Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald                     Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey
Co-Presidents Jerry Gross and Alan Siegel
E-Shalom -OCTOBER 2019
Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
         One of the most repeated words during High Holy day services is “repentance.” Representing one possible English translation of the Hebrew word “ teshuva, ” calls for “repentance” fill our High Holy Day prayer books for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.  Indeed, repentance is a central theme of the entire month of Elul that precedes the New Year as well as the 10 day period of the “Days of Awe” that begins with Rosh Hashana and ends with sunset on Yom Kippur.  What, however, does “repentance” really mean?  How does one “repent” and to whom do we direct it? When can we say that we have truly repented and when should we admit we still have work to do?  These are important questions as the High Holy days come to an end during the month of October.
            In Hebrew,  teshuva , frequently translated as “repentance,” comes from a linguistic root that means “to go back,” both as a literal return to where we were before we sinned and as a symbolic restoration of that earlier, more desirable state.  The Book of Deuteronomy uses this root in both senses in the Torah portion just before Rosh Hashana:
When you and your children return to Adonai your God and obey God with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, then Adonai your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you. (Deuteronomy 30:2-3).
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (also known as the Rambam or Maimonides)  concluded that this “return” or “restoration”  has four elements:  (1) Recognizing your mistake, (2) expressing regret for what you have done, (3) apologizing and making restitution for what you have taken, and (4) resolving not to make the same mistake again under the same circumstances.  In the absence of a Temple and the sacrificial rites of forgiveness, Ramban concludes, these acts of  teshuva  constitute the repentance necessary to atone for all our failings and missteps on Yom Kippur.
            For sins between human beings and the Divine, the prayers of Yom Kippur, in which we collectively confess our sins, express regret and commit to do better in the year to come, atone for our failures.  For wrongdoing between ourselves and other human beings, however, achieving true repentance requires us to seek out those we have injured and take each of the 4 steps set forth above.  This is an intentionally difficult process, requiring us to speak in the active voice as we confess our precise role in the hurt and the harm we have done to others.  Phrases like “mistakes were made” or  “I regret what happened,” accordingly, do not accomplish repentance, nor do words spoken without genuine remorse and an intent to do better next time.  If, on the other hand, we diligently follow the Ramban’s path, we can achieve true repentance.
The path to repentance is clear but not easy.  Since repentance is so difficult, we begin preparing for the Days of Awe a full month before Rosh Hashana and devote ourselves for 10 full days after that to the themes of return and renewal central to  teshuva .  As we conclude the Days of Awe during the month of October, may we all walk the path of the penitent and strive to restore those relationships we have harmed through our misconduct over the past year!  May our fast be easy and our path to repentance meaningful!
Rabbi Michael Howald
A Message from
Jerry Gross & Alan Siegel

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our High Holiday Season as we begin the New Year 5780.  How time flies! Another year of activities here at Temple Israel has passed and we are confident that you enjoyed each of the events and services in which you participated.

We look forward to greeting you at all of the coming HHD services being planned for this year.  In advance, we would like to thank Rabbi Howald for leading us in prayer in our Sanctuary and Student Cantor Benrey for her musical contributions including her work with our Senior Choir along with our Accompanist Elona Migarov.

There is much work which goes into preparing for the High Holidays liturgically and otherwise in order to maintain all our long-standing Temple Israel rituals and traditions.

When the Ark is opened, we hope you will appreciate the work that was done by Sisterhood volunteers to make sure that  our Torah adornments shine brightly for the Holidays.  Also, please join us in thanking the hard-working Ritual Committee in their efforts to include a large number of our Congregants in each of our service, in addition to their diligent preparation of our Memory Book. This committee sees to all the details of each service—everything from the flowers on the bimah to the prayer books at each service and the organization of the many who participate.  We are grateful for all their hard work.

Thanks also go to Sisterhood for underwriting the cost of cleaning our Social Hall and Sanctuary carpeting to enhance the ambiance of our Temple.  

We encourage you to invite your unaffiliated friends who have young children to attend our Yom Kippur Children’s Service, our Sukkot service where they can share in the mitzvah of shaking the Lulav and Etrog  and our Simchat Torah celebration so that they can join us as we dance with the Torahs and  enjoy a "Taste of Temple Israel" along with ice cream sundaes. Of course, everyone is welcome to join us for every Shabbat!

