Have You Seen These
Great Items for Babies?
(1 month - 12 months)

Imagine a small spaceship looking configuration, that has 6 colored
cords, all with varying levels of
difficulty coming out of it. Totally
made of silicone, this new item from
Mobi is great for 6 - 12 months old.
$10.00 (10)
This is our most popular infant item of all time. Developed by an early childhood developmental therapist. It has everything to keep a baby's attention. It lights up and changes colors, there's a mirror, it has various textures throughout, there's a rattle and it's won every award imaginable.
$11.50 (12)

Baby Paper
I am so glad that my business mind lost out to my child development mind in a battle over 3 years ago. "Really Sandy, how much money can you make on an infant item that costs just $2.35?" To which my early childhood background mind replied "Yes, but it's just right. This is what babies play with. It's colorful. It has sound based on cause and effect, and it's inexpensive." Our customers love this item and refill their Display Bucket on a monthly basis.
$2.35 (6)
Clutching Toys From Haba
Our favorites are Magica, Color Pyramid and Sunni. These are all made of beech wood. In addition, for the parents concerned about what their babies are putting in their mouths, these do not come from China, but are manufactured in Germany.
$8.00 (4)
Color Pyramid
$7.50 (4)
$8.00 (4)

"That's Not My..." books from EDC. It seems like 10 years ago when these first came out, and they still remain our most popular series year after year. These are touchy feely board books done just right. Great textures, appealing and fun graphics, with a simple yet engaging story. That's Not My Puppy is still my favorite. Though make sure you check out That's Not My Monster". There are 43 titles to choose from. In addition, for the holidays, there's a That's Not My Reindeer, That's Not My Elf, and That's Not My Snowman. $5.00 (1)

Chew Cube by Malarkey Kids
In many of my favorite items for babies, I find that I've been drawn to the ones made of silicone. This is another one that is very appealing. It's easy to grasp, safe to put in your mouth, and has both movement and sound. It's been out on the market for about a year, and most of our stores that carry it, have been consistently reordering it. $6.50 (6)

Neckerchews by Cheeky Chompers
Two moms in Scotland had enough. Their babies would regularly drop their teethers on the floor, and the moms would have to both pick them up and wash them off. They felt there must be a better way.
They came up with a bib that has a teether attached. Ingenious in it's simplicity. Their designs are fabulous as well. $10.00 (1)
Ditty Bird Music Books
These just released items contain 6 high quality songs within each board book, cute graphics, and the words are on each page for parents and older siblings to sing along to. My favorites are Children's Songs and Nursery Rhymes. I also really like the Classical Music one, though you can't really sing along with this one. They do have a great Holiday one (that you have to sing along with it's just so engaging) called Christmas Songs. $8.00 (1)

What I Learned
Best Buy
It happened again today. This time it was at Best Buy. “Congrats Sandy. Your shopping just paid you back. Redeem your Reward Certificate on your next Best Buy purchase by 8/31/19.”
If you are like me, you look at this certificate at least 5 times, each time I look, it’s like free advertising. “Go to Best Buy. Go to Best Buy.” If you are also like me, after looking at this certificate for 2 months, you also didn’t use it.
So, it got me thinking, what a brilliant form of advertising this is. I thought about Best Buy way more than I would have. When I really do need to make a purchase, I’m definitely going to Best Buy.
But what if I did redeem my $5 certificate. Best Buy has just got me to come in their store, and my guess is, my purchase is going to be higher than $5, much higher. For Best Buy, it’s a win-win.
Develop a program, where you can give $5 gift cards to some of your customers. Put an expiration date on it.
If your customers are like me, (look, but don’t use) you just received some great free advertising.
Sandy Ruben and Associates Road Reps
Sandy Ruben  (NC/SC/VA/AL/MS) 843-696-4464 sandyrubeninfo@gmail.com
Tom Darnell  (TN/KY) 615-945-8939 darnelltoys@gmail.com
Katherine Hodges  (NC/SC) 919-244-8774 toyrep@nc.rr.com
Don Smith  (GA) 919-749-8038 donsmithSRA@gmail.com
Valerie Bernstein  (AL/TN/GA) 678-595-3062 valeriebernstein1@gmail.com
Misty Blalock Audish ( NC/SC/VA) 704-258-7367 mbaudish@gmail.com
Rachel Jones  (VA/NC) 218-230-8898 toysalesrep@hotmail.com
Dee Senter  (SC/GA) 803-414-7207 dsentertoyrep@gmail.com
Catherine Coury  (NC) 732-841-9372 catherinecoury2@hotmail.com
Daryll Gunter  (FL/GA) 850-838-6568  toysarecool@yahoo.com
Gabriella Araujo  (FL) 631-946-3030  gabriellatoyrep@hotmail.com
Christina Posso (FL) 954-496-0992 christinapSRA@gmail.com 
Karen Bortle (KY/TN) 913-787-3125 karenbortle@gmail.com