September 26, 2019
Overtime Salary Raised to $35,568 Effective January 1, 2020
Oklahoma Cities and Towns Gathered for the 105th 
Annual OML Conference & Exposition
Over five hundred (500) municipal officials from across the state attended the 2019 Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) annual conference and exposition in Tulsa, OK, September 17-19. This year’s event marked the 105th gathering and was the largest in OML history.

The conference theme, Be Extraordinary, highlighted an opening day golf scramble tournament, pre-conference workshop, Legendary Leadership, over fifty (50) educational break-out sessions, opening session, featuring special guest speaker, LCDR (SEAL) John J. Parma, receptions, annual meeting, and awards banquets.
Can You Save A Life In 24 Hours? Oklahoma's 1 Day Ranch Says Yes
Twenty-four hours is all it takes to save a life, no matter how damaged or disregarded it may be. This is the philosophy behind 1 Day Ranch near Shawnee, where animals of all sizes and situations can find comfort, companionship, and compassion.