• High Holy Days Schedule
  • Sukkot
  • Simchat Torah
  • Interfaith Thanksgiving
  • ICYMI: Game Night
  • ICYMI: Kosher Hams
  • Social Action: Reading at NCCF
  • Membership: Building Community
  • Nachas Notes
  • Meet A Member
Oct/Nov 2019 Newsletter
Rabbi Elhanan ‘Sunny’ Schnitzer
Tishrei/Cheshvan/Kislev  5780

CLICK for the Complete BJC October/November Events Calendar

Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 29 at 8 PM, followed by Community Oneg
Monday, September 30
        10:00 AM Morning Service
        1:30 PM Family Service for All Ages
        3:30 PM Tashlich at Meadowbrook Park, Chevy Chase, Md
( More about our new venue here .)
Yom Kippur
Tuesday, October 8 at 8 PM Kol Nidre
Wednesday, October 9
        10:00 AM Morning Service
        1:30 PM Family Service for All Ages
        2:30 PM Yom Kippur Discussion
        3:30 PM Musical Meditations
        3:30 PM Chant Circle
        5:00 PM Reading of the Book of Jonah
        5:30 PM Yizkor and Neilah Services
Volunteers—a few more needed
  As you read this, the High Holy Days are nearly upon us. Our thanks to those who have already volunteered. But,there are still some tasks in search of someone to help. Please go to SignUpGenius to sign up for one (or more) tasks. Or, contact Jim Korelitz at or 301-385-3015 to learn where you can help. 

Rosh HaShanah Oneg
Bethesda Jewish Congregation traditionally enjoys refreshments at an Oneg/Reception following Erev Rosh HaShanah services, where we reconnect with our friends. It is our custom for congregants to bring a nosh to grace the table that can be enjoyed by all. If everyone with a last name beginning with A-K would bring cheese, crackers, and fruit and if those whose last name begins with L-Z would bring pastry, cookies, cake, etc., our community will have a celebratory repast as we begin the High Holy Day season.

