For our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link on top of this newsletter. Be sure to sign up for your student's graduating classes. You may also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.
The Blast will be delivered once a week on Tuesday mornings. The deadlines for submitting articles are as follows:
- School news and PTSA articles - Friday deadline
- Athletics and Activities articles - Sunday deadline
- Submissions should be in plain text in the body of your email message or in a Word document.
- Items submitted may be accepted, rejected, or edited at our discretion.
- Please use a separate email for each article submitted.
- Titles should be included in the Subject line.
- Images may be included as JPEG or PNG files.
- Submissions received after Friday/Sunday will NOT be in the Tuesday issue, but will be in the following week's issue.
COMMENTS: Thank you for your articles. The newsletter is edited by Jia Ling(Janet) Liu and Rebekah Brown. Please submit all comments and questions to us at
Thank you for staying informed!