The Conversation Project 
September 24, 2019
Conversation Sabbath

Conversation Sabbath begins next month!  We're inviting  congregations across the nation to take part in Conversation Sabbath between October 24th and November 3 by sharing each faith's teachings on the critical topic of end-of-life care. We encourage clergy leaders to support congregants in having the conversation in familiar settings, and not during a medical crisis in the ICU.  

Are you looking for ideas on where to start (or want to learn more about Conversation Sabbath)? Or, maybe you've participated in the past and are looking for new inspiration and ideas? Well, we have you covered.  Below are a list of different resources to help you get involved:
  • Click here to access some resources to support you in preparing for this year's Conversation Sabbath and/or for sharing with others who you'd like to join you along the way!
  • Bethel AME Church has dedicated their efforts to launching a ministry called Planning Ahead. This program not only prompts congregants to think critically about what matters most to them, it also encourages them to think about how their faith speaks to the values they would like to have honored towards the end of their lives. Click here to read Bethel's case study where they share their successes, challenges and insight around what it was like to meaningfully engage their congregation in having the conversation in a faith-based setting.
  • Engaging Faith Leaders and Other LessonsAshley Areyan is the Development and Community Engagement Director at the Institute for Human Caring at Providence St. Joseph Health, based in Los Angeles. She collaborated with The Conversation Project to help bring advanced care planning to people where they live, work and pray. Read her group's case study.
Video:  Don't Panic - It's Okay: A Letter to Loved Ones Making Difficult Choices

Even when people express their end-of-life care wishes, honoring their choices can be challenging or impractical. Dr. Karen Boudreau's family knows this from experience. She wrote this letter to her loved ones to offer guidance in case they ever need to make difficult decisions at the end of her life. The Conversation Project has shared this letter with many people who have been inspired by its compassion to have "the conversation" with their own families.

Back-to-School Season

Back-to-season is here! Whether you are an undergraduate student who is interested in leading the The Conversation Project movement on campus or a medical student/faculty member who wants to prepare future physicians to engage patients in meaningful conversations about end-of-life care, we have resources to help you get started! 

Beach Conversations

As we officially say "goodbye" to summer, let's reminisce on our days on the beach where we splashed in the water, sunbathed in the sand and had meaningful conversations with our friends and family about what matters most. Read this blog piece where old college friends reunited on the beach to reflect on the brevity of life and the importance of having the conversation.

As I sat on the beach that day - sand between my toes, with my best friends from college at my side - I thought of how conversations about how we want to live at the end of our lives can and should happen whenever the opportunity arises.... 

Engage with TCP on Social Media

As the TCP initiative continues to grow, we want to ensure that we are posting, sharing and producing online content that is relevant and useful to you. Follow us on our various social media platforms ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) and let us know what you think! What do you want to see from us? What are we doing well? What can we do better? Follow us and share your thoughts!
Download Our Free Kits & Order in Bulk!

The Conversation Starter Kit is a useful tool to help you have the conversation with a family member, friend, or other loved one about your - or their - wishes regarding end-of-life care. It is available in several languages.  All of the Starter Kits are available to download and print for free.

News Round Up: What We're Reading
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The Conversation Project is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care. Our free Starter Kit can help you talk to your loved ones about this difficult topic.