Again, please accept our best wishes for a Sweet and Healthy New Year.

From our families to yours, L’Shana Tovah.
Jerrold Gross and Alan Siegel
Notes from Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey
S halom, Everyone!

What an action-packed month we are entering! The High Holiday season is full of new beginnings and chances for us to better ourselves as people. Each year, we are granted the opportunity to evaluate our lives and acknowledge within ourselves where we missed the mark. With four holidays in a row, each a week apart, I asked myself, “Why then do we move straight from Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, to the joyous harvest festival, Sukkot? It makes sense that the harvest festival of Sukkot happens in autumn to coincide with farmers’ yearly harvest, but why else might Sukkot be the first real celebration of the new year?

When we begin each day, we recite the prayer “Modeh/Modah Ani”, where our first words uttered are words of thanks to God. We then continue in prayer giving thanks for a multitude of things we might normally take for granted. With this in mind, it makes sense then that the first celebration the week after Yom Kippur is one of giving thanks. Just as we begin each day with thanks, so too might we begin our year with it as well. Sukkot is often thought of as the Jewish Thanksgiving where we celebrate the food we eat and the roofs over our heads. What a powerful notion that we might begin our year with thanks and let that gratitude be the lens through which we approach the new year. I pray that in this new year, 5780, we have the clarity to approach each day through the lens of gratitude, and that we try not to take our blessings and growth opportunities for granted.

I wish you all a wonderful new year and an easy fast. May this year be a year filled with blessing, and may we be inscribed in the Book of Life.

Shanah tova umetukah,
Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey
Jodi Siegel & Shariann Ganz
In order to maintain the sanctity of Shabbat and holiday services, we have a “rule” that we don’t allow photographs to be taken during services in our sanctuary. I have never been more disappointed about not being able to take a photo than I was during the Shabbat Service on the morning of September 14th during our Sisterhood Shabbaton. The Ark had just been opened by Silvia Gornstein and Pamela Rogozin, Pam Carlton and Blanche Ricci were holding the Torahs and Past Sisterhood Presidents Judy Pessah, Muriel Schlefstein, Karen Gross, Cheryl Levine, Sue Freedman, Beverly Mazer and Deanna Feder were all on the Bimah in their beautiful hand-made tallitot, with Rabbi Howald and Student Cantor Benrey. The filtered blue light was shining through the stained-glass windows and the congregation was fully engrossed in the moment. It was the most beautiful image. I only wish we could have preserved the moment for everyone to see it. But that was just one of the special moments of that incredible day.  All the honors of the service went to Sisterhood members, including Torah reading/chanting by Libby Gershansky, Judy Lee and Jodi Siegel, Hagbah, the lifting of the Torah, by Rhonda Trontz-Allen and a D’var Torah from Sue Freedman. The service was followed by a wonderful lunch filled with warm camaraderie. Rev. Terry Troia and Rev. Gloria Lavine spoke about the hunger problem on Staten Island and Introduced us to the Torres Family who have all benefitted from the programs sponsored by Project Hospitality.  The afternoon culminated in another wonderous food preparation event, organized by Pamela Rogozin, in which everyone participated in making sandwiches and salads and desserts for El Centro clients.  It was truly one of the best days Sisterhood has ever had and we can’t wait to do it again! We are so grateful to the Planning Committee, Sue Freedman, Pamela Rogozin, Silvia Gornstein, Judy Lee, Janice Gross, Shariann Ganz and Jodi Siegel and to all who helped to bring this day to fruition. We hope you will join us for our next Shabbaton, and, even better, help us plan it!

Thank you to all our Honey Gift Bag “Honeys” who helped to created our beautiful sweet Rosh Hashanah traditional gifts: Blanche Ricci, Deanna Feder, Beverly Mazer, Linda Brill, Cheryl Levine, Karen Gross, Debbie Chernoff and Lorraine Isenberg.

Thank you to Linda Brill, Blanche Ricci and Sue Freedman who were once again shining examples of volunteerism as they polished all of our ritual silver in advance of the coming holidays.

Thank you to Claire Guttsman and Phyllis Elrich for another gorgeous New Year’s Card.

