Principal's Message September 25, 2019

This week my message is coming to you a day early because I will be out of the building from Wednesday afternoon through Friday. I will be attending a Principal's retreat with all of the principals in the Diocese of Bridgeport. By the time I return on Monday, I expect to have our new middle school science teacher and reading specialist in place. At this time, I am awaiting final paperwork from Central Office so I cannot provide any more details. When I have the official documentation from the Diocese, I will certainly share the news with you all.
It is hard to believe that we have officially entered the season of autumn with temperatures this week feeling more like summer. However, upon spending time in any given classroom in our school, it becomes clear that our students are not in summer mode. They are working hard and learning so much. Fourth graders are preparing to begin their first book projects, eighth graders have written impressive career essays, kindergartners will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day and will be making applesauce in the classroom this Thursday. As I visit classrooms, I see active and engaged, student-centered learning. We have come a long way since that first day of school on August 28, even if the weather tells us otherwise.
God Bless,
Mrs. Ambrosio