MANNA Food Drive
As you may know, every year at the High Holy Days, we have a food drive to support MANNA, a local food bank. Click here to see the list of foods that are needed most. 
Kriat HaRav—The Rabbi’s Call
Rabbi Elhanan “Sunny” Schnitzer
As I sat down to write this article, I ran a search for brain ticklers online to stimulate my thinking.
I consulted Rabbi Google, asking the question, “Why should Jews and Muslims form alliances?”
Out of the first 10 hits, 7 were articles from Anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic websites promoting white nationalist or Christian identity agendas. Of course, they condemned the followers of both religions.
However, when I changed the search question to, “Why should Jews, Christians, and Muslims form alliances?” the results were markedly different. Many sites were concerned with passages from the Quran forbidding Muslims from having associations with Jews and Christians. Some sites supported this idea and others rejected it. Some were focused upon how translations of the Quran that forbid such relations are faulty. Similar to how I teach Torah, these scholars teach that prohibitions against such relations were only targeted toward Jews or Christians at war with Muslims, and not towards those who enjoyed friendly or supportive relations. Others were concerned with translations of specific words. There was a marked difference between interpretations by Shia and Sunni scholars. Oh, and the hate sites were still there too.
Fascinating how adding the word “Christians” changed the results, as well as the approach to the question.
The search results tell me that few people are really asking the same question that I am. None of these responses were focused on my question, and yet the response may hold an answer to the overarching question of how can we heal some of the divisions in American society and within humanity. For it is only when people of all religions, races, genders, colors, creeds, and sexual orientation are united that America can fulfill its promise. And that will happen when we live side by side, learn more about each other, and celebrate our commonalities. So far, despite 18 years since the attacks of 9/11 and almost 3 years after the so-called Muslim Ban, no one is really taking concrete steps to address the underlying problem of fear and ignorance that plagues us.
The lack of a good answer to my Google search makes the following announcement all the more important.
A mosque is taking up residence at 6601 Bradley Blvd.
The mosque has been formed with the support of our longtime friends at the Islamic Cultural Center of Potomac (ICCP). This group will serve the “down county” Muslim population and especially, employees of NIH. Friday afternoon prayers will be held weekly in Covenant Hall. Prayer and hospitality will end in plenty of time to allow for set up for BJC’s Shabbat services.
A multi-year calendar has been consulted and there is no convergence of Ramadan and the High Holy Days for the next 4 years. Even when this eventually occurs, BJCs activities and services will have priority, as per our agreement with the church and mosque. Frankly, I am excited rather than concerned about any possible convergence. I can imagine Jews and Muslims fasting together and breaking fast together at Yom Kippur and sharing late night meals on other occasions.
All building users—and their lay leadership—have signed off on the mosque taking up residence. Security concerns have been addressed to everyone’s satisfaction. Services began on August 23 and the hallways are full of smiles and warmth every Friday afternoon (heretofore a very quiet time here on campus).
This is the culmination of many years of quiet and patient behind-the-scenes effort on the part of BHPC’s Pastor David Grey, in partnership with me every step of the way.
The name of this new mosque is Maqom Ibrahim—The Place of Abraham. How fitting that those Arabic words are the same in Hebrew, Makom Avraham . In the Rabbinic tradition, Makom is also one of God’s Holy Names. It is a hint that God’s unity is about learning to sanctify the places where we choose to make God’s name known. When all the children of Abraham, Christian, Muslim, and Jew, can share the same big tent, then we will know peace.
Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
From the Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Jennifer Weiner
What's In a Name?
On September 14, 2019, we began a new year of learning in the BJC Youth Program. What is the BJC Youth Program? Why the change in name? Actually, we are not only changing the name of our religious school. We are also acknowledging the new focus of our 1st-10th Grade Education Program.
BJC holds Torah discussions on the weekly Torah portion. We hold Adult Hebrew classes. We even have special programming for adults. Why then do we refer to our children’s classes as religious school or Hebrew school? Our children certainly do not want to attend school on Shabbat or midweek after being in secular school all day and week. For that reason, along with redesigning the Shabbat morning educational experience for our younger students, we are renaming it.
When our students begin BJC Youth Program on Shabbat morning, they walk into a program in which they are engaged in learning about social justice and taking part in social action. They engage with other students and members of the BJC community including parents and teachers. They may work independently or in a group. Most importantly, they experience learning how to change our world for the better and then act. They also learn the rationale for the project through text study as they wrestle with Jewish texts and offer their thoughts as to how an ancient and/or not-so-ancient piece of literature relates to their modern lives. 
The first hour of our youth program concludes with Tefillah . During our first two weeks, our students have learned the calls of the shofar for Rosh HaShanah . They were involved in Shechecheyanu moments and said the blessing of special occasions during Tefillah . They also discussed the Jewish calendar and the differences between the candle blessing for Shabbat and for the High Holy Days. After Kiddush and Motzi , our students attended Hebrew and Judaics classes.
Saturday mornings and midweek Hebrew classes are experiences. Our students are learners and teachers to each other. As adult teachers, we guide them and help shape the environment around them. We provide the programming. We all learn together. BJC’s Youth Programming is unique in the way students experience their educational setting and our one-on-one Hebrew midweek tutoring.
It is for those reasons that we are now known as the BJC Youth Program. We invite you to join us in our programs on Shabbat mornings.