Your support of Sisterhood and its initiatives allows us to support Temple Israel in some obvious ways, but also in some invisible ways:
  • Sisterhood was happy to be able to pick up the costs associated with having all the carpeting in our entrance, social hall and sanctuary cleaned as we ready ourselves for the new year.
  • As you enjoy the challah and cake on your way to Tashlich later this week, remember that all the Sisterhood members who came early that morning to prepare the baskets.
  • When you open your mail and see a magnificent New Years Card work of art, know that it was created and printed and mailed with good wishes by Sisterhood. 
  • As you quickly down that cup of orange juice and a taste of gefilte fish that you grab on your way out of temple after a long day of fasting on Yom Kippur, remember that Sisterhood members spent their break between services to pour and cut and set up platters (without taking a taste).
  • When you see the children waving their Simchat Torah flags or you enjoy the apples on the way home, it’s because someone from Sisterhood made sure it was there!

We do all of this and more because we are dedicated to our synagogue and to all the members of our congregation.  If you are not yet member, please become one!  We're looking forward to celebrating our membership on Monday, October 28 th  at our Paid Up Members Dinner.  We hope you will be there to share in the celebration.

Please check our calendar for all our upcoming meetings and events.

Wishing you a Sweet New Year. L’Shana Tova!
In Sisterhood,
Jodi Siegel & Shariann Ganz
Sisterhood of Temple Israel
has been named to the
2018-2019 WRJ YES Fund
Roll of Honor
for our commitment to continue to allocate significant funds to strengthen the Reform movement.
Temple Israel – Reform Congregation of Staten Island
Now that fall has arrived Brotherhood is in full gear for the coming year. Thank you to Sisterhood for sharing our opening Kick-off Breakfast held Sunday Sept 22. A stream cleanup was accomplished in preparation for the High Holidays after breakfast and our business meeting. On Sunday morning, October 13, we will once again put up the Sukkah. The Religious School students will have the opportunity to decorate it for the entire congregation to enjoy. Brotherhood has purchased all new decorations to enhance the beauty of our Sukkah. On Simchat Torah, we will once again have our fabulous Ice Cream Sundae Oneg. Please join us as we dance with the Torahs as the Rock of Israel Band plays and celebrate together.

Brotherhood needs your support, Please join us as we become even more successful in the coming year. For only $45 you can become a Brotherhood member. Please mail your check to Temple, attention Brotherhood.

Brotherhood is a vital affiliate organization to the Temple. Together we are strong and make a difference to our Temple Family  

Please share your ideas with us to enhance the Brotherhood experience.

Yours in Friendship and Brotherhood,
Jeff Ganz

Happy Holidays! Your tickets have been either given to you or mailed to you. I have distributed the tickets to all members who have sent in their commitment or spoken to me and made arrangements about their commitments. If I have not spoken to you or received your commitment then your tickets will be held at the membership table in the lobby before each service.
I have also be mailing out the guest tickets to everyone who has sent in their request.
Please remember that you must present your tickets to the security guard before you enter the Temple or explain to him that you are going to the membership table.
If you still do not have your membership packet please call the Temple Office and ask Lara to send another packet. Please make sure she checks your address to make sure it is correct.
If you have any questions about your individual commitment please contact me at  tmplisrfinsec@aol.com . I am available to review any questions or concerns you might have. 
If you are in need of additional tickets for the High Holidays please send in your request with a check and the name of the person who will be using the ticket. The prices are on the payment schedule that you received in your packet. If you have any questions please use the email listed above or call the office and speak to Lara. Additionally, if you know of anyone who is looking for a spiritual and meaningful High Holiday experience, please let them know that tickets for our services are available to non-members as well. The Temple Office number is 718-727-2231. 
We urge you to consider becoming a member of the Kavod Society or to upgrade your current status. This additional funding allows us to assist some of our other members.
Looking forward to a wonderful year.

