before they reach our door. And, we also strive to be accommodating to those with mobility issues. To help provide parking spaces to newcomers and those with mobility issues, we ask able-bodied individuals to park in our auxiliary lots (Mason lot on George Mason Drive and Arlington Hall Park on 4th Street - map here). Drivers can do drop-offs at the lower level lobby and the end of the ramp. And, please use the traffic light when crossing George Mason Dr.

STP for August 26: Equality Virginia

Equality Virginia (EV) will the Share-the-Plate offering this Sunday. In Virginia and across the U.S., same-sex couples have the legal right to be married, but in Virginia it is legal to fire someone because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. In Virginia, it is legal to refuse to rent to someone because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. In Virginia, it is legal to refuse service in a restaurant or store or hotel because someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. As UUs, our first principle calls on us to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We are called by our faith to work for the basic civil rights of our LGBTQ siblings. Equality Virginia is a strong partner in that work. EV is Virginia’s leading statewide, non-partisan advocacy, outreach, and education organization working for equality for LGBTQ Virginians. Equality Virginia works with Virginia’s elected leaders to amplify the voices of the LGBTQ community and moves towards full legal equality across the Commonwealth through vigorous lobbying efforts, engaging thousands of Virginians in grassroots advocacy, and connecting supporters with their legislators. Together we are working to create a Virginia that is a safe, welcoming, and equal place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and their families to live, work and play. Together we will build the Beloved Community. 

Donations are accepted for each week's STP recipient through the following Saturday at midnight. Make online donations here. 
STP Update

Below is the schedule through November for the Share-the-Plate recipients.

Sept. 2. EcoAction Arlington
Sept. 9. Hopi - Sumi Nungwa
Sept. 16. Dream Project
Sept. 23. Service Never Sleeps
Sept. 30. Partners for Arlington and Guatemala
Oct. 7. Little Friends for Peace
Oct. 14. VOICE - Virginians Organized for Community Engagement
Oct. 21. Metro PFLAG
Oct. 28. UUs for Social Justice
Nov. 4. Sanctuaries DC
Nov. 11. Equality Virginia
Nov. 18. EcoAction Arlington
Nov. 25. Hopi - Sumi Nungwa
Church Matters
Board August Update

The Board of Trustees made two important decisions at its Tuesday meeting we wanted to share with the congregation.

First of all, thanks to your generous support in our Summer Challenge campaign, enough money was raised to hire an acting assistant minister. It will be for a one-year contract with an option to renew. 

Rev. Terasa will lead the hiring process and will call on the help of an advisory group. 

Secondly, the board voted for a two-year search process in finding our next senior minister.

The board came to this decision based on congregational input from two Town Hall Meetings, on the informal comments to board members in the last few weeks, as well as the formal recommendations from the search committee and from our Ministerial Transition Coordinator from the UUA. 

We are behind where we need to be in the cycle of the UUA’s ministerial hiring calendar, and we do not believe that rushing to catch up and do a one-year search will generate the best outcomes. 

The search committee is committed to getting as much input as possible over the next year from the congregation on what UUCA needs in its next senior minister. 

Therefore, UUCA should expect to have a settled senior minister start in summer 2020.

We are our church and our work will go on during this interim period. Thank you for your active participation and support as we move forward and watch Connections for more updates. 
UUCA Meets Summer Challenge
I’m delighted to announce that it looks like we’ve raised enough funds to hire a second minister to assist Senior Interim Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley. This is how we will thrive!

Donations are still coming in, and details remain to be worked out—not to mention finding the right candidate—but we’ve done what we set out to do. Thanks to all of those who increased their yearly pledges and those who promised one-time special gifts of all sizes. Thanks to Rev. Beth Miller for her donation, one of the largest. And thanks to all who helped reach out to include everyone in the congregation. Watch this space for updates.

Diane Ullius,
Stewardship Coordinator (volunteer)
UUCA Office Closed - August 28, 29
Due to a staff retreat, the church offices will be closed Tuesday, August 28 and Wednesday, August 29.
Lifespan Religious Education
OWL - Who?
Registration for 8th grade OWL (Our Whole Lives sexuality education) is now open. For more information or to register please follow this link.