Shannah Tova u’Mitukah …A Happy and Sweet New Year to you!
President's Column—Sandra Walter
“Increase Yours Chances by 80%. Show Up!”
A blog I read by business guru Tom Peters referred to an essay penned back in 2006 by Brad Isaac on a site called, “Persistence Unlimited.” Isaac says, “You can be or do whatever you want just by showing up. If you want to be an author, show up to write your manuscript every day, show up to writing classes, show up to phone calls to editors. Doesn’t it make sense that someone who arrives at the door of opportunity has more success than someone just sitting at home? So, increase your chances by 80%. Show Up!”
In an instant, I thought that with the last name of Isaac writing an essay on showing up and being present, there must be a special meaning here when you consider the story of “The Binding of Isaac” that we read each year as we show up for the holiest days of our spiritual and religious year. Several years ago, I gave a kavanot during Rosh HaShanah on the parsha, one that was a particularly meaningful one for me as I remember spending Rosh HaShanah days at my beloved grandfather Poppop’s side during a discussion about this passage.
More of us show up at BJC—and synagogue’s worldwide—on these High Holy Days. We hear “Hineni” and yet it doesn’t motivate more of us to show up more at a place we have made an emotional and financial commitment to—BJC.
It’s a new year—time not for resolutions, but revolutions to set and change habits that can revolutionize parts of our lives. To make the bad, better; and the good, remarkable.  
As you read my thoughts, Hineni , below, consider how showing up 80% of the time at BJC—or even 80% more than you are now—would add value to your life beyond “being” Jewish to “doing” Jewish in ways that are important to you as you celebrate with us, sing with us, study with us, have fun with us, express your beliefs in Jewish values, explore the practice of Judaism in a relaxed atmosphere of friends that welcomes questions, builds your knowledge, and generates spiritual fulfillment. 
Thank you for being a member of the BJC family and for putting meaning into the words “ Hineni —Here I am!” throughout the new year.  L’shanah Tovah!
  • Hineni. Here I Am.” The power of one. One voice silent? Or one voice strong?
  • One voice, like Abraham’s, that couldn’t be heard beyond his zealous belief that G-d would never betray him by making him take a knife to his beloved son.
  • One voice, like Isaac’s, either falling deaf on the ears of his father or muted by the circumstances he feels are beyond any decibel levels.
  • One voice, the angel’s, that stops Abraham whose jealous belief in G-d closed his ears to his own inner voice of right and wrong.
  • One voice, the cry of the ram caught in the thickets by its horns. This is the voice of those caught in the thorny tangle of stereotypes, prejudices, fear and ignorance which cannot be escaped on one’s own.
  • One voice, mine, speaking clearly and directly to those I know who mock my “liberal” heart and seek to challenge my understanding and belief that social justice is not robbing the rich to give to the poor -- but means an end to discrimination and access, opportunity, freedom to earn your own pot of gold.
  • One voice, yours, giving volume to that inner voice that raises hairs on the back of your neck and aches YOUR heart each time you hear what you know is wrong and hateful and xenophobic.
  • One voice, OURS, in chorus together as we tweet, write, call, petition, march and work together to right the wrongs that have seen us in their mirror, and continue to catch and kill the spirits of good people in the thickets.
  • One voice, the sound of the shofar, magnifying one voice as a clarion call to people across the tribes that our voices are stronger united than solo. 
  • May you be written into the book of life with a strong voice that declares “Hineni”--as you help repair and better our world this year.
From the BJC Administrator
By Hal Bordy
I’m pleased to be a part of BJC after four decades of executive leadership in the Jewish communal world. Among many, there are two particularly exciting ventures I love to talk about: first, when I engaged in professional consultation and leadership development at the Jewish Community Centre in Winnipeg, Canada, and second at the Jewish Community Center in Los Gatos, California (San Jose). My career has been very project oriented, and I’ve played major roles in the development and re-development of other JCCs.
I’ve had a parallel career in graduate social work education and have served as an adjunct and in advisory roles for a number of universities, most recently as a field liaison for the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College.
Throughout my life, I’ve always been involved with synagogues, mostly as a board member and lay leader. I started as a religious school principal in Des Moines, Iowa and Kansas City, Missouri and was most recently the administrator at a Reconstructionist synagogue in Media, Pennsylvania. I’ve also been a Jewish educator.
Nothing gives me more satisfaction than contributing to the enhancement and strengthening of Jewish community and mentoring youth, college-age students, and young Jewish communal professionals. I haven’t been at BJC long, but I’m looking forward to bringing my skills to BJC, one of the most creative and dynamic environments for enriching Jewish life I’ve encountered.
My wife Cheryl is a speech pathologist who has worked with children, teens, and young adults with autism and other developmental disabilities; she particularly likes to work with early intervention. Her sidelines have been party and event planning, not to mention her love of musical theater, where she has directed, produced, and acted in a number of shows over the years.
Our pride and joy are our two grandsons, Mochai and Archie, 5 and 3 respectively, who live in Philadelphia. And, wherever you see me, you will likely see the Bordy Bichon Frise, Maggie, who has had her own career in synagogue life as a social director and auxiliary security. The Bordys love international travel, theater, art, and international cuisine. Don’t be surprised if I show up at a meeting with homemade baked goods.
We are very happy to become part of the BJC family and community. Please make it a point to introduce yourself so we can get to know each other.
Rabbi's Message
Please be in touch with me in times of joy, sadness, or illness in your life or in the lives of a loved one or another member of the congregation. This is particularly necessary now that HIPAA regulations have made getting information from hospitals extremely difficult. I greatly appreciate your help keeping me informed of the health needs of our congregation. Please call: 301-469-8636 #3.