Jennifer Straniere 
Financial Secretary 
Please consider becoming a member of our KAVOD SOCIETY.
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
F or calendar updates click here .
To print a copy of this calendar, click here .
Welcome New Members...
Robert & Sarah Drescher and Family
Maurice Goldstein

Welcome Returning Members...
Maxine Checchi
Michael Henken
Geri Kitoff-Lauter
Anita & Bob Zuckerberg
Sarah Rachel Walters

Mazel Tov to...
Cheryl Levine on the birth of her granddaughter Priya Kosila Levine on Tuesday, September 24. Proud parents are Jeremy and Chandra Levine, and big brother is Logan. 
The Fuks/Galitsky Family on Samantha Eden being called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 21st
Muriel Schwartz, mother of Nina Rohan on her 98th Birthday
  Renee Gross, daughter of Karen & Jerry Gross, on her promotion to Senior Director of Social Work at NYU Langone Hospital
Sonia Nizny & Moshe Gutman on the birth of their daughter, Rivka Rose

Condolences to...
Claire Bleiman on the loss of her brother Al Kaufman

Get Well Wishes to...
Dr. Fred Hecht
George Kurlander
Alan Siegel
Jim & Nina Rohan
Irene Ioannou, mother of Joanna Meltzer

Thinking of You...
David Meltzer
Susan Weinman
Alicia Baskin
Jerry Gross
Pamela Rogozin

2.Select "Change Your Charity"
3.Type in “Temple Israel Reform 4.Congregation of Staten Island"
5.Click Search
6.Click Select
7.Order as usual.
Temple Israel benefits!

L’Shanah Tovah. As we write this article we continue to prepare for the Holidays.  The Memory Book is just about ready for the printer thanks to the computer expertise of Temple Co-President Jerrold Gross.  High Holy Day honors have been mailed and as responses are received, we make any adjustments that are necessary.  Thank you to Sisterhood members Sue Freedman and Blanche Ricci for polishing the Ritual Silver with Linda Brill and to Shariann and Jeffery Ganz for having the High Holy Day White Torah covers dry-cleaned in time for Selichot.   Holiday Bimah Flowers have been inspected, blue kippot have been ordered and spice bags made.  Thank you to Sisterhood’s Libby Gershansky and Jennifer Straniere and their committees for preparing the cake and crumbs for the end of the Rosh Hashanah Morning Service and Tashlich and for the Break-the-Fast light repast for the end of Yom Kippur. 

We hope you joined us for Selichot on Saturday night September 21 st  with a light repast, program and Service.  The program led by Rabbi Howald was entitled “From this World to the Next”.   

We look forward to seeing you at Temple for Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah.  The specific dates and times of all Services are found elsewhere in the Bulletin.  Please be sure to order your Lulav and Etrog Sets by October 2 nd  and be prepared to wave them in all directions during Sukkot.

We congratulate Samantha Eden Galitsky and the Galitsky/Fuks/ Lokshin families as Samantha was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday morning September 21 st .  Looking ahead we also congratulate Samuel Miller and all his family as he will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on the morning of Saturday October 12 th .

Again, L’Shanah Tovah and welcome to the year 5780.

Linda Brill and Jeffrey Ganz

Thank you to the following congregants for their assistance with ushering during services as well as for honoring the Congregation with their presence on the Bimah in September:

Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Pamela Carlton, Maxine Cohen, Shariann Ganz, Jeffrey Ganz, Libby Gershansky, Karen Gross, Cheryl Levine, Beverly Mazer, Judy Lee, Blanche Ricci, Rhonda Trontz-Allen and Lissa Winchel.

To All Congregants: If you would like to serve as an usher for any Shabbat or High Holiday services, please contact Nina Rohan by email  Rohan.shire@verizon.net. 

Nina Rohan
 Ushering Chair
October 4, 2019
Samuel Elman *
Albert Mulnick
Victor Pessah *
Lillian Winer *
Mary Borack *
Loretta Grossman
Sidney Simon *
Laura Don
Dr. Lewis Gross
Irving Grossman
Howard Bierman
Joseph Gershansky
Irving Lieberman
Rose Rosen
Pauline Spector *

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Antal Rottenstein
Willi Pantean
Fischl Pichler
Jean Comhaire
Haya Zylberberg

October 11, 2019
Helene Werb *
Rubin Levine *
Irving Spector *
Harvey Don
Joseph Drescher
Benjamin Herman *
Minde Herman
Kenneth William Lipsitz *
Norma Feinberg Andrews
Mark Bronnberg
David Elrich
Abraham Leimsider
Anna Reznikoff
Rebecca Henken
Helen Aronson
Josephine Grober
Murray Milton Scher
Diane Teitelbaum *
Seymour Gold *
Kermit Krisburg *
Celia Weissglass *

