Issue 154 | September 26, 2019
Click on an underlined title to go to the full article
Glenville Presbyterian dedicated the solar panels on their roof this past Sunday. They’re the second Presbyterian church in our presbytery and third in the state to do so. (Spencer and Shepherdstown are the other two, in case you were wondering.) This is a fascinating story to me for a couple of reasons.
Extra planning calendars and Books of Order available
If you missed out when the Presbytery placed its order for planning calendars and Books of Order this summer, you're not out of luck just yet. We have 27 extra planning calendars and 7 Books of Order at the office for sale. Calendars, which run this month through December 2020, are $10 each, and Books of Order are $8.50, with postage extra if mailed. Additionally, we have two dozen hard copies of the 2019 Presbytery directory; there's no cost for the directory itself, but there will be a postage charge if mailed. To order, please call 304-744-7634 or email
Please excuse our mess!
The Presbytery office is being painted for two weeks, beginning Monday. Because of this, you may find the office a bit disheveled if you visit, and staff members may be unavailable periodically as they prepare areas for painting, work elsewhere when their office is being painted and then restore everything to its designated place. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 24 at Village Chapel
October and the Soul Shop workshop are quickly approaching. This Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox event, led by Soul Shop Director Michelle Snyder, is just $50, which includes materials and lunch. Click the title link for full information, including an online registration form and Paypal option, or print a registration flyer here to register by mail. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 5 p.m. Oct. 10.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at Presbytery office
Requires at least 8 participants to take place.
We have seen, and continue to see, changes in our culture, our world and our church over the years. Pastors and other congregational leaders are encouraged to attend this event for tools and insights from leader Ken McFayden for moving your congregation into the future. Cost: $60. Register by Oct. 15 at the link above or here.
Nov. 15-17 at Bluestone
Shelly Barrick Parsons, former Presbyterian Campus Minister at WVU and current Director of Children and Family Ministries at River Road Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA, will be the Keynote Presenter for this retreat for those in grades 9-12 and their adult leaders. During the weekend, we will consider how as children of God, made in God’s image, we have value and worth as we are, despite messages from the media and other people that say if we don’t look, dress, act or believe a certain way we aren’t good enough. Complete details will be sent to church leaders on Monday. For more information or a Word document of the link above, contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-645-4568. Register by Monday, Nov. 4.
Shoes for schoolchildren
Recently, Ripley First Presbyterian donated more than 200 pairs of shoes and socks for children at Ripley Elementary, Middle and High School. From left, church members Diane Hamric and Frances O'Connell (the project coordinator) with Ripley Elementary counselor Tina Contrill and Principal Janet Postlethwaite. Not pictured is project assistant Bill O'Connell.
5:30-6:30 p.m. today at the RC Byrd Federal Courthouse in Charleston
6-9 p.m. Oct. 11
Comedian Michael Jr. is the performer at this benefit for the Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center. Tickets: $85, with proceeds providing fee subsidies for clients.
By Elizabeth Campbell-Maleke
I recently read an  article  that suggested that rather than complaining about how other activities creep in and interrupt Sunday morning worship schedules, we need to make sure that what we are doing in the life of our churches and faith communities is so meaningful and appealing that people who come to worship, looking for their spiritual hunger and longings to be stoked, as well as challenged and filled, have just that take place. The worst thing that can happen is people come to church and get bored! But how do we do this, we good Presbyterians might ask? What are some potential ways we might enhance the experience of worship in the life of our church – especially if we are perhaps part of a smaller congregation, which is true for most of us in the presbytery, and to keep things fresh and new might feel a little overwhelming or even, dare I say it, impossible? (Artwork by Amy Parker)
Job opening!
Keyboard accompanist (part-time)
Teays Valley Presbyterian Church
Teays Valley Presbyterian is looking for a gifted musician who loves Jesus and wants to use their musical gifts in worship! Responsibilities include playing hymns, accompanying the choir and playing with Praise Team. Other occasional responsibilities may include playing for special services, weddings, funerals, etc. Ability to play organ is preferred, but other experienced keyboard accompanists will be equally considered. Salary based on experience. Contact Kyle Key at 304-757-6071 or
Free to a good home!
Old Stone Presbyterian is transitioning away from using worship registers/notepads and has approximately 75 folders with sign-in notepads and about 75 unused sign-in-notepads to give away to any church that would like them. They are in Lewisburg but can be brought to the Presbytery office or delivered elsewhere, if possible.

Following its closing, Richwood Presbyterian has 46 red hymnals, as well as choir robes, choir music and various paraments free to any church that is interested. If you are, contact the Presbytery office at 304-744-7634 or
Registration deadline: Tuesday!
Click on the image for a printable flyer and here for more information/a registration form.
We invite you to print and include this newsletter in your bulletins or church newsletters, share it with your congregation and distribute it widely in your community. Click for OCTOBER news: color two side, black-and-white two side, color booklet or black-and-white booklet.
  For sale
Sharp Digital Imager copier ( model A/R 287) Copies, prints and scans in black-and-white only, plus sorts and staples. Purchased in 2006 but maintained by The Copier Guy in Nitro and still works. Will need toner soon, which is also available. Cost: $100 or best offer. Contact Doug Jenkins at 304-727-2241 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Beginning in January, Davis & Elkins College will offer a preaching course on Tuesday evenings as part of a new minor designed as pre-professional training for those seeking to enter ministry after college. Locally-licensed clergy who wish to continue their training may also enroll. For more, email
Canyon Community Presbyterian Church members (from left) Mary Gribko, Debra Hagedorn, and Mary Jo Sodomick pose in their newly-renovated fellowship hall. Church members share the building with their community, including a knitting group that recently began meeting in fellowship hall after they lost their previous meeting space.
Editor's Note: In order to keep PWV News fresh, articles will generally run for two consecutive issues. If you would like a piece to run longer, please update (with refreshed content, new wording and/or a different photo) and resubmit.