Click for the complete BJC October/November Calendar
Rebetzin Yaffah’s Yom Kippur Chant Circle
Wednesday, October 9, 3:30 PM
The Journey of Forgiveness

Forgiveness doesn't mean ignoring an injustice or letting someone treat you badly. It is about healing the memory of the harm  Join “Opening the Heart Chant circle” for our annual afternoon chant program as we step onto the path of T'shuvah .
Chanting is a form of meditation that can open the doors of the heart. Experience the power and potential of this pathway to soul.
We will also chant on November 9.
This is What We Need to Build a Sukkah--YOU!
Sukkah Build and Service
Sunday, October 13, 3 PM
Give us 2 hours of your time for Hiddur Bimah —the beautification of our worship spaces for Sukkot. We need volunteers to set up the structure, and hang the branches, fruits, and vegetables that make the Sukkah such a joy to the eye and the soul. This is one of those projects suitable for all ages. After the Sukkah is completed, we will enjoy a light supper followed by our Erev Sukkot Service, suitable for all ages, and the waving of the Lulav and Etrog .
Call the BJC Office to volunteer or go to the Sign Up Genius. Even if all of the slots are filled, please come. Many hands make light work.
Simchat Torah Celebration
Friday, October 18, 7 PM

Once again, we’ll be entertained by the BJC Simcha Band in Memorial Hall. The tables will be laid out and the Torah rolled out as Rabbi Schnitzer walk us through the Torah from the end and back to the beginning, chanting and singing as we go… Join us for “Rollin’ Up the Torah!”
 Annual Interfaith Service with Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Idara e Jaferia, Maqom Ibrahim, and the Islamic Cultural Center of Potomac
Sunday, November 17, 10 AM, followed by brunch. Brunch RSVP required.
Please plan on joining us for a morning of interfaith inspiration and music with our spiritual siblings. This event is always a highlight of the year.
All are welcome to attend the service without a reservation. However, if you wish to attend the catered brunch that follows the service, there is a suggested free-will donation of $18.00 per adult in advance, $20.00 at the door, and $5.00 for children age 12 and under. All donations are applied towards defraying the costs of hosting the brunch. This event tends to sell out, so reservations for the brunch should be made in advance.
RSVP and make your donation through the BJC Website .
If you would like to help with shopping, setting up, decorating or one of the other tasks necessary to make the brunch a success, please contact the BJC Office.
Book Club
Wedneday, October 23 and November 20, 8 PM

The BJC Open Book Club meets in the Lounge at 8 PM usually on the 4th Wednesday of every month. Anyone is welcome to join or just drop in for a particular book discussion. For more information, please contact Evelyn Ganzglass    
October 23-- The Last Watchman of Old Cairo , by Michael David Lukas is a novel inspired by the  “dis­cov­ery” of the doc­u­ments of the geniza in the Ben Ezra Syn­a­gogue of Fus­tat (Old Cairo) in the late 19th cen­tu­ry. It plots a con­tem­po­rary tale with flour­ish­es of mys­tery, and cur­rent soci­etal concerns toggling between Cairo in the 11th century, the 19th century, and the present day. 

November 20 (Third Wednesday)-- The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore is a thrilling novel based on actual events, about the nature of genius, the cost of ambition, and the battle between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse to electrify America and to reap the wealth and glory that would follow.  
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: A Jump Start to Youth Programs
By Issie Resti

On August 29th, religious school families gathered together to enjoy a pasta dinner, catch up with old friends, and hear about the exciting new youth education program at BJC. Education Director Rabbi Jennifer Weiner explained how social justice and experiential learning will be the cornerstones of every lesson, which will also incorporate activities for the whole family. The evening included an art activity to support local food bank Manna and ended with students sharing their own dreams for the 5780 school year.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: The Kosher Hams & Selichot
By Helen Dalton
Saturday night September 21 at BJC was a musical, magical miracle. How fortunate were we to have such talented members, led by our equally talented rabbi, to entertain us with their beautiful voices and marvelous renditions of “Borsch belt and Broadway” songs. And when the free concert was followed by a delicious and delightful dessert reception with home-baked delicacies made by Judy Folsom , BJC is a most generous and welcoming place, indeed. About 60 members and guests basked in that warmth.
Rabbi Sunny imaginatively created an evening that celebrated our Jewish cultural heritage by tracing the arc of musical creation from young performers and musical talents starting out in the Catskills venues to the bright lights of Broadway. If you missed this latest performance of the Kosher Hams, Rabbi Sunny, Joan Wolf and Leah Chiaverini , accompanied by spirited piano playing by Karen Levy , you missed a real treat.
The lovely reception, featuring desserts by Judy Folsom , was followed by a beautiful and meaningful Selichot service. Rabbi Sunny led us as we prepared ourselves for the High Holy Days. The Torah covers were changed for the holidays and candles were lit to represent tshuva, tzedaka, and t’feila . The service concluded with the sounding of the shofar , with Shoshanah Drake joining the Rabbi in this Selichot tradition.
Social Action Wants You to Know: NCCF: Read Aloud!
by Helen Dalton