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Josef Schnapp
Shimon Borys
Félix Boriau
Josef Weichselblatt
Heinrich Sperling
October 18, 2019
Malcolm Kass *
Seymour Richman
Simche Silberman *
Mollie Hirsh
Samuel Surpin *
Dorothy Holzman
Joseph Yale Lipp *
Kenneth Peretz *
Delane Soposnick
Gustave Teitelbaum *
Rose Grodman
Lottie Hirsch
Maude Kunofsky
Barbara Kurlander *

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Israel Hendler
Efraim Berkowitz
Jean Dulan
Eduard Kohner
Solange Panet

October 25, 2019
Esther Katzman *
Joseph Werb *
Joseph H. Diamond *
Charlotte Nash *
Beatrice Simon *
Ruth Quartin Weitz *
Charles Berg
Charles Kalish
Margaret McGowan
Joel Schaefer *
Sylvia Smith

And we remember from the Holocaust:
Jérme Georgelin
Dovid Waksman
Czeslaw Feliksiak
Johann Weiss
Peter Milewski
* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact Lara at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.  
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration. 
Friday, October

Friday, October 11

Friday, October 18

Friday, October 25

on the
1st Friday of each month
begin at 7:00 p.m.
Become part of our community by participating in our community. Temple Israel is where community happens.
On Friday, September 20 th , we welcomed everyone back with our first Shabbat Shalom Dinner of the 2019-2020 year. There will be several other dinner opportunities over the next few months which will give us all time to celebrate, socialize and, of course, enjoy some culinary delights.  Plan to attend the Sukkot bring a dairy-dish to share dinner on Sunday, October 13 th and the Chanukah Shabbat Supper, honoring our new members, on Friday, December 27 th . Mark your calendars for the return of the Shabbat Shalom dinners on Friday, March 20 th and Friday, May 15 th at 6:30 following I-Shabbat.
Welcome to our new members :
* Sarah & Bryan Sarfati and their children Nora Helena and Evelyn Raine
*Kahl & Amanda Weis and their child Riva Brie
*Jonathan Weinberg & Jacqueline Simpronio and their children Sydney Lucia Weinberg and Priya Mikayla Weinberg 
*Robert & Sarah Drescher and their children Jordyn Antonia and Jacob Isaac
*Maurice Goldstein

Welcome back:
*Maxine Checchi
*Michael Henken
*Geraldine Kitoff Lauter
*Robert & Anita Zuckerberg
*Sarah Racel Walters

We hope that Temple Israel will provide you with many opportunities to experience the beauty and the spirituality of our Shabbat and festival services, explore your Jewish roots, raise families, make life-long friends, and care for our Temple Israel community as well as our greater Staten Island community. 
Stay tuned to  WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)  on this page, as we continue to discuss what keeps us connected to Temple Israel.     
Reminder for this Month:  The Yom Kippur Children’s Service will take place on Wednesday, October 9 th at 1:30 PM. This service is open to the community and is a great time to introduce your friends and neighbors to Temple Israel.
If you have any questions about your membership or if you know a potential new member please contact our Financial Secretary Jennifer Straniere at  tmplisrfinsec@aol.com .

There will be activities for children during Rosh Hashanah morning Services on Monday, September 30 th starting at 10:00 AM. 
These activities are for students in Pre-K to Second Grade.  
Children under age 4 must be accompanied by an adult.
The children will be brought up to the Sanctuary to experience the Shofar Service. 
Should you have any questions please contact Shariann Ganz. 
Children’s High Holy Day Prayerbooks

If you have attended the children’s High Holy Day service on Yom Kippur in the last few years you know that we have been using the children’s High Holy Day prayerbook 
Gates of Repentance for Young People The book has two services, one for very young children and one for slightly older children; so it is quite versatile.
As with all our prayerbooks, you have the ability to dedicate a volume in someone’s honor or memory.  The required donation for this prayerbook is $18.00 per book. 
If you are interested in dedicating a children’s High Holy Day prayerbook please contact us through the Temple office.

