Tips, tools and strategies for financial security.

The lead retirement story in Sunday's New York Times, How to make your money last as long as you do hit the bulls-eye, explaining how annuities provide guaranteed, lifetime income in retirem ent. 
The story' s message was simple and to the point:

"Consider an annuity"... [Retirees] will always have enough to cover essential living expenses, no matter how long they live or how badly their investments perform."

With a portion of your retirement funds in the right type of annuity, the principal is protected by creating guaranteed income that will last "as long as you do". As you get older, the amount of income increases and will not level off until you begin to draw a paycheck from the contract. 

In other words, anyone who wants absolute security in retirement should take advantage of this special kind of annuity. 

No other retirement solution offers 100% principal protection, participation in market gains, tax deferral, favorable taxation on distribution, liquid from day one and no commissions paid by you or your account.

Who should "consider an annuity"? Are you:
  1. Married - in or near retirement - want dependable, predictable results.
  2. Single.
  3. Seeking a simple and safe solution built entirely on guarantees.
  4. Interested in transparency, disclosure and regulated products.
  5. Seeking the maximum amount of guaranteed income for life.
ROI in retirement means reliability of income and it is the take-away of Sunday's New York Times article. To suggest that you "consider an annuity" to make your money last as long as you do is supportive of everything I stress about a safe and secure retirement.

The idea that guaranteed, lifetime income is a more valuable asset, in retirement, than accumulated assets, is finally beginning to receive mainstream attention. Converting and protecting your assets, including your IRA, is simple and transparent.

If you would like to meet with me or talk by phone, please email Ted Bernstein or call me at: 561-869-4500

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Ask your estate planning attorney about RUFADAA - the new law in several states that allows your estate fiduciary to manage, and access, your digital accounts. However, they must properly consent. As this is not a Federal law, it is important to speak with your attorney who can update the appropriate documents for you.

Ted & Deborah Bernstein
Life Cycle Financial Planners