Most of us, in fact, probably all of us, cherish the time we can find to sit down in a comfortable chair and get immersed in a really good book. It is one of life’s truly great pleasures. Thanks to a joint Social Action Committee venture of both Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church and BJC, we bring the same pleasure to the children temporarily housed at the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) through the READ ALOUD program.
It is very easy to join and is lots of fun. After a mandatory orientation session, you sign up online to select the option of activity and date. The program is offered every Tuesday from 7-8 pm, and you can choose how often you come. We read from a book to a small group of children, typically from about 6-10 years old, and then engage them in an activity tied in some way to the subject of the book. NCCF provides the books and materials for the activities. Teams can always choose from the NCCF library. 
We read from an illustrated text and often ask questions or respond to them. My favorite, so far, was when we read about the artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat. We gave the children magazines, and they tore out pictures to create a collage. I worked with two girls who chose color for their theme, and they cut out beautiful pictures in striking colors and arranged them artistically. All the children’s efforts were then lined up and displayed as in an art gallery to great acclaim and applause!
Steve Fox, a volunteer from BHPC relates a “phenomenal experience” he had with his assignment. The leader read from Eric Carle’s The Tiny Seed, which sequed perfectly into a hands-on science project. The children brought to life the book by performing the steps of planting, watering, recognizing the right height to get sunlight and photosynthesis and how the blossom protects the seed for another growth. Steve says the children were completely absorbed, some even naming their plants, placing them on a windowsill and tending to them so that in one month they would plant them in a garden behind the building. It’s a life lesson in how all things can blossom and grow in the right environment—plants, trees and children.
You can have such an absorbing and enlightening experience yourself, seeing the interest come alive while listening to the book, sometimes fiction, sometimes not, and watching the imagination take over as the children make the words real. It is very satisfying to be with the children as they become interested in a book and then absorbed in the activity. As they hear and see the words, then engage in the activity, they are not just learning about what is in a book, they are experiencing the great pleasure that comes from books.  
Membership: Creating Community
by Diane Blumenthal
I’m a member of BJC’s prayer book Hebrew class that meets every Saturday morning at 9:00, before 10:30 Shabbat services. While about a dozen people take Hebrew, the size of our group varies from week to week. Our teacher, Maran Gluckstein , is an amazing educator. She has endless patience and the ability to teach and encourage adult learners. Each student in our class has a different level of proficiency, but Maran is able to give each the help needed to make progress in learning Hebrew.
Sitting at three tables, we work in groups: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Although at different tables, over time, we’ve gotten to know one another. Recently, one of our newer class members, Margaret Bachrach and her husband Burt (a mainstay of Hebrew class), took our friendliness to another level. They hosted a potluck Shabbat luncheon at their house. Significant others were invited to attend so they could meet the people we study with on Saturday morning. (This photo is Maran, her husband Fritz, and Nancy Glassman.)
Sixteen people attended the potluck. There was a mix of new members and long-time members; those who attend services regularly and those who don’t attend at all. The youngest was in her late teens, the oldest was a gentleman of a certain age. Some members were Jewish, others were not. While connected to the adult Hebrew class, the group was remarkably representative of BJC as a whole. It was a diverse group of individuals with different backgrounds and levels of observance who joined BJC for different reasons. After lunch, however, we were more comfortable with one another, closer to feeling part of a community.
While I’m obviously a proponent of learning Hebrew as an adult, especially from Maran, as BJC’s Membership Committee Chairman, I was taken with the Bachrach’s spontaneous approach to building community. Then, I learned that last January BJC’s Board piloted a potluck evening, Friends Who Feast, to bring long-time and newer members together. It seemed that like minds were already working to knit the BJC community closer. 
Of course, new members are critical to the life of a synagogue, but engaging current members is also necessary for a vibrant community. This year, we will sponsor events to encourage member participation outside as well as inside BJC. Encouraging BJC to become a closer community, as the Rabbi says, “one community of caring,” is a goal worth pursuing in 5780.
Contact me with your thoughts and ideas. I’d love to hear from you.  
BHPC/BJC Garden Guild
How do you think our synagogue’s campus always look so nice? Bradley Hills has a Garden Guild that works to make our outdoor space attractive. In addition to ongoing maintenance activities (a/k/a/ weeding), twice a year there is a special effort, the Fall Call and the Spring Fling. Fall Call will occur this year on Sunday, October 13 from 12:30-3:00 PM. Plenty of time to garden before the Sukkah build.
If you’re interested in joining other BJC members and BHPC members, get in touch with Jeanne Tustian at or Carol Ann Greenberg at
What's on your mind? BJC members are not known for being without opinions--we often see our members published in The Washington Post. Why not share your thoughts? Youth of all ages are encouraged to share. Send your thoughts to:
Nachas Notes
Editor’s Note: Here’s a spot to kvell with your BJC community. Let us know what you’re celebrating. An engagement? A new baby? Grandbaby? Got into that great college? A new job? Send your good news to:

