September 2019 vol. 2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
See you at Expo!
COME VISIT US AT THE EXPO! If you’re headed to the World Dairy Expo stop by the PDPW booth in the Exhibition Hall – we’re booth #EH4427, across from the Purple Cow exhibit. We've got exciting programs to share with you and your team members. Swing on by and say “hello!”
Opportunities to learn
October 17, 2019
GET A GRIP ON AG ECONOMICS with renowned economist Dr. David Kohl in the Oct. 17 PDPW World Class Webinar. Dr. Kohl will share the latest on core factors that will influence the dairy industry and the business models of the future. He’ll also discuss five “tools for the times” to jump start your dairy for the next decade. In the case of a date or time conflict, this session will be available after the webinar to those who register. For more details, click here and for the registration page, click here .
October 24, 2019
PDPW Dairy Feed Management, Storage & Tracking Tours will showcase feeding strategies at two successful dairies. Join fellow dairy farmers, nutritionists, and other allied industry on a day-long bus tour to Vir-Clar Farms of Fond du Lac, Wis. and Second-Look Holsteins of Eden, Wis. Scheduled for Thur., Oct. 24, the tour bus will depart the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, 625 W. Rolling Meadows Dr. in Fond du Lac at 9:30 a.m. and return at 4:00 p.m. Space is limited to the first 40 registrations and includes bus travel, refreshments and lunch. For details and to register click here
October 30 & 31, 2019
PDPW Herdsperson Workshop , has been developed for dairy owners, herd managers, nutritionists, veterinarians and mid-managers tasked with making key herd-health and management decisions on a dairy. The conference will be held Oct. 30 in Arlington, Wis. and again Oct. 31 in Marshfield, Wis. from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Presenters include Dr. Laura Hernandez, DVM, of UW-Madison, Dr. Mike Hutjens of University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, and Dr. Marcia Endres, DVM, of University of Minnesota. 

Participants will learn the latest in screening and treatment protocols for oral calcium treatments for transition cows, feed-inventory strategies following a challenging growing season, animal-welfare protocols and management strategies. In break-out sessions attendees will take part in an udder-dissection lab, discover the implications of energy-corrected milk on the milk check, and capture insights on consumer concerns regarding animal care. For details and to register, click here .
Financial Literacy for Dairy
Winter/Spring 2019-20
REGISTRATION OPEN FOR 2019-20 Financial Literacy for Dairy; all three levels will take place at PDPW Headquarters in Juneau, Wis. The multi-level, multi-session financial development program is designed to provide dairy farmers, veterinarians, nutritionists, and other agribusiness professionals a solid financial understanding and foundation and then stretch their thinking to far broader concepts.

Space is limited to 30 attendees per level. For additional information call PDPW at 800-947-7379 or email us at Upon registration, attendees will complete an online placement test to be placed into Level 1, 2 or 3; you'll receive notification of your level placement immediately upon submission. Program dates are as follows:
LEVEL 1 (4 total days of training in 2 sessions)

Begins: Nov. 13-14, 2019
Concludes: Dec. 18-19, 2019
LEVEL 2 (6 total days of training in 3 sessions)

Begins Jan. 8-9, 2020
Feb. 12-13, 2020
Concludes: Mar. 4-5, 2020
LEVEL 3 (2 total days of training in 1 session)

