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I apologize for missing an issue on Sunday.  Between getting back from camping with the Cub Scouts and a church commitment where they had me manning the fire pit for S'mores I just didn't have time. So hopefully I'll be back on schedule now.
Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay
If you have an eBay store then I have a welcome surprise for you today.  You can claim your free shipping supplies as October 1st is the beginning of Q4. Remember to find your coupon you navigate to "manage store" and then "subscriber discounts".  I've already spent my coupons early this morning which is compounded when you have 4 different eBay accounts.

Order of the Arrow Top Selling Auctions
I am working on the flier for the Charlotte TOR this week and hope to have it available in the Friday issue.  Every year we have made an improvement to the show and I'm very excited to reveal what that will be in Year 4 of the event.  The date for the show is March 27-28, 2020 so put it on your calendar.

Free Shipping & Every Patch Is $5 Fixed Price

Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
This weekend I will be in Florida promoting Camp Barstow at the Summer Camp Trade Shows.  I never make it down to Florida for TORs so I'll make this offer.  If any of my Best Hobby Pages customers want to save $ on shipping I can drive your order down this weekend for pick up.  I'll be in the Fort Myers area on Saturday and on to the Miami area Sunday.  Send me a message if that is something you are interested in.

Patchblanket eBay Store Santeeswapper
Auctions Auctions Auctions!  I think between my accounts I have probably 1,000 of those running right now.  On 5dollarpatchstore I am finishing the run of council (CP) and district patches.  As you might guess on OApatch my 300+ auctions are all Order of the Arrow pieces.  
Meanwhile on Santeeswapper I have featured items from Croatan, Waguli and new launches from the Elangomat and special issues collection that went live last night. 

I'm riding down to Florida with my Program Director.  This is our 3rd tour of duty running camp and I think we have brought new ideas and energy that seems to be paying off.  I'm excited to see the camp attendance grow and welcome troops from outside our area.
Keep Calm And Scout On,
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Jason Spangler
Hot Finds Newsletter

In Charlotte, North Carolina I have an antique mall booth that is filled with nothing but Scouting stuff.  I call this location my clearance center because I've marked down everything to move.  A lot of what you will find there are items that are too bulky to easily ship from an Internet store.  The booth is located in The Sleepy Poet which is a well established antique mall on South Blvd in Charlotte.  The mall is open 7-days/week year round.  So the next time you are in the area come check it out.