Read the rest of RE News HERE.
Faith in Action
Tibetan Film & Dinner
Partners for Tibetan Education and UUCA present a delicious Tibetan dinner and My Son Tenzin. This film is about a monk from Tibet who arrives in Oakland, Calif., on an unlikely mission to meet his son after more than twenty years of separation. It will run 70 minutes and afterwards the co-director, Tashi Wangchuk, will be available for a Q&A. Suggested donation $20.

Time: Saturday, August 25, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Activity Room 
Sacred Fire Justice Leadership Training
“Our times demand capable, deeply-rooted, and effective congregational social justice leadership. To
meet this need, the ministry of Sacred Fire Unitarian Universalist is launching a justice leadership training program over the course of the 2018-19 church year. This program is designed to be fully harmonized with the ministries of participating congregations by supporting, enlivening, and
increasing the impact of their work.” Click here to see the full two page flier. UUCA has the opportunity to join the program’s DMV Area cluster if there is a lay leader interested and willing to coordinate our participation and fundraising. Please contact Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley if you are interested in being the Volunteer Coordinator at
Two Workshops
Better Angels & Bridging the Political Divide
UUCA’s Congregational Covenant challenges us to welcome all who come to us with acceptance and respect for the differences among us, and to speak directly to those with whom we have disagreements. How do we walk this walk when it comes to political differences? Can we find ways to welcome and accept those with whom we disagree politically, and to facilitate direct and loving communication across what can feel like a hopeless partisan divide? In partnership with the grassroots citizens’ movement Better Angels, UUCA will be exploring this topic this fall through two interactive workshops. You can sign up for one or both workshops via the links below. Questions? Contact Sarah Yue,

8th Principle Information Meeting
The Unitarian Universalist Association ( UUA) is considering the addition of an 8th principle to the 7 principles of the UUA Covenant. UUCA members will vote on whether to adopt the principle at a congregational meeting later this church year. The text of the proposed principle says:

We the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by building a diverse, multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

To learn more, click here.

Time: Sunday, September 30, following 9:15 & 11:15 services
Location: Center Gallery
Last Chance to Donate! Backpack & School Supplies for Buckingham
This Sunday is your last chance to bring in backpack and school supply donations for students in the Buckingham community. Returning to school with needed supplies adds a little confidence and a big smile to a kid. Donations can be placed in the boxes located in the upstairs and lower lobbies.

Note: Volunteers are needed to help Buckingham parents fill out first-day school packets on September 4 at the Buckingham Community Center. Spanish speaking is helpful but not required. Contact Connie Freeman , .

Dates: Sunday, August 26
Donation drop-off: UUCA upper & lower lobbies
UUCA Artists (of all ages) Time to Create!
From late November through January the Center Gallery will host an exhibition entitled "12x12" which will feature artwork created by UUCA artists. This is an all-ages show. We encourage artists of ALL ages (children and youth included) to submit their work. Each piece needs to be in the dimension of 12 inches by 12 inches. Matting and framing not necessary but needs to be included in the 12"x12" dimension. All media is welcome--paintings, photographs, mixed media, etc. The "12x12" exhibition will open in the old QUUest gallery area (administrative hallways) and later moved to the Center Gallery in early December. All artwork will be available for sale at $100. Half will support the UUCA gallery programs and half to the artist. Artists can submit multiple pieces but all work needs to conform to the specific dimension (12"x12"). Look for more information in late October. In the meantime, start creating! Contact: Carson Herrington,
Music Ministry
Aug 26, 3pm Musicale w/ Gene Mulligan & Friends, FREE ALL WELCOME
UUCA's Adult Choir - Sanctuary Singers - Returns in September
Mark your calendar for September 6! After a summer sabbatical, UUCA's adult choir, Sanctuary Singers, will return to our Sunday worship services. Their first rehearsal of the season is on Thursday, September 6, and will begin with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. The actual rehearsal begins with a warming of the pipes at 7:30 p.m.

This is a great time to give the choir a try! No audition required. No musical experience required. Just an appreciation of making uplifting music together in community.

Coming: Information on the rest of UUCA's Music Ministry--watch this space!

Questions? Contact Mimi Bornstein ,

Time: Thursday, September 6, 6:30 p.m potluck; 7:30 p.m. rehearsal
Location: Center Gallery
Congregational Life
Covenant Groups are Coming!
Online registration begins soon for our small group ministry--Covenant Groups! Covenant Groups allow us to share what touches our hearts and souls with others in a safe and supportive setting. We explore our spirituality, build relationships, and provide service to UUCA and the wider community. 

