eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
Sept 20, 2019

In today's issue I have another interview video with a TOR organizer.  This time my guest is Jeff Ansley who is sharing details on the Ed Harris Memorial Trade-O-Ree which is being held in Portland, OR on October 4-5, 2019.
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
I didn't know Ed Harris so my first question off the bat was to ask Jeff to tell the listeners about this Scouter and why the TOR is named for him.  During the interview Jeff shared that this is one of only two shows in that region of the country and it is a long running event.

TOR Coming Up October 4-5 in Portland, Oregon
2019 Portland OR Ed Harris Memorial Boy Scout Trade-O-Ree
2019 Portland OR Ed Harris Memorial Boy Scout Trade-O-Ree
Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
A buying rep from the National Supply in Charlotte has visited our Scouts BSA troop meetings a few times to get ideas about uniforms.  As you might remember back at the beginning of the year there was quite a swirl about sizes, styles and the new shirts.  She has taken some ideas from our Scouts and is working on prototypes of new choices for female Scouts.  It was cool to see where she is headed with feedback from our front line Scouts.

Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
All this week I've spent time updating the Camp Barstow website and it's finally 95% finished.  We have a bunch of camp promotion events coming up in October and it's prime time for troops to start making plans to come to camp. We had a 32% increase in attendance last year and the team wants to see it grow again in 2020.
Patchblanket eBay Santeeswapper Store
I have a terrific run of unique council and district patches on eBay right now.  These are the CP and district patches that have no year but were standard issue in some case.  This is a niche for some veteran collectors.  With over 100 listed and some ending soon check out what I have on eBay.
Tomorrow morning I am going to get "trained to position" as they say in Scouting.  I'm attending our local Scouting Success Seminar and taking the class for troop committee.  That is my role in our Troop 233 female troop.  Wouldn't you know it my job there is secretary in charge of the email newsletter. :)
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
March 27-28, 2020
 Charlotte Trade-O-Ree


Click to pull up the fliers for Trade-O-Rees that I have fliers on.  Please contact the sponsors in order to see more details.  If you see a TOR that is not listed please email me and let me know.  Likewise I'm always looking to add more shows so send me the fliers as you get them. You can always find the Trade-O-Ree calendar on