
Schools can apply for $200 - $2,000 in funding to support student wellness goals
Students at Dr. Charles R Drew Elementary School in Silver Spring assemble mindfulness kits for classrooms
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is excited to kick-off the 2019-20 school year with the launch of mini-grants to support Local School Wellness Council activities!  

Over the past three years, Montgomery County Public Schools has partnered with the Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative (TCI) to provide this grant opportunity.  All MCPS schools are invited to  apply .  

Each school may apply for $200 - $2,000 in funding to support student wellness goals.  These funds are possible thanks to Trinity Health and the Healthcare Initiative Foundation.

Based on evaluation findings, Local School Wellness Councils have made significant progress to improve opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating and enhance the school climate to support health and wellness in MCPS schools. 

Over $71,000 in funding has been awarded to 43 schools in the past two years. Examples of  items purchased with past mini-grant awards include: supplies for mindfulness activities, water bottle fillers, gardening supplies, and equipment to enhance physical activity.  Funds were also used to support a staff training around student wellness, mindfulness, trauma-informed care and physical activity.  

School garden plots at A.  Mario Loiederman Middle School

All schools are eligible to apply if they meet the following criteria:  
Schools can find more information about the mini-grant opportunity by clicking here .  
About the Transforming Communities Initiative: 

The Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative (TCI) is a partnership between the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI), Trinity Health affiliate Holy Cross Health, the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, and numerous other government and community partners.  Montgomery County, Maryland is one of eight locations selected by Trinity Health for investment through their national TCI grant program.

TCI is an innovative, collaborative funding initiative established by Trinity Health, one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation. Grant recipients, in collaboration with a community coalition(s), implement and support evidence-based and innovative policy, systems and environmental change strategies to reduce obesity, promote tobacco-free living and address social influencers of health. TCI leverages health system funding, community partnerships, local match dollars, capital loan dollars, and national technical assistance resources to improve community health. Funding is also provided by the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission , The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation , and t he  Healthcare Initiative Foundation

For more information regarding the Healthy Montgomery TCI,