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    Less is More
     An Occasional Newsletter from
      The New England School 
      of Homeopathy
Getting Older,  Getting Better - February 2017

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For our friends in Europe:
March 25-26, 2017
Paul Herscu will be
in West Yorkshire,
speaking on
Anxiety & Stresses of Modern Life 
Getting Older, Getting Better
I was rollerblading a few months ago and though I was dutifully wearing my helmet, I was taken aback by a white wisp of hair flying across my cheek. Whose hair could that possibly be!? The idea of salt & pepper has a certain appeal to me, but when the salt takes over, I was incredulous! I am happily heading toward 60, but keep saying, how can it be? I was just 25! 

And our patients are getting older too. Some people really resist this idea of growing older, but honestly, what's the alternative!? So much is determined by our genes. And we influence how our genes play out by living as healthy a lifestyle as possible and by using gentle, natural medicines when needed, like homeopathy. 
Those who have studied with us, come back for a clinical class this year where we will turn our focus to our older patients. And for all of us, may we be blessed with long healthy, productive lives, with at least a modicum of grace, opportunities for new experiences and hopefully a little bit of fun thrown in there, too!

Love & light,

Develop Expertise in Homeopathy 
NESH 8 Weekend Course* 
returns to the Pacific Northwest!
Starting early 2018
, through May 2019  
Friday night, Saturday & Sunday every other month 
Studying with NESH Offers:
- A philosophical approach that clarifies what happens in practice Cycles & Segments
- Streamlines case taking
- Presents materia medica in an organized & concise way
- Leads to logical repertory use & prevents errors
- Guides case analysis with a strong consistent philosophy
- For beginners: fast learning curve that emphasizes organization & understanding
- For more experienced practitioners: helps prevent common & challenging mistakes

*Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu are in the process of deciding if this course will be held in the Portland or Seattle area. Gauging the level of interest for each location will help them make that decision.  

We'd love to hear back from you right away about your level of interest and preferred location. Please spread the word!

Getting Older Getting Better:
Healthy aging with homeopathic and natural medicines
By Amy Rothenberg ND
Getting Older  
I will never forget the first time I treated an older patient. I was a mere 26 years old, fresh out of naturopathic medical school, and before me sat a woman of 98 with long, flowing white hair and bright eyes that lit up her face. The fine wrinkles around her mouth broke into an easy smile when I walked into the room. Perhaps she was amused at how young they were letting people practice medicine, and a woman to boot!

She shared her story of deep and overpowering sleepiness ever since she'd had cataract surgery four months earlier. Falling asleep frequently might not seem to be a real complaint in someone of this age, but for this patient, it was. Her 80-year-old daughter, who had brought her in to see me, confirmed that her mother had never been like this before the surgery. As I sat in awe of these two older women and the grace, gentleness, and good humor with which they related to one another and the world, I had found yet another reason to love my job. 
Join us for:  
East Coast Clinical Class 
at our home base in Amherst, Massachusetts
for NESH Alumni - Keep the Learning Going! 
April 21-23, 2017 & November 10-12, 2017 
Our 25th Anniversary Special Continues: two for the price of one!

Topic for both Weekends: The Homeopathic Treatment of the Aged. These two weekends will focus on issues and treatments of our older patients. The different ways patients age, some of the typical issues that arise in treatment, as well as the more unusual manifestations will be discussed. We will share homeopathic and non-homeopathic approaches.
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.

Available for current NESH Students and Alumni   
The Herscu Module helps practitioners organize, synthesize and analyze patient information to apply the Cycles & Segments approach to case taking.  
It is the software that Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu use in the classroom 
 and at their practice to achieve more consistent results with their patients.

This offer is available for a limited time, exclusively through the New England School of Homeopathy for qualified NESH participants and alumni.
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu are now accepting new 
patients via Telemedicine Services.  

For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:

To schedule an appointment:
 call 1.860.763.1225
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