Linda Brill and Jeff Ganz
Co Chairs of the Ritual Committee
As you may recall, a few years ago a new prayer book,  Mishkan HaNefesh, Machzor for the Days of Awe  was introduced and used increasingly for the High Holy Day Services.  We are now using this prayer book exclusively for the Services.  This prayer book comes as a two-book set, one book for each of the High Holy Days and was published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis in 2015 through the CCAR Press.   Please join us and continue to experience what this prayer book has to offer our prayer experience.
The Ritual Committee of Temple Israel  
Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop



Just what you need and just what they want!
The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
Some featured items this month:
Contact branchtr@aol.com or call the Temple Office at 718-727-2231.
  • Leave your donation to the American Cancer Society in the Sisterhood Mailbox

  • Purchase a box of Pink Chanukah Candles from our Judaica Shop

  • Join us as by making a “Think Pink Bracelet” and wearing it to support the cause.

  • Walk with us at the Breast Cancer Walk On Sunday, October 20th at 10 am at Midland Beach

Wednesday, October 2
6:30 p.m. SHARP!!!!

Sunday, October 6
12:30 p.m. SHARP!!!!

Wednesday, October 30
6:45 p.m. SHARP!!!!
If you would like to join the Temple Israel Adult Choir, just come to any rehearsal...and all the rehearsals that follow!

The library hours are Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon, coinciding with Hebrew School classes. Books can be returned to the office where there is a box for them as well as for any books to be donated.

For more information,
contact Steve Scher at 347-683-0606 or stevescher12@gmail.com

Steve Scher
TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, November 9th
We are bringing back the very popular and successful Trivia Night, which has been enjoyed by many congregants in the past. We will have teams of 4-6 people per table, to compete for prizes, using their knowledge on a variety of categories. It will be an evening of challenge and competition, but most importantly, everyone will have a fun time! This year, a dinner of sandwiches and side dishes will be served. Please feel free to BYOB. Our very own talented Fred Simon will be the host for the evening. We will have prize raffles and a 50/50 raffle.  See registration flyers in the lobby or CLICK HERE to download or print the one that follows!

Please consider donating a gift to raffle, or please let us know if you have suggestions for businesses that may be willing to donate.

In addition, we need gifts to raffle off on March 14, 2020, when the Avis Foundation is generously sponsoring a concert, Jews and the Great American Songbook. The Fundraising Committee is collecting the raffle prizes for this wonderful event.

Save the Date: Thursday December 5, 2019 Join us at Jimmy Max for lunch or dinner or a snack to make $ for Temple Israel.

Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Trontz-Allen, Karen Frey-Gamoran, Lissa Winchel
Sisterhood, in collaboration with the Avis Foundation, Is sponsoring a trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage on Veteran’s Day, November 11, at 1:45pm. All temple members are welcome to join us for an educator-led tour for both adults and children. There will be no charge for either adults or children. 

The children will be experiencing the following tour:

My House to Your House: Community Life from Generation to Generation (available for grades K-6)
Discover the role of family and community life in transmitting cultural heritage. Students will examine treasured objects and daily rituals, making connections between Jewish traditions and other traditions. 

The adults   will be experiencing a guided tour of the  Auschwitz  Exhibition, led by a Gallery Educator.
In this 90-minute tour, a trained Gallery Educator will lead a structured program covering key artifacts from the exhibition  Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.

We will arrange for chaperones to accompany the children so parents can take the tour for the adults. 

We will need an accurate count by October 1, 2019. So please RSVP to Terry Baver,  terryqbaver@gmail.com , if you plan to come. Everyone who comes will need to arrange their own transportation. The museum is walking distance form the ferry, so public transportation will probably be the best way to go. 
Click on the flyer to download or print.
The Adult Learning Committee met on September 18th at Deanna Feder's home to plan many upcoming events. We hope you will join us! Thanks to Deanna for hosting.
We are excited about our Intro to Yiddish mini course taught by Beth Siegel-Graf, a lifelong educator who has spoken Yiddish since the age of 7. This will be held on Thursday evenings Oct 10,17 and 24th at 7:30pm. There is no charge but if interested be a mensch and register by contacting Cheryl Levine at  cherylmlevine@gmail.com .

