I'm gonna' spare you a lot of flowery hyperbole as two phrases will adequately sum up the call to action:
1) Make the scene.
2) Let's shuck it up.
The Sloths
Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders
HIckoids feat. Frontier Dan
The first night of the 2019 Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta features a mondo lineup starring L.A. friends The Sloths and Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders.
9:30PM Zofo - A sure to be supergroup at the intersection of glam, garage and Texas featuring Javier Escovedo, Glenn Benavides, David Fairchild and Thierry Lecoz.
10:30PM Hickoids featuring Frontier Dan - Hickoids have collaborated with their Conway, Arkansas based amigo many times over the past several years, even recording a handful of songs with him at Dale Watson's new Wat-Sun Studio in Memphis this past May. Expect to hear a preview of some of that and other oddities.
11:30PM Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders - If there is a definition of "rock'n'roll" in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it should have Pat's picture next to it. With The Rankoutsiders the former frontman of The Lazy Cowgirls produces a seemingly limitless stream of high-octane, melodic garage punk classics that tip their hat to the greats of the 50's and 60's.
12:30AM The Sloths - The Sloths are a genuine artifact of the mid-1960's Sunset Strip scene. The band was resurrected earlier this decade and is reminiscent of contemporaries like The Standells and their high-energy live shows capture the innocence and fun of garage rock on the eve of The Summer of Love.
Screech of Death
This is a special show for The Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta as it rolls into the Hyde Park pizza joint and hang The Parlor. Owner Deborah Gill is a super lady who literally had the roof blown off her establishment by a small tornado while attending the Davy Jones living tribute "Plaidstock" down the street at Hole In The Wall several years back. Totally unphased upon hearing the news she simply said "I've got insurance, the kids got it." That's guts, that's heart. Bring the family for an incredible line-up at this all-ages matinee.
4:20PM Z-Pocalypse - This band of teenagers who sprang out San Antonio's High Voltage Music Program have come a long, long way in just a couple of short years. They dig the good stuff and it shows in their set which is peppered with recognizable punk and grunge numbers and now includes a growing number of their own original tunes.
5:20PM Hickoids - The hosts and "cattleists" of The Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta are thrilled to be sharing the bill with a bunch of their favorite people.
6:20PM Lisafer's Screech of Death - Screech of Death is an all-star assemblage fronted by journeywoman bass player and vocalist Lisafer who has previously played in touring versions of many acts including 45 Grave and The Nina Hagen Band. Now she steps out front to throw down some old school punk rock with a band that includes Arthur Hays on drums (The Next, Hickoids) Bill Degidio on guitar (Pagans, Gulliotines) and Glenn Gilbert (Richie Ramone).
Pocker FishRmen
Sweet Nuthin
The Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta returns to one of our favorite spots for the 2019 Saturday Night Special! And this year will be even more special as Tom "Jabroni" Trusnovic turns 50 at the stroke of midnight. There will be vomit!
8:00PM Monkeyshines - Tom Trusnovic's own musical vehicle with a revolving cast that's loud, hard, fast and loose. Dwarves meets Stooges meets Ramones while Roky looks down and laughs.
8:50PM Sweet Nothin' - Direct from Albuquerque come this band of relative youngsters with a sound that Red Kross might have come up with if the 'Born Innocent' album had been recorded post-grunge. Chaotic bubblegum with Detroit edges.
9:45 The Swishbucklers - the 'bucklers were down a man during their last Austin appearance at Chad Holt's Roast as guitarist Too Long missed the boat. Rest assured he'll be lashed to the mast as the boys push their tub up Waller Creek towards The Lost Well with seafaring songs of buggery and beyond.
10:45PM Pocket FishRmen - alongside the Hickoids the Pocket FishRmen stand as Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta perennials. While Hickoids espouse a brand of barely shucked raw maize the Pocket FishRmen push the boundaries of our favorite farm-to-market commodity with a flash frozen, microwave-in-bag style product of metal tinged funny-punk that explores human-simian relations, the indignities of medical procedures as performed on aging rockers and much more. Intellectuals rocking for women indeed.
11:45PM DiNOLA - The hard rockin' New Orleans foursome return to Austin to piledrive the kids with desert rock from the swamp. Muscular riffs with a lifted second line pulse and gothic flavor.
12:45 PONG - Headlining the night is the ravetastic assemblage of Austin vets. Dizzying and riff-filled yet melodic, bouncy and danceable post-punk, the perfect nightcap as the preamble to Jabroni's birthday headache.
The Beaumonts
Harvey McLaughlin
Black Eyed Vermillion
Eric Hisaw
hosted by "Three Dollar" Bill Wise
The Finale of the 2019 Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta with an afternoon/early evening country and roots rock riot benefitting Austin musicians' health charities/non-profits. Suggested donation is $10 but we won't turn anyone away. 100% of the door goes to the cause. As a bonus "$3" Bill Wise, that star of stage, screen and small screen will pepper the show with comedy and musical interludes. Make the scene.
2:00PM Hickoids featuring Frontier Dan - With creaking bones and stiff joints the Hickoids will clamber onto the stage at Sam's Town Point to rock with our dear brother Frontier Dan. We're gonna' make him a star before he gets on that crop-duster charter plane back to Conway, Arkansas, even if it kills us.
3:00PM Harvey McLaughlin Trio - Immediately before Rice Moorehead and Lance Farley collapse they'll be backing up the youngblood of the Hickoids, San Antonio ivory tinkler Harvey McLaughlin, fresh off East Coast and Spanish dates opening for the Hickoids and with his new EP 'Automaton' for Saustex Records in hand.
4:00PM Black Eyed Vermillion - Gary Lindsey and company will rock the house. Their set was a highlight of Muddy Roots 2019 and expect nothing less than moonshine fueled Celtic-infused streetgrass this afternoon.
5:00PM Eric Hisaw Band - Fresh off a round of regional dates supporting and backing up Javier Escovedo, Eric brings a workman quality and ethic to the stage with songs in the serious county/folk-rock vein all peppered with his tasty guitar chops.
6:00PM The Beaumonts - Hopefully the folks from the Central Lubbock Baptist Church don't get wind of this show. They've made it their mission to burn every copy of the new Beaumonts live album 'This Is Austin' (Saustex Records). Sam's Town Point is a potential tinderbox so we'll have the Manchaca Volunteer Fire Dept. on speed dial - let's keep all the flames coming from the stage.