  • Mazel Tov Talia O’Brien on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, and to her parents, Lisa Farinholt-O’Brien & Tim O’Brien, and her grandparents, Wynne & Bruce Busman.
  • Mazel Tov to Trevor Drake, who won the Greater Washington JCC Perlo School Athlete Award based n his excellence in sports, academics, and commitment to community service.
  • Mazel Tov to Judith Welles and Tim Shank on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson

Meet a Member: The Pelter Family
By Jeremy Pelter
My family joined BJC in 2017. My parents had found BJC as a spiritual home several years earlier and had often brought me as a guest to BJC High Holy Day services. It was easy to get excited about the congregation and the spiritualism I encountered. BJC was far different from the traditional and impersonal synagogue experience I grew up with.
As my wife Sarah and I found ourselves with a growing family, I decided it was time for me to help us find a spiritual home for our children Joseph (almost 10) and Richard (8). Sarah is a practicing Catholic, and this raised two important points—I had the main duty to find our synagogue, and it had to be open and loving of my interfaith family. BJC seemed to be calling to me.
BJC has been a wonderful home to us. Our boys attend the religious school youth program every Saturday, and I have found a special group of friends at the intimate Saturday morning services. My Saturday morning experiences with Rabbi Sunny always help renew my spirit from a hectic work week and put a little more spring in my step. Our boys feel like BJC is their place and, just as importantly, Sarah has felt welcome and has engaged in many school social action projects.
I graduated from Indiana University in 2003 with a BA in Political Science and recently completed a MS in Management at the University of Maryland University College. Following college, I worked at the National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. As an Eagle Scout, it was a unique opportunity to put my professional and personal interests together and feel like I was giving back to a community that had given a lot to me. The best part about working with the Scouts was meeting my wife Sarah, who was a fellow employee!
In early 2008, shortly after our wedding, I joined the federal government beginning with the Small Business Administration. Currently, I work at the Department of Commerce. Most of my federal career has revolved around budgets and financial management, working to ensure that resources are well aligned with program priorities and policy initiatives.
Recently, after engaging as a volunteer in a few capacities, I joined the BJC Board of Trustees as Vice President. I was very excited and honored to be asked. This was an opportunity to support a synagogue and congregation I have come to call home. My hope is that my service to BJC will help keep us strong in our membership, in our sense of community, and in our spirit.
In this picture, our family was visiting a distillery on the Speyside Whisky Trail this past July in Scotland. No Scots Whisky tasting for the wee ones!