Held: Mar. 24-25
All sessions begin at 9 am with registration on day one, training is from 9:30 am – 8 pm., Training resumes at 8 am of day two and concludes at 4 p.m. For full program details and to register, click here .
November 19, 20, 21, 2019, 2020
TAKE CALF CARE TO THE NEXT LEVEL with research and management strategies from leading calf experts at the 2019 PDPW Calf Care Connection® workshops. Three repeating one-day sessions will be held Nov. 19 in Chilton, Nov. 20 in Eau Claire, and Nov. 21 in Fennimore, Wis. Workshops will be led by Dr. Jennifer Van Os, Dr. Theresa Ollivett, and Dr. Franklyn Garry. Click here for details and to register. 
January 14-16, 2020
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND 2020 PDPW MANAGERS ACADEMY in Corpus Christi, Texas. Details are being finalized for the executive-level three-day training program designed for CEOs, dairy owners and managers, industry directors, processors, marketers and distributors. Mark your calendars now for Jan. 14-16, 2020 and watch for more program details soon! 
CHECK OUT DAIRY ADVANCE. Find, track and report your Continuing Education (CEs). Take credit for the trainings you attend! Get more details at .
For your dairy
RESEARCHERS IDENTIFY MICROBES IN RUMEN that produce methane mainly from hydrogen and carbon dioxide when digesting feed. The international team published findings in the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal . The group of microbes are known as methanogens, and now scientists can look for ways to reduce or divert away hydrogen from methanogens and towards other rumen microbes that do not make methane. Read more in the full article
MONITORING FOR LAMENESS IMPORTANT DURING DRY PERIOD. A study in the Journal of Dairy Science featured a study of 455 cows from six freestall commercial dairy farms to describe the epidemiology of lameness during the dry period and to identify risk factors associated with onset, cure, and chronic cases of lameness. Cows were enrolled at 9 weeks before calving and gait scored weekly until calving using a 5-point scale. Researchers noted a high incidence of lameness was observed during the dry period. Hoof trimming before the dry-period reduced the risk of lameness for primiparous but not for multiparous cows. Read the full study here.
NANOPARTICLES MAY OFFER IMPROVED TREATMENTS for metritis and other diseases in animals and humans, according to researchers at the University of Florida. They are working with compounds such as chitosan nanoparticles — which help carry drugs to infection sites — to empower antibiotics to cure cattle infections. Researchers will inject a combination of traditional antibiotics and chitosan nanoparticles directly into infection sites in cattle and perform tests to identify how this combination drug delivery works. Read more in the full article here.
For your business mind
MAINTENANCE COSTS FOR ROBOTS DOUBLE AS THEY AGE, according to a survey of dairy farmers with robotic milking units. In early years of the robotic units on the dairy, maintenance costs were about $5,000 on an annual basis, but costs doubled as the unit got older. Survey respondents also reported that customer service for AMS units have improved since they adopted the technology. Click here to read more about the survey conducted by dairy extension educators at the University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, and Penn State University
INFORMED DECISIONS ABOUT VALUE-ADDED DAIRY ENTERPRISES can be guided by forming a team to help research and analyze opportunities as well as provide realistic perspective on hurdles. An article from Penn State Extension recommends the following team members: family and/or business partners, regulatory personnel or inspectors, extension specialists, engineers, other value-added dairy entrepreneurs, dairy industry professionals, financial specialists and builders. Read the full article with questions for the team to address here .
IMPROVE WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION WITH BETTER LISTENING. One of the most common complaints from employees is that they want to be heard. Improve your listening skills with the following four steps:
1.      Listen without an agenda. Focus on what the speaker is telling you without preconceived ideas or planning ahead for your response.
2.      Ask questions. Establish trust and build additional understanding by asking questions instead of responding immediately.
3.      Recap. Reframe the discussion back to the speaker to make sure you understood their viewpoint.
4.      Reflect on your own emotions and perspective before responding.

Read the full article with more tips here
Dairy currents
DOMESTIC DAIRY DEMAND HITS 56-YEAR HIGH as per capita dairy sales totaled 646 pounds last year. While fluid milk consumption has declined over the years, an increase in other dairy products has led to overall increases. Cheese per-capita consumption has tripled since 1971 and butter is now at its highest per-capita use since 1968. Read more in a post from the National Milk Producers Federation here
SURVEY ABOUT PRE-WEANED DAIRY CALVES TO ASSIST RESEARCHERS. University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers and extension educators are conducting a study on animal-care practices for pre-weaned dairy calves. If you’re a U.S. dairy producer or calf raiser – or a bovine veterinary practitioner – take the online survey. Not only will your participation help efforts for better service in regards to future research and extension programs, producers can choose to enter a random drawing to win a prize from several sponsors ($50-$200 value). The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Click the appropriate link below, or visit
INNOVATIVE INGREDIENTS AND ARTISANAL RECIPES are sparking the growth of super-premium ice cream segments where the price of a pint can range from $10 to $20. Millennials and Generation Z are more likely to splurge for ice creams that can include mixed-in ingredients like locally-grown produce or fresh baked goods. Read more from industry analyst Phil Lempert here .
STUDENTS DEVELOP TECHNOLOGY TO TEST MILK QUALITY to provide more accurate information than the expiration dates on cartons. Nineteen students from University of Michigan are using synthetic biology to develop a paper strip test, similar to a pH strip test, that can determine milk spoilage with just a few drops. Research shows that consumer uncertainty about expiration and best buy dates contributes to about 20 percent of food waste at home. Click here to learn more. 
Book Review
Author Holly Green starts with an overview of how the brain processes information that leads to our decisions and actions, then shares how it has a tendency to see what it expects to see and overlook contradicting data. The book helps readers learn how to make better, more informed decisions and avoid getting blinded by data and stay focused. Green will be a trainer at the 2020 PDPW MANAGERS ACADEMY , June 14-16, at Corpus Christi, Texas . Learn more here .
PDPW Educational Calendar
October 17

October 24
Fond du lac, Wis.

October 30, 31
Arlington, Marshfield, Wis.

November 19, 20, 21
Chilton, Eau Claire, Fennimore

November 13 & 14: Level 1 Begins
January 8 & 9: Level 2 Begins
March 24-25: Level 3
December 4 & 5
Dairy Insights Forum (formerly Food & Policy Summit): Madison, Wis.

December 10
Madison, Wis

January 14-16
Corpus Christi, Texas

March 17-18, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 18-19, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.
Thank you Vision and Mission sponsors
Thank you to these agribusiness leaders that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers supporting your professional development organization. Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for outreach initiatives. See the full list of generous sponsors here.