Thank you, volunteers!
We've said it before and we'll say it again: our volunteers are the lifeblood of SecureFutures. We couldn't do what we do without their knowledge, dedication, and compassion. This month, we're recognizing all of our volunteers and the extraordinary work they do in impacting teen lives through financial education and capability. Click here for a full list of 2018-2019 volunteers.

As partners both in and out of the classroom, Anthony and Stacy make a unique SecureFutures volunteer team! Read their story here.
"SecureFutures makes it easy to get in front of students and 
help shape their financial future. Volunteering just one time helps you appreciate how critical these lessons are for teens."
Anthony Fabris and Stacy Scheffer
Is your high school graduate ready for financial independence? In her latest blog post, SecureFutures CEO Brenda Campbell talks about how grads can prepare for the sometimes daunting world of financial responsibility in college and beyond.
Thank you, Bradley Foundation!

We are honored to count the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation as one of our foundation supporters, and are grateful for all of our corporate and foundation partners who invest back into the community by supporting teen financial literacy!

We are always adding new opportunities to volunteer for SecureFutures, and we need you!

So many teens are ready to seize the opportunity to make their dreams a reality. Your donation is an investment in their future and in our community. Make your gift today.
710 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 1400
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 273-8101
There are dozens of incredible companies, foundations and individuals who make our teen financial empowerment mission possible. Along with spotlights of those supporters in this newsletter,