Groups of 8 to 12 people meet monthly from October to June at church or in homes. A trained facilitator leads each group using written and online resources to enhance communication. Signing up indicates an intention to attend all nine meetings.

Most groups will focus on the Soul Matters program. Other groups will explore a variety of topics of interest to spiritual seekers. Details will be available at registration.
So let’s get ready for a meaningful year and consider joining a covenant group! 

Note: this year all registration will be online. There will be laptops and Strategy Team members available after services on September 9, 16, 23, for those who need help registering online.
ISO Sofas, Chairs, Rugs
UUCA seeks donations of very gently used sofas, chairs, or large area rugs from pet free homes. Please make advance arrangements—no drop offs! We only have so much room and need to make sure that we don’t bring anything into the building that may introduce allergens to sensitive congregants or guests. Additionally, we will have to pay to dispose of any pieces we cannot use. If you have something you may be willing to contribute, email Annie Parker,
Meet-Up w/ Sue Philley
Sue Philley, former Director of Religious Education, is visiting UUCA this Sunday. And, following the service, she will be in the Board Room to meet with her RE families, volunteers, and friends. She's looking forward to catching up with everyone. This is a wonderful and rare opportunity to see Sue who now lives in Idaho. You are invited to bring a beverage or something to eat to share, though not required. 

Time: Sunday, August 26, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Board Room
Happy Hour Cook Out
Last night's Happy Hour Cook Out was a delicious success! Thanks to Julie Carr (who shopped and coordinated food) and the fifty+ other UUCAers who donated a wide assortment of food and drink! Grillmaster Paul Kearney did a fine job of grilling up Wisconsin brauts, homemade Lebanese kaftas, and, of course, veggie burgers. The atmosphere was convivial, the food yummy, and the fellowship warm and welcoming.
New UU Class
Unitarian Universalism is a way of thinking and being in the world. It is a faith discipline, enriched by faith traditions, that forms the foundation for a way to live this life. It matters how we conduct our lives and work to make the world a better place. Unitarian Universalism wants each of us to know why. It challenges us to deepen our own faith principles and practices in response to our own experience and, whenever possible, to stand on the side of love. There will be plenty of chances to ask questions and to get to know others in the class. It's also part of the path to membership at UUCA.  Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley and Sarah Masters will be leading the class.

The class is free, but registration is required.  Register here. Select the date of the class you'd like to attend in the New UU box, then enter the names of attendees at the bottom of the form. Free childcare is available upon request. This is a one-time class. It will be offered again on Tuesday, November 13, 5:30-9:00 p.m. Questions? Contact Sarah Masters, Director of Congregational Life,

Time: Sunday, September 23, 1:00-4:30 p.m.
Location: Activity Room
Last-Minute Back-to-School Shoppers
(And Shoppers in General)
When doing your back-to-school shopping or any shopping in general--If you use Amazon, please be sure to use the AmazonSmile link. Whenever you use this link, the AmazonSmile Foundation donates .5% to UUCA on all eligible purchases.
Wheel of Life
Our condolences to Jan Schiff on the loss of her mother.

Our condolences to Rev. Terasa on the death of her Grandmother Edna who died peacefully at the age of 107 in Texas on August 19. 

Please keep Beth Moffett and her husband Matt Powell in your thoughts. Matt has had a physical set-back and is in nursing care. Beth's mom had a fall and died shortly after in mid-July. Cards and expressions of connection and encouragement are welcome. Beth's email, Please contact the church office for their mailing address or see your new pictorial directory.
NEW newsletter deadline: Connections deadline for submissions is EACH Monday at noon with publication on Wednesday. See below on how to submit an announcement.
How to submit an announcement to UUCA's Connections newsletter:  
  • Deadline is noon each Monday.
  • Please put "Connections" or "newsletter" in the subject box.
  • Send announcement (150 words or fewer) in body of email or Word doc attachment.
  • Images and attachments accepted, though no guarantee of publishing
  • Send announcements to
  • Questions about Connections? Contact
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UUCA benefits each time you shop.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA
4444 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, Virginia
Call: (703) 892-2565