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Parent Newsletter
September 23, 2019
Homecoming Court 2019
The students are (from left to right) Evan Starke, Kelsey Vittitow, Parker Krause, Summer Little, Keegan Hook, Cassandra Ross, Garrett Malmo, Michelle Becker, Kaleb Rankin, Kylie Schmitt

I scrolled across a quote the other day that struck a nerve. "Stop the glorification of busy. Busy, in and of itself, is not a badge of honor. It's okay to not be busy." It made me stop, and at first, if I'm honest, I rolled my eyes. "Who are you to tell me that the activities that take up my time are not valuable?" I thought to myself. I figured if I kept scrolling, the momentary unsettled feeling would go away. But it didn't - at that moment, I was basing my value on all of the things that keep me busy. We've been trained by our culture to look up to those who appear to be busy, to give of their time and to burn the candle at both ends. In a world that praises busyness, rest is an act of bravery. 

Our Heavenly Father, however, tells us something very different. Our worth is not based on our
"busy-ness." It's not based on our accomplishments, our trophies, our intelligence, our appearance, or anything else culture tells us to value. Jesus encourages his disciples in Matthew 10: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." The same God who created the expanse of the heavens and all that is on the earth is the God who values you enough to know you by name. More than that, to know the number of hairs on your head. He values you enough to sacrifice His own Son so that we can be with Him in Heaven.

You are worthy because you are a beloved child of God. Period. Your worth is not determined by anything you can do; it is determined by what He has already done for you! There's nothing you can do to make you any less worthy in God's eyes because He sent the perfect sacrifice in our place. We have been made new. (And He's still counting the hairs on our heads!) Praise be to God for His amazing gift!

Need to Know
Fall Service Day - Wednesday, Sept. 25
Putting faith into "action" is an important part of the mission of Valley "to serve in the world". Students get the opportunity to do just that on Fall Service Day,  Wednesday, Sept. 25. Between 8-9 am they will join their family group, at a location, to help others in the Great Lakes Bay Region. The day will conclude between noon and 1 pm. Permission slips with specific site location and times will be sent home with students as the date approaches. All students are required to attend Service Day!
Grand Homecoming Tailgate - Friday, Sept. 27 at 4:45 pm
The Grand Homecoming Tailgate will take place Friday, September 27 at 4:45 pm at the practice soccer fields south of the school parking lot. This year, there will be a special Valley Family Tent with food, drinks and activities for all ages in attendance. Stop by and say hi, grab a bite to eat, and enjoy the parade. Valley encourages association and supporting congregations to join the tailgate and bring their own tent/food/drinks. If your congregation is not hosting a tent, plan to join the Valley Family Tent!
Remind Accounts - Text & Email Alert Sign Up
Have you signed up for Remind? If you haven't, it's not too late! Remind is a way for Valley to share information regarding school-wide emergencies and school closings due to inclement weather. We ask that individual parents and students sign up for one parent and one student list only, as each list will receive the same notifications. Families are limited to a maximum of two (2) parent accounts, and families with students in multiple grades should only sign up for one grade's list. 
To sign up, send a text message to the number 81010 with the text for your list:
Seniors - Class of 2020: Students:        @20vlst
Parents:         @20vlprt
Juniors - Class of 2021: Students:         @21vlst
Parents:         @21vlprt
Soph. - Class of 2022: Students:           @22vlst
Parents:         @22vlprt
Fresh. - Class of 2023: Students:          @23vlst
Parents:         @23vlprt
Guidance Corner
Valley Lutheran is hosting a College Financial Planning workshop for families with freshmen, sophomores, and juniors on Tuesday, October 1 from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Resource Center. This event is free, and will share information on advanced financial planning in preparation for college. Please RSVP for the event by emailing or a call/text to (248) 245-1226 (Bill Schmidt - Certified College Planner).  

Seniors and their families should set aside Monday, October 8th for an informative evening related to filing the FAFSA and various local scholarship opportunities and resources. If your student is headed off to college next year and will be making use of financial aid and scholarship monies, this is an evening you don't want to miss. The evening will run from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the Resource Center. 

CollegeBoard has changed the process for students to register for the AP Exams that take place each May. All students currently taking an AP course have been given information on registering online for the exam for their class, and AP teachers are helping students with this process. Any student wanting to take an AP Exam in a subject area we do not offer as an official AP course should speak to Mrs. Mueller ASAP, as students must be registered online by October 1.

