eNews - August 23, 2018
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and tribal transit solutions through free training materials, technical assistance, and partner collaboration.
National RTAP Ambassadors Extend Our Reach
National RTAP is dedicated to providing access to free, high quality training and technical assistance materials to rural and tribal transit systems and state RTAP programs. Through our Ambassador Program, we are able to extend our reach to many conferences that our staff cannot attend in person. Ambassadors include National RTAP Review Board members, State RTAP managers and other partners. If you see one of our ambassadors at a conference, please stop by the resource table and introduce yourself.

Shown: Katharine Mitchell and Marcy Jaffe at the Arizona Transit Conference
National RTAP provides a downloadable Preventative Maintenance - Vehicle Cleanliness Inspection Task Sheet that allows transit maintenance staff to track vehicle cleaning on a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet includes specific cleaning locations and instructions (such as wheel housing), with space for special instructions and comments. It can be easily adapted for agency needs.
Resources and Events
Just One More Week to Enter National Our Website Contest

Submit your transit agency's outstanding website to the 2018 National RTAP Website Contest for a chance to win cash prizes! Find out more about the contest and enter your site by August 31, 2018.

Welcome New State and US Territory RTAP Managers!

National RTAP extends a warm welcome to several new State and US Territory RTAP managers - Alfreda Camacho, Northern Mariana Islands; Pilar Carbullido, Guam; Juanita Crotwell, Louisiana; Danielle Goodman, NH; and Uili Leauanae, American Samoa. If you would like to get in touch with them or any other RTAP Managers, visit our Directory of State RTAP Managers .

U.S. DOT and FTA Updates

FTA is soliciting proposals to select an entity to administer the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) and provide funding for the entity’s activities through NCMM. All applications must be received in by October 5, 2018.

Attendees of the National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation (RIBTC) in Breckenridge, CO will have the opportunity to attend the FTA States "Mini-Conference": Future of Transit Update on October 3, 2018. FTA staff will discuss what’s new with grant programs and requirements. 

Webinars and Training
NTI will be offering Advancing Mobility Management training in Dallas, TX on September 17-18, 2018. Participants will learn how to articulating a mobility management vision and implement their program.


TCRP's Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices documents the nature and prevalence of customer-focused practices among transit providers in North America and other areas, such as, service guarantees (level of service customers can expect), and transparency practices (such as online dashboards or report cards).

NADTC's Dementia, Caregiving and Transportation Toolkit provides information and strategies for individual caregivers and organizations to approach the coordination of transportation for meeting everyday needs.

APTA's Understanding Recent Ridership Changes: Trends and Adaptations provides ridership data, analysis and future trends.

FHWA's Community Impact Assessment: A Quick Reference for Transportation is a handbook designed to provide information on how to conduct a community impact assessment in order to evaluate the effects of a transportation action on a community and its quality of life.


The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health is accepting nominations for National Rural Health Day Community Stars. The award honors individuals and organizations serving rural communities and supporting rural health collaboration, communication, education, or innovation. The deadline is August 24, 2018.

AASHTO is seeking proposed transit innovations through August 31, 2018 for the AASHTO Innovation Initiative . Innovations selected will be awarded a dream team and tools and budget to help adoption or adaption of the advancement within agencies. 

2019 FHWA Environmental Excellence Awards are open for Nominations. The award recognizes outstanding transportation projects, processes, and partners that use FHWA funding sources to go beyond “business as usual” to achieve environmental excellence. Applications will be accepted through September 14, 2018.  

NCMM will sponsor Regional Mobility Meetings in two communities to give mobility management practitioners from all sectors the opportunity to network and learn together. NCMM will cover all costs for the meeting plus travel stipends. Letters of Interest are due September 14. 

NCMM Find a Mobility Manager Database Available

Mobility managers are knowledgeable regarding the variety of services that providers offer and can help make a match between a rider and transportation providers. The interactive NCMM States at a Glance database identifies local mobility management resources.

National RTAP Resource Library Policies Updated

We've updated our Resource Library Policies to include information on the roles we collect resources for, models of collection development, circulating materials, and arranging to visit the library.

Now You Can Search the National RTAP Website

A new search box at the top right area of our website lets you search for content on all of our web pages. Search for any term or short phrase and results for all the web pages where the term appears will display.
Removing Barriers to Transportation and Expanding Senior Mobility 
August 23, 2:00-3:30 PM

Governors Highway Safety Association 
Joining Forces to Get to Zero: Partnerships in Traffic Safety 
August 25-29, Atlanta, GA

Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials 2018 Annual Meeting
August 27-29, Traverse City, MI  

Introduction to Transit Service Planning
August 27-29, New York, NY

StarMetro’s Pilot of a Mobile Fare Payment App
August 28, 12:00-1:00 PM

Safety Rules Webinar for Bus-only Agencies
August 28, 2:00 PM
Project Management for Transit Professionals
August 28-29, St. Petersburg, FL

Safety Rules Webinar for State DOTs
August 29, 2:00 PM

Overview of Community Connections
August 30, 1:00-2:30 PM

Hacks and Attacks: Keeping Critical Transportation Infrastructure Resilient
August 30, 2:00-3:30 PM

C enter for Transportation & the Environment (CTE)
Zero Emissions Bus Conference
September 10-11, Los Angeles, CA

Taking ADA Complementary Paratransit Service to the Next Level
September 10-October 19

Q 'Straint
Wheelchair Securement Training
September 11, 12:00-1:15 PM

Performance Based Planning and Programming
September 11-12, Atlanta, GA

ADA Complementary Paratransit: Responding to Emergencies
September 12, 2:00-3:30 PM

Safety Rules Webinar for State DOTs
September 12, 2:00 PM

Tri-State Transit Conference
September 12-14, North Conway, NH

The Role of Public Transportation During a State of Emergency Declaration Due to Natural Disasters
September 13, 12:00-1:00 PM

Transportation and Communities 
September 13-14, Portland, OR

Project Management for Transit Professionals
September 13-14, Phoenix, AZ

National Transportation in Indian Country Conference
September 17-20, Duluth, MN

National Tribal Transportation Conference (NTTC)
September 24-27, Oklahoma City, OK

National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
September 30-October 3, Breckenridge, CO

Annual Florida Public Transportation Conference & Expo
October 14-17, Daytona Beach, FL

Connecticut Association for Community Transportation
Conference and Expo
October 15, Newington, CT

Oregon Transit Association
Oregon Public Transportation Annual Conference
October 28-31, Bend, OR

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email .

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Look for Us at these Upcoming Conferences
  • TRB National Tools of the Trade Conference on Transportation Planning for Small and Medium Sized Communities, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 22-24
  • Tri-State Transit Conference, North Conway, NH, Sep. 12-14
  • Dakota Transit Association Conference, Brookings, SD, Sep. 15-19
  • National Transportation in Indian Country Conference, Duluth, MN, Sep. 17-20
  • Rural & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Sep. 30-Oct. 3
  • FTPA/CTD Annual Florida Public Transportation Conference & Expo, Daytona Beach, FL, Oct. 14-17
  • Connecticut Association for Community Transportation Conference and Expo, Newington, CT, Oct. 15
  • Oregon Public Transportation Conference, Bend, OR, Oct. 28-31
  • Louisiana Public Transportation Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 2
National RTAP | 888-589-6821| |