July 2019
New Video Highlights Innovative Health Initiative Addressing Childhood Obesity and Tobacco-Free Living in Montgomery County
For the past two years, we, at the Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative (TCI), have been working steadfastly and diligently to improve the health of Montgomery County residents.

We are excited to report all our hard work has been paying off as we gain ground in the battle against obesity and attempts to curb tobacco use, which are the leading drivers of preventable chronic diseases and health care costs in the United States.

The TCI launched in 2016 to advance community partnerships that focus on improving the health and well-being of residents in the county.

This initiative brings together stakeholders across public, private, and non-profit sectors to improve school wellness, increase community food access, expand safe routes to schools, and promote tobacco-free living in areas of high need including Gaithersburg, Germantown, Long Branch, and Takoma Park.

Through the TCI, the Institute for Public Health Innovation has been able to fund innovative programs  through partnerships with Montgomery County Public Schools, the Montgomery County Food Council, the Primary Care Coalition, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, and the American Lung Association  that - after two years - have shown great results.

We invite you to take a look at our video where we highlight our successful partnerships. 
Health Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative Video
About the Transforming Communities Initiative: 

The Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative (TCI) is a partnership between the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI), Trinity Health member Holy Cross Health, the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, and numerous other government and community partners.  It is one of eight communities selected by Trinity Health to implement the TCI.

TCI is an innovative, collaborative funding initiative established by Trinity Health, one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation. Grant recipients, in collaboration with a community coalition(s), implement and support evidence-based and innovative policy, systems and environmental change strategies to reduce obesity, promote tobacco-free living and address social influencers of health. TCI leverages health system funding, community partnerships, local match dollars, capital loan dollars, and national technical assistance resources to improve community health.

For more information regarding the Healthy Montgomery TCI, visit