Freda Corman Blumenthal, mother of Diane Blumenthal
Jill Camp, wife of John Camp
Edward T. Campiglia, father of John Camp
Mitchell Cooper, father of David Cooper
Evelyn Dwork, mother of Barry Dwork
Fanny Dwork, grandmother of Barry Dwork
Solomon Dwork, father of Barry Dwork
Toba Vallens Farb, mother of Warren Farb
Molly Friedman, mother of Hannah Friedman Elson
Cliff Hecht, husband of Joanie Schnitzer
Vivian Levitas Kramer, grandmother of Harri Kramer
Lillian Landaw, aunt of Lance Pelter
Ethel Levine, mother of Leslie Levine
Hannah Pelter, grandmother of Lance Pelter
Shirley Poogach, mother of Robert Poogach
Samuel Rein, father of Susan Kraut
Bruce Scott, brother of David Scott
Myron Silbert, uncle of Earl Silbert
Julius Spiro, father of Dan Spiro
Matthew Tarker, father-in-law of Eliot Sternfeld
Eleanor Leister Trussel, mother of Joy Gold
Rhoda Turow, grandmother of Steve Turow
Florence Wolpert, mother of Ira Wolpert
J ay Cantor, father of Barry Cantor
Sonya Schwartz Choper, sister of Linda Baum
Renee Cooper, mother of David Cooper
Bernard Morris Dubin, father of Alan Dubin
Libby Dubin, sister of Alan Dubin
Miriam Gleberman, mother of Ellen Gleberman
Ethel Gluckstein, wife Fritz Gluckstein
Harry David Haber, father of Miles Haber
Beatrice Heller, mother of Carrie Schaefer           
Pepi Hernden, mother of Sandra Medlin
Doreen Kahn, mother of Ralph Kahn
Ralph Kaufman, father of Emily Kaufman van Agtmael
Morris Poogach, father of Robert Poogach
Sidney Tahler, grandfather of Rori Kochman
Alan Turow, father of Stephen Turow
Henry P. Wolf, father of Joan Wolf
Thank You

A Shout Out to our Oneg Hosts in July, August, & September
Ruth Salinger                                          
Judy David Scott                                     
Sana Shtasel & Jim Kretz                          
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya                       
Norma & Ed Stern                                   
Judy & Al Folsom                                      
Linda Engel & Mike Goldstein                    
Barry Dwork & Jeremy Mendelson
Ruth & Todd Magin
Michelle & Stuart Frank
Helen & Michael Dalton
Elizabeth & Ralph Kirkpatrick
Karen Jerome & Jonathan Eig

Note: Because the BJC office had limited coverage over the summer, some donations may not be acknowledged below. 
Donations to the General Fund

Mitchell and Julie Kraus   
Susan Kraut   
Wendy Mellinger and Robert Poogach  
Gerson and Shirley Yalowitz
Dr. Fritz and Maran Gluckstein, in honor of Mindy Silverstein
Burt Bachrach, in memory of Bill van Berg
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in memory of Bill van Berg
Edith & Bruce Goldstein, in memory of Bill van Berg
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of Bill van Berg
Norma & Edward Stern, in memory of Bill van Berg
Diane Blumenthal & Craig Winslow, in memory of Bill van Berg
Diane Blumenthal & Craig Winslow, in memory of Doris Rauch
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in memory of Eva Levi
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of Phyllis Hoffman
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of Ruth Rosenberg
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of Harri’s grandmother Rose Wagman Sherman and grandfather Aaron (Harry) Kramer
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in memory of their parents
Howard Teitelbaum, in support of Yizkor Book  

Donations to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Norma & Edward Stern     
Lorrie van Akkeren               
Judith & Janeth Ginsburg  
Judi Dash, in honor of Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Anita and Warren Farb, in support of Gun Violence Prevention
Sana Shtasel & James Kretz, in honor of their daughter Alera’s confirmation
Karen Levi, in memory of her mother, Eva Levi
Kelly & Aaron Mendelsohn, in honor of their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Malka Ostchega & Justin Travis in appreciation of Rabbi Schnitzer on the occasion of their daughter’s baby-naming

To the Cuba Fund

Lorrie van Akkeren   
A Special Thank You

And to all of our members who “round up” their synagogue support and donate their time, as well as donate their time to volunteer.
Board of Trustees

President Sandra Walter
Vice-President Jeremy Pelter
Treasurer Terri Reicher
Secretary Lorrie Van Akkeren

Jason Engel
Ken Fine 
Helen Dalton
Alan Grunes
Alan Lichter
Ted Posner
David Slacter
Committee Chairs
Communication [An Opportunity!]
Education Issie Resti
Financial Advisor Jason Engel
High Holy Days Jim Korelitz
Student Representative Sammy Peterson Intercongregational Partnership Liaison
Marty Ganzglass
Membership Diane Blumenthal
Past President Shoshanah Drake
Programs Jaon Weidenfeld
Social Action Harri j. Kramer

BJC Administration
Spiritual Leader Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Director of Congregational Education Rabbi Jennifer Weiner
Synagogue Administrator Hal Bordy

BJC News
Interim Newsletter Editor Harri j. Kramer


Bethesda Jewish Congregation
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817-3042
Tel: 301-469-8636