This Week at Yavneh Academy - September 26 , 2019/27 Elul 5779
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Dismissal on Wednesday, 10/2 - Tzom Gedaliah, will take place at 2:00 p.m.
ECD carpools will begin at 1:45. Please make every effort to be on time.
Bus parents - please plan to meet your child/ren accordingly. 
Thank you and shana tova!
Early Childhood Department

Ganon Gimmel Authors
Ganon Gimmel students became real authors! We have been studying apples so we decided to write and illustrate our first book using this theme. The title is Which Way are Apples Best to Eat? We took a poll to see which way we each like to eat apples. We then each drew a picture of our favorite way to eat apples. We invite you to our class library to read it!

Gan and Eighth Grade Students Learn About Rosh Hashanah Together
This week, Gan Aleph had a special visit from a group of 8th graders who came in to spend some time working with our students. After learning about Rosh Hashanah and creating games on the iPad, the 8th graders came to our class and sat in small groups to share their knowledge and their creativity. Our kindergartners  were thoroughly engaged in learning as they were asked questions in Hebrew about the upcoming chag and interacted with the games and activities the Middle Schoolers had prepared for them. It was a wonderful way to bring students from different sides of our building together, and we look forward to more pre-chagim visits throughout the year!

Lower School

4B Writes כרטיסי ברכה
This week 4B read a book called " רימונים כחולים" which talks about how the TalAm class writes כרטיסי ברכה to each other and how they have some trouble along the way while writing the notes to their parents before Rosh Hashanah. Our class decided that we wanted to write כרטיסי ברכה to our families in Hebrew. Each student wrote an individual note to his/her family with great wishes for the upcoming year! 

Seconds Graders use Flipgrid to Learn about Communities
Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is like a message board where teachers can pose questions called "topics," and their students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Second graders are learning about communities.  We have learned that groups we belong to outside of school are also considered communities. Communities have rules to keep us safe, and we must follow them in order to be a part of that community.  Using Flipgrid, each student recorded themselves answering questions posed to them, such as, what community group they belong to and what rules they must follow in that group.

Grow Torah
This week, our third graders planted carrots, beets and turnips, (root vegetables) in our Grow Torah garden!

Fifth Grade Scientists
Fifth grade scientists examined the types of changes that occur when mixing different substances and liquids. First, they used their observational skills to determine the physical differences between baking powder, cornstarch, and baking soda. In the next step, the students combined water, iodine, and vinegar with each powder. The students will use their observations and background knowledge to write expository paragraphs describing the chemical and physical reactions that resulted.

Middle School

Big Sister-Little Sister
Our first Big Sister-Little Sister event featured Mr. Azi Steiner  who brought out the "art" in our young women.  Our girls partnered together for a wonderful paint night event filled with laughter and wonderful conversation.  New friends were made and existing bonds strengthened.  Thank you to Morah Baruchov for organizing the evening, Ms. Terry and her crew for preparing wonderful snacks, and Wilson and our maintenance team for going the extra mile.
Click HERE for photos!

Studying different Types of Apples!
In preparation for Rosh Hashanah we studied the different types of apples made by crossbreeding. Then, in learning the scientific method, our 6th graders engineered "apple trappers" to collect the apples. The students were given paper and tape to create their trappers and were challenged with collecting the most apples made from construction paper.  Below are our engineers at work. After testing their trappers, they will compare their results by creating graphs and then identifying the most efficie nt trapper created in the class.

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155 N. Farview Ave.
Paramus, NJ 07652