AOASCC News & Notes
AOASCC Annual Meeting
Trends and Best Practices  in Community-Based
Long Term Services & Supports

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Julie Robison of the UCONN Center on Aging will be the keynote speaker at our annual meeting on October 23rd. Dr. Robison teaches and mentors graduate and undergraduate students, medical students, interns and fellows, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Gerontology and is the author of a substantial body of research.
Caregiver Corner - Financial Resources for Caregivers

T here are many stresses and strains on family caregivers. One of them is financial. There are several programs that can help provide some relief from the financial strains.

If the person you care for has a disability or chronic condition and is eligible for Medicaid, they may qualify for financial assistance that can be used to purchase necessary home and community-based services and supports, including payment to the family caregiver or to pay for respite through Medicaid programs that allow for   self-directed services  The care recipient must meet income and other eligibility requirements set by the state.

If the person you care for is a veteran, you may be eligible for  Veteran Directed Home and Community-Based Services Veterans Pensions , and/or the  Aid and Attendance benefit,  all of which have the potential to provide some financial and other supports. Post 9/11 Veterans and their caregivers may be eligible for the  Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers . In addition to respite, mental health services, travel expenses, and access to health care insurance for family caregivers, the program offers  caregiver stipends .

If the person you care for has a dementia disorder you may qualify for in-home services and/or adult day program services through the CT Statewide Respite Program.

If you are caring for someone who doesn’t have a dementia-related disorder and you need financial assistance paying for services, you may qualify for the National Family Caregiver Support Program.

If you are a grandparent, or other kin and have primary responsibility for raising a child in your family, you may be entitled for respite services and in some limited situations for financial assistance in child related situations, such as back to school expenses.

For any of these programs, reach out to us at 203-785-8533 and ask for the ADRC (Aging & Disability Resource Center).
AOASCC Sponsors National Conference for Caregivers
November 6, 2019
The Fearless Caregiver Conference provides practical information, advice and support for those caring for loved ones. Free for family caregivers.

Information & registration at
RSVP Recognized by Town of Hamden
On September 17 a Veteran Resource Meet and Greet was held in Hamden sponsored by AOASCC, the Miller Senior Center and the Hamden’s Veterans Commission. Mayor of Hamden Curt Leng presented RSVP Program Manager Cherie Strucaly with a proclamation in support of the agency’s efforts in the community and in recognition of hosting this valuable forum for our veterans. 
Visit our website for more about RSVP.
CHOICES- Inpatient or Outpatient

Are you inpatient or outpatient? If you are on Original Medicare—you NEED to know! Why? Your hospital status affects what you will pay for your stay and will affect your ability to receive Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Coverage.

Inpatient stays are covered under Medicare Part A. You will incur the per benefit hospital deductible (in 2018—$1340) and pay nothing for the first 60 days. However, some of the doctors services you receive while inpatient are covered under Medicare Part B. If you have spent three (3) consecutive days or more as an inpatient, you may be discharged to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), where Medicare Part A will help pay for your stay.

What if you found out you are under “Observation Status”, what does that mean? Observation Status means you do not have a written order to be admitted to the hospital, even though you are receiving the same services as an inpatient! Why is this important? It changes which part of Medicare pays for your services. Medicare Part B covers outpatient services, and “observation” outpatient. Generally this means you will pay a copay for each individual outpatient service, as well as doctors services. Medicare pays at 80% after meeting the calendar year deductible of $183 (in 2018). Keep in mind, prescription drugs you receive during outpatient settings are not covered under Medicare Part B. You may need to pay out of pocket for medications and file a claim with your Medicare Part D carrier.

What about being discharged to a SNF under Observation Status? Since technically you were NOT admitted to the hospital, you did not incur the three (3) day stay as an inpatient, therefore Medicare will provide no payment to the SNF.
How do I know if I am Inpatient our Outpatient? ASK! Ask about your hospital status everyday, or entrust this important question to a friend/family member. Hospitals must provide the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) to individuals receiving outpatient services for more than 24 hours. The Hospital staff is required to provide an oral explanation why you are not considered an inpatient and explain the financial impact of your stay as well as care after you leave the hospital. The patient or a legal representative will need to sign this notice.

We are here to help. Contact CHOICES for accurate, impartial information about health insurance options. 800-994-9422.
Did You Know?

In 2016, beneficiaries in traditional Medicare and enrolled in both Part A and Part B spent $5,806 out of their own pockets for health care spending, on average. Nearly half (45%) of beneficiaries’ average total spending was for premiums for Medicare and other types of supplemental insurance, and 55 percent was for medical and long-term care services. as reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Help with Groceries

Have you visited ? Articles on healthy snacks,staying gluten-free on a budget and more will help you stretch your grocery dollars.

And if you are one of the 1 in 3 older adults eligible for SNAP but haven't applied: apply today at or for more information, visit our website.