AP Exams are $94 each, and payment should be given to the office by October 1st as well. Students who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch also qualify for a reduced exam fee of $53. These students have been notified individually. (If the payment deadline poses a difficulty for your family, please make other arrangements with Mrs. Mueller.)

The PSAT/NMSQT Exam is being offered Wednesday, October 16th during the school day. This exam is the only way for juniors to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship. It's also great practice for the SAT exam students will take in April. Sophomores would also benefit from taking this exam as practice. Cost is $18 payable to VLHS. See the office to register. If you registered your student at the Junior Information Night, please send a check for the registration fee to the school office. 

Students typically take these exams during the second half of their junior year or the first half of their senior year. As indicated above, all students receive one free SAT with Essay during their junior year. Many students will take the exam more than one time to try to improve their score for admissions and scholarships. Links to register for these exams are below. Need help deciding which test to take?  

SAT Information, Registration, etc. -
ACT Information, Registration, etc. -
Khan Academy (free test prep) -
Upcoming Events
Sept. 23 Varsity Soccer Homecoming vs. Bullock Creek: 7:00 pm
Sept. 25 Service Day
Sept. 25 Varsity Soccer Senior Night vs. Nouvel: 4:30 pm
Sept. 27 Grand Homecoming Tailgate, Parade: 4:45 pm
Varsity Football Homecoming vs. St. Louis: 7:00 pm
Sept. 28 Homecoming Dance: 8:00 pm
Oct. 1 College Financial Planning Night: 6:30 pm
Oct. 3 Mid-Terms Released
Oct. 5 SAT: 8 am

Get Involved
Social Security Hot Topics - Thurs., Oct. 10
Do you have questions about Social Security? When is the best time to draw? Are there strategies to take? The VLHS Foundation invites you to learn more about these and other Social Security Hot Topics on Thurs., Oct. 10 from 6 - 8 pm in VLHS's Resource Center.  Seating is limited, and a light supper will be served.  RSVP by Oct. 4 to or 989-790-1676.
Booster Club Concession Help Needed
Valley's Booster Club is looking for concession volunteers for the home 2019 soccer and football games.  Please click here to view the sign-up. Thank you!
Yearbook Snap App
Yearbook Snap is an app that can be download onto your phone. It allows you to share photos you have captured at various events and activities with the Yearbook staff. In the app, search for Saginaw Valley Lutheran, the password is 'chargers.'
Volunteer Opportunity Available

Looking for an easy way to help out Valley? Valley's School Store and Concession Area is in need of volunteers from 2:45-3:30 pm to open the concessions to the many students who remain after school. We are looking for volunteers each day of the week, so please consider one or more days!  Please contact the office for more information and/or to sign up. 

Other News
Class of 2020 News: Senior Photos, Retreat
Vendors Sought for VLHS Holiday Bazaar
Valley Lutheran is looking for vendors for its annual Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale. Crafters, businesses and home-based consultants are welcome to rent tables for the November 9th event, which runs from 9 am to 3 pm at the school. The deadline to apply is Oct. 18. Contracts can be downloaded here. For more information, contact Lynn Jezowski at 989-327-5052 or Patti Blazejewski 989-780-2306.
Hot Lunch Price for 2019-20 
Hot lunch prices for 2019-20 are $35 for a 10-punch card. Individual lunches are $3.75. Cards may be purchased in the office before school. Applications for free and reduced lunches are available on our website.  Download here.
Athletic Passes Available for Purchase
Athletic passes are a great way to save money when attending Valley Lutheran sporting events. Passes cost $20 for 10 entries  to a regular season home game. Passes can be purchased at the entrance of athletic events. Without a pass, single-game admission is $5 for adults and students. The cost is the same for away games.  Please note that admission for all-conference and division tournaments is $5 and athletic passes are not accepted.
Community Information
Taking Control of Aggressive Behavior - Wed., Oct. 9
CrossRoads Counseling Ministries and Saginaw Va lley Stephen Ministries invite you to attend  "Taking Control of Aggressive Behavior" on Wed., Oct. 9th from 6:30- 8:00 pm at Rittmueller Middle School in Frankenmuth. Aggressive behavior is found in all walks of life and in all  socio-economic settings. This event will focus on where it happens, how to identify such behavior, and what to do if you see it.  
Preregistration is requested by email to or telephone 989-652-0764.

 Click on the image above to view the latest Valley Vision.

Mission Statement
Valley Lutheran High School believes that Christ is the foundation of our school and everything that we do.  We prepare our students as children of God academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually to serve in the world today and tomorrow.

John Brandt
Valley Lutheran High School