October's Memory Verse:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." 
- Philippians 4:13
Save the Date

October 26:  Trike-A-Thon for St. Jude Children's Hospital (Bring bikes to School)

October 31: Book Character Dress-Up Day & Parade

November 22: CDC Thanksgiving Feast with Families in Swetenburg Hall

October's menu may be found here .
This Week's Theme 

We love fall at the CDC. Our classes are having fun describing pumpkins and talking about this season. 

Today, October 16, is Reach Out Day sponsored by United Way of Hall County.  We want to stand with United Way and help unite the community to create awareness around the importance of mental health. We talked with our teachers on Monday at our staff development day about the importance our mental health and caring for ourselves well. Please see this blog post about why  Mental Health is Community Health . We hope you can go on a walk with friends or find a way to take a mental health break - for your sake, the sake of your family, and the sake of our community. We are #UNITEDaroundmentalhealth
Background Check Requirement for Parent Participation

In an effort to be proactive in protecting our children, the state of Georgia has changed the background check requirements as it relates to parent and other adult participation in the CDC. If any adult is in a classroom or the CDC area more than 3 times in a calendar year (outside of drop-off and pick-up), they must have an approved background check on file with the state of Georgia. This requirement extended to even the truck delivery driver of our food services vendor. If you plan to be in your child's classroom in any capacity outside of drop-off and pick-up, please see Susan to be registered for the background check. You will have to complete a fingerprint check within 3 days of being registered.

St. Jude Trike-a-thon Week is Coming October 21
Please be watching for information to go home next week with your child on our participation in the St. Jude Trike-a-thon fundraiser to support pediatric cancer research.

Please plan to bring your child's bike to school labeled with their first and last name (and dropped off at Swetenburg Hall portico) on Friday morning, October 26. They will get to ride their bike during their outdoor recess time this day. 

Midland Fundraiser for CDC
Information is going home this week for this fall fundraiser for new classroom supplies. Orders are due Friday, October 18. All checks should be made payable to the FPC CDC and returned with your child's order form. Thank you for your support of our program!
Openings in our 3 Year Old Classes

We currently have a few openings in our 3 year old classes. If you know of anyone who would like to have a great Preschool experience for their child and then have automatic entry into our PreK program, please share this availability with them. We offer a $50 credit for referring a family after they have attended the CDC for 90 days and are current on their tuition.

We're Hiring

If you know of a great person looking for a part or full-time job,  we are accepting applications in the front office. We would like to have more substitutes available and for the right fit, possibly add a member to our team. 
Late Fees

Our late pick-up fees are necessary due to the overtime we are paying our teachers for staying late. Please work to be on time in the evenings. Please keep the CDC's phone number (770-532-8188) programmed in your cell phone in case you are running late so that the center can let your child know that you are on your way. If you are late picking up your child, you will be charged according to the chart below.  Payment will be added to the following week's tuition bill.
6:00-6:15 $20.00
6:15-6:30 $20.00 + $10.00
6:30-6:45 $20.00 + $10.00 + $10.00

Pre-K Meal Fees

Pre-K meal fees are due today. This fee can be included with other payments.
Accountant's Hours
Ms. JoAnn Watson, part-time accountant
jwatson@fpcga.org | 770-532-8188
Monday - Friday 8am to 2pm
First Presbyterian News
Save the Date for Trunk or Treat!

Wednesday, October 30
Dinner at 5:30pm
Trunks Open at 6pm
Awards for Best Trunks at 7pm

If you'd like to decorate a trunk - sign up here. We'd love to have you participate!
Please join us for Worship any Sunday

9:00   Contemporary Service in Swetenburg Hall

10:00  Sunday School

11:00  Traditional Service in the Sanctuary