Monthly Newsletter | Summer 2019
Your #HealthyMinds Update
July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month! Anyone can experience mental health challenges, but not everyone has equal access to treatment. As we strive to promote the mental and emotional well-being of all youth, let's do what we can, as individuals, to be kinder and more inclusive.

Check out the latest additions to our library below, and please help us to spread the word.
Look Beyond Traditional Methods to
Change Your Children's Behavior

Summer can be a season of ease and relaxation, but this may not be the case for all parents. When trying to improve their children's behavior, they often stick to the conventional methods: explanations, incentives, withholding privileges, or discipline. These strategies might be successful when the root of the problem is a lack of motivation, but in reality this often isn't the case. Tune into another episode of Shrinking It Down, where Drs. Gene Beresin and Steven Schlozman host Stuart Ablon, who describes the underlying causes of challenging behaviors and how parents can help their children overcome them.
How to Combat Loneliness
Despite the busy schedules and activities that summer brings, research shows that young people today may feel lonelier than any other age group. Dr. Beresin shares suggestions for how to prevent and diminish loneliness in a new blog post.
The Clay Center in the News
It can be frightening when your normally well-behaved toddler spirals out of control. Here's how you can plan ahead for your child's tantrums and even head them off before they start.
The development of phobias typically begins in childhood. In a new video, Dr. Braaten points out red flags to watch for and explains how parents can help children overcome their fears.
Panic attacks can develop without warning and can last anywhere from several minutes to several hours. Experts explain how you can walk your child through this experience.
Monthly Mindfulness:
12 Simple Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Kids
from Psychology Today

With no classes or homework to worry about, summer is the perfect season for kids to learn about mindful living. While mindfulness isn't something to be forced, you can help your children practice it in their daily lives through these simple exercises. Read more .
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The more families we reach, the more we grow our mission to support the mental wellness of young people everywhere. Thank you for helping us to spread the word!
Thanks for all you do to support the young, healthy minds in your life!
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