September 2019
SVCC Named
“2019 Great College to Work For” 

For the tenth time, Southside Virginia Community College has received the distinction of being named a Great College to Work For. This honor puts SVCC in elite company. SVCC is one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to a new survey by The Great Colleges to Work For program. Read More
Southside Ranked Highest in State for Post- High School Education
As pointed out in a recent editorial in the Roanoke Times , four-year colleges are not the only choices in post-secondary education. Using State Council of Higher Education for Virginia data from the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia, the paper names Southside as the Virginia region educating its population at the greatest rate. Read the article here .

Truck Driver of the Year Speaks to SVCC Trucking Students
David Boyer, the 2018 National Driver of the Year for the American Trucking Association (ATA) who was invited to the White House for the honor, recently spoke to graduates of the Southside Virginia Community College Truck Driver Training Programs in Emporia and South Boston.

Since opening the Training School in 1996, SVCC has enrolled almost 3,000 students
L to R: SVCC President, Dr. Quentin Johnson, David Boyer

Read more and see graduates here
Construction Progress Continues
Construction progress continues on the SVCC new Student Services and Learning Resource Center on the Christanna Campus. According to Shannon Vassar Feinman, Vice President of Finance and

Administration at SVCC, “We are looking at substantial completion by January and will begin moving offices and services with completion planned for spring break, the week of March 2 – 6, 2020. The project is coming together beautifully and will be the new front door to the campus.”Fienman noted that this should also be a premier building for the county of Brunswick to be utilized and enjoyed by students, employees, and the community from all over the service area.
DRS Imaging Partners with SVCC to Invest in Virginia Families 

A new partnership between DRS Imaging Services, LLC (DRS) and SVCC has the potential to increase the skillset of Clarksville, Virginia residents, while also creating jobs in the local community.
DRS, a document scanning, storage and retrieval services company with a location in Clarksville, Virginia, and SVCC have created an innovative partnership, which offers college classes to DRS employees during work hours. The aim of the partnership is to upscale DRS’ workforce to meet the growing demand for its services, while also investing in the families of Clarksville. Read More
Career Options for Women Interested in Technology Event to Industry Panelists

For the second year in a row, Southside Virginia Community College is sponsoring a Career Options for Women Interested in Technology Event. This event, to be held October 15 at Lake Country Advanced Knowledge Center in South Hill, features panelists from the industry who will share their stories on finding career paths in an often male-dominated field.

Sponsored by the Center for Information Technology Excellence (CITE) and SVCC, guest speakers will include representatives from Microsoft, Perspecta, IES, Capital One, VCU Health and a CITE student. This event hopes to inspire women to consider career paths in the area of IT and computer science. More Info
SVCC Alumni Spotlight