August 2018 Edition
Medical News
A bacteria in some of Israel’s northern rivers has led to a recommendation that any child who swam in Israel recently may need to be treated with an antibiotic for prevention purposes. Please speak to your physician if this could relate to your child.
Flu Vaccines
We are anticipating receiving our flu shot shipments over the next several weeks and will notify you once they have arrived at which time we will begin scheduling appointments for them. We will once again only be giving the flu shot this year as the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded the flu shot has been shown to more consistently protect against the various strains of influenza, compared with the FluMist (nasal spray form). The flu shot is recommended for anyone age 6 months and older. A separate notification will be emailed once we receive the shipments -- please wait until then to call for an appointment.
Clean Up Those Mailboxes!
We can use your help with our communication with you! 

As texting has become more popular over recent years, people tend to let their voicemails pile up in their mailboxes until they become full and not able to receive new messages. Please clean them out so that our physicians and staff can leave a voicemail if necessary. Thank you!
Free Class!
Video Game Addiction Your Child’s Mind is Being Played
Dr. Darren Saks will be leading a class on October 11 th at our billing office in Tenafly about video game addiction. The class will be aimed for parents. We have limited seating so we will require you to register (2 per family) by emailing with one of your children’s names, date of birth, your name(s) and phone number. The time will be 7:30pm. If the class fills up quickly we will consider repeating the class at another time. 
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