On October 23rd we will be visiting The Met Cloisters to see a new Judaica exhibit, "The Colmar Treasure:A Medieval Jewish Legacy" on loan from the Musee de Cluny in Paris. Also on exhibit is Judaica from collections in U.S. and France.
On November 14th Judge Joel Goldberg, a longtime Temple Israel member will speak about his fascinating career in "Murder, Mayhem and Humor in the Criminal Courts."

We'll be returning to the George Street Theatre in New Brunswick on December 5th to see "My Life on a Diet" written by Renee Taylor. Tickets are limited availability.
We are also planning a trip to Wagner College's Holocaust Center. This visit will include a talk by Lori Weintrob on "Holocaust Heroines" and lunch.
And we're still reading.Our new book selection is "Fleishman Is In Trouble" by Taffy Brodeser-Akner.

If you are interested in any of these events or want more information please contact Cheryl at  cherylmlevine@gmail.com  or Judy at  judithpessah@gmail.com .

Thank you.
Cheryl Levine
Judy Pessah
Our Caring Community is always there for those in need.
If you need assistance, please let us know.  Our committee assists congregants who need help with a Shiva, rides to doctors when they cannot get there themselves and meals when necessary, among many other things. 

As always, we hope that you, our congregants, will continue to support our Caring Community with your donations that help cover the costs of food, paper goods, tolls, parking, etc. used to assist those of our Temple Community that need assistance. Thank you all for your generous donations.

To those who are recovering from illness or surgery we wish you all the best of health.  
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy month!!

Pamela Rogozin

7:00 pm

9:30 am

1:30 pm

8:00 pm

9:30 am
12 noon
7:30 pm

4:30 pm

6:00 pm
8:00 pm

(pre-registration required)
AGES 5-8 -4:15 pm
AGES 9-14 5:30 pm

10:00 am
(required attendance for all Religious School Students)
6:30 pm

4:30 pm

8:00 pm

11:00 am
POTTERY at Wagner College
(Ages 9 and up)
(pre-registration required)

9:30 am
12 noon
1:00 pm

4:30 pm

We are starting our Fall activities this month and are very happy to get your children involved.

We have worked with The Resource Room on Forest Avenue for the past two years. Our boys and girls are involved in  STEAM classes that cover the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.  The classes are divided into two age groups - ages 5-8, and ages 9-14. The younger class is from 4:15-5:15 PM and the older class takes place from 5:30-6:30 PM.  There will be five STEAM classes this season. You must pre-register for your child to be included. The first STEAM class will take place on Saturday, October 19th.

Brian, The Animal Guy returns to our Social Hall on Sunday, October 27th at 1:00 PM. He will captivate our young children with his amazing animals. The girls and boys will hear about them and get to touch them. Don’t miss this family event! Invite any families that might be interested in Temple membership to attend.

We are beginning a  Pottery Program at Wagner College this Fall. There will be a 2- session class, on both Saturdays, October 26th and November 23rd,  or  a 1-day class on Saturday, November 16th.  The two-session classes involve creating the pottery project and waiting for it to dry before it can be painted and fired. The classes take place from 4:00-6:00 PM in the lower level of the Main Building (where we had our theatre program last year) from 4:00-6:00 PM.   Pre-registration is a must.

Contact Bryn Biren at  MsBunny7@aol.com  or 1(718)447-6225.
These programs are free to Temple Israel families.

We look forward to your children becoming involved and enjoying our events.  

Register now!

Bryn Biren
Are you stressed?
Do you want to build your core strength?
Join Us.

Thursdays 6:30-7:30 p.m.
(October 17,24)
Thursdays 7:15-8:15 p.m.
(October 31)

Sundays 6:00 -7:00 p.m.
(October 6,27)

Free for Temple Israel Members
Non-members - $15

Bring your own Yoga Mat
Both sets of classes are for

Both chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.

For more information, contact
Bryn Biren
Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome  and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.

Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds: 

  • Adult Education Fund 
  • Building Preservation Fund 
  • Caring Community Fund 
  • Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
  • Choir Fund 
  • Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration) 
  • Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors) 
  • Liheyot Fund 
  • Membership Fund 
  • Prayerbook Fund 
  • Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund 
  • Shoah Education Fund
  • Scholarship Fund 
  • Social Action

A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.

PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, look for the Prayerbook icons found in this bulletin

Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.

Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.